May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1532 - Chapter 1532 I want Wa and you 232

Chapter 1532: Chapter 1532 I want Wa and you 232

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"He's the clan leader? " Lian Lian was stunned. Night Star Soul had never told her that he was the clan leader of the Shaman clan. He only said that he was a member of the Shaman clan.

"That's right. Don't you know that he's our clan leader? The four of us are his women! " Another woman said proudly.

Lian Lian did not care about who was whose woman. She only cared about how night star soul became the clan leader.

"When did he become the clan leader of the Shaman clan? " Lian Lian asked.

"He was born to be the patriarch of the Shaman clan. He is the son of protector Ye Wei. His father is Gong Mochen! " A woman said.

Lian Lian almost fainted from anger. "His father is Gong Mochen? Are you kidding me? Are you guys retarded? "

"Who are you calling retarded? Our Patriarch's father is Gong Mochen! This is something that our entire clan knows! "

"That's right, are you jealous? Gong MOCHEN IS A WORLD-CLASS TYCOON! "

"Are you scared by our patriarch's identity? hehe! Our Patriarch is not only the Patriarch of the Shaman clan, but also the son of a business tycoon! "

The four women scrambled to speak.

Lian Lian's face turned Pale. She did not expect to find out about her father's affairs when she came to the Shaman clan!

"GET OUT OF THE WAY! " She had never been a good-tempered person, but these women had angered her this time.

She wanted to find ye Wei and ask her about it!

"Why are you so uneducated? "

"That's right, we are all the clan leader's women. WE ARE PEOPLE OF STATUS! "

"when our clansmen see us, they have to kneel and salute! "

"since you have come to our Shaman clan, you have to abide by our Shaman clan's rules. The clan leader has not acknowledged you as his woman, so you have to kneel and salute US too! "

The four women spoke in an overbearing tone. They had come to find trouble with Lian Lian just to get Lian Lian to kneel down and pay their respects to them!

They had just become the women of the night astral soul. In the end, the night astral soul had brought a woman back from the outside. And this woman was still pregnant. They wanted to show this woman their might!

Lian Lian's face twitched violently. She was a princess at home and a queen when she returned to the country. Who had she knelt to?

"What if I don't kneel? " She spoke in a cold voice.

"If you don't kneel, you must accept the clan's rules! Men, arrest this woman who has offended her superiors! " The women shouted.

The bodyguards and pilots who had been following Lian Lian immediately ran over to protect her.

"I want to see who dares to be rude to my master? " The bodyguards confronted the witch clansmen who were called over by the women.

"Your master is rude to us, so she must be punished! Hit Her! " The women shouted.

The bodyguards looked at the witch clansmen who were rushing over and stretched out their hands to hit them.

"BE CAREFUL! They know how to use medicine! " Lian Lian quickly reminded her bodyguards. She was afraid that if the witch clansmen suddenly scattered some medicine powder, her bodyguards would be poisoned.

"Don't worry, Missy! I won't be so easily fooled by them! " The bodyguard observed his opponent's every move and sure enough, he saw that his opponent was moving to take something out.

His foot kicked the man's hand first, preventing him from taking out the medicine.

Although the Voodoo clan members knew how to use medicine, their martial arts were really not that good, so they were kicked down by the bodyguard just like that.

Lian Lian ran over in a few steps and let the pilot step on the Voodoo clan's man. She reached out and took out the medicine powder in the man's arms.

She looked at the bag of powder and clicked her tongue. "YOU SNEAKY BASTARD! You can't beat my bodyguard with this! Let me see what kind of medicine this thing is! "

After she finished speaking, she sprinkled the powder on the man's face. Instantly, the man on the ground howled. His face was itchy and unbearable. He reached out to scratch his own face and rolled on the ground in pain!

The few women's faces turned Pale. "All of you, attack together and catch the wicked woman who bullied our Shaman tribe! "

Lian Lian reached out and took out blackie, littleflower, and littleflower's group of companions. She threw them at the people who were running towards them.

Littleflower and its companions were extremely powerful. When Lian Lian threw them onto the Shaman's bodies, the moment they touched their skin, they opened their mouths and bit them!

"Ah! " A few men cried out in pain.

Littleflower and blacky were both poisonous. They immediately felt the power of the POISONOUS SNAKES AND SPIDERS!

When the few women saw that the men were all poisoned, they cried out in fear.


"HELP! Help! "

After being shouted by the women, the small wooden house that was originally closed opened. The witches came out in full force and surrounded Lian Lian and her bodyguards.

Ye Wei walked over from the crowd and asked coldly, "what's going on? "

She looked at the few men who were wailing on the ground.

"GUARDIAN! This outsider wants to kill us! "

"Yes! She's a bad woman. Guardian, please kill her! AVENGE OUR PEOPLE! "

"We all saw it. She used a poisonous snake to BITE OUR PEOPLE! "

"Bad woman! Don't even think about running away! "

The four women said fiercely.

Lian Lian snorted. "Why would I run away? I didn't do anything wrong. You guys are pretty good at twisting the truth! Unfortunately, I pressed the recording button just now. I don't mind showing everyone what you said just now! "

She turned on her phone and played the recording.

As the recording was turned on, the women's faces turned Pale.

"Did you all hear that? They insisted on making me kneel. If I didn't kneel, they would have arrested me, " Lian Lian said.

"Protector! It's only right for us to make her kneel. She's an outsider! " A woman quibbled.

"Hehe, even your clan leader wants to kneel when he sees me. Who Do you think you are? Can you bear to have me kneel? " Lian Lian said coldly.

In the Royal Palace, even the night astral soul had to kneel to her according to the rules.

Ye Wei's expression turned ugly. It was obvious that she couldn't even speak up for her son and daughter-in-law. "They don't know your identity and treat you as an ordinary person. You can completely explain your identity to them. "

"Protector, are you saying that it's my fault? Then I don't know. WHO said that Ye Xinghun is Gong Mochen's son? Why haven't I heard him mention that he has this son? " Lian Lian asked.

Ye Wei's expression stiffened. Ye Xinghun's identity was said by her. However, Lian Lian exposed her in front of so many people. Where should she put her face?

"How much do you know about me and Gong Mochen? " She retorted.

"I don't know much. I can get him to personally explain Ye Xinghun's identity! Ye Wei, you're addicted to being a mistress! HOW SHAMELESS! " Lian Lian snapped.

Ye Wei's face stiffened, "who are you calling shameless? "

"I'm calling a mistress shameless! Gong MOCHEN has a wife! Who Do you think you are? You still dare to say that your son is Gong Mochen's son! Why has my father never acknowledged you two? " Lian Lian questioned Ye Wei.

She was never someone to be trifled with. No one could think of bullying her and her mother!

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