May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1500 - Chapter 1500: I Want my child and you 200

Chapter 1500: Chapter 1500: I Want my child and you 200

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Sikong Yi's heart sank. It seemed that Bai Bo was determined to marry Du Xi.

Du Can was exceptionally happy. "Good, good! Good Child, Du Xi did not choose the wrong person. I have already transferred the money invested in the hospital to your father. You can prepare the hospital now. "

"I want to wait for du Xi to wake up and prepare the hospital together. The hospital is for both of us. I should wait for her to wake up and prepare it together, " Bai Bo said.

Du Can was getting more and more satisfied with Bai Bo. When Bai Bo heard that he had money, he had to wait for du Xi to prepare the hospital together. It could be seen that Bai Bo was not greedy for their family's money!

He Patted Bai Bo's shoulder, "alright, you young people can do whatever you like. I HAVE NO OBJECTIONS! As long as you treat du Xi well. "

"Father and mother, if you are fine, you can leave. Du Xi needs to rest. " Du Rui could not be bothered to look at his parents. He had never seen Du Xi since they came in.

"Oh, I'll leave first then. You take good care of your sister. " Du can turned around and walked out of the ward. Anyway, he had heard from Gong Mochen that Du Xi's condition was very stable, so he was relieved.

When Yan Fei saw that DU can had left, she glanced at Du Xi and left as well.

Du Rui was speechless at his parents. This kind of indifference deeply hurt his heart. He felt that Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng were more concerned about du Xi than his parents.

"The two of you should go back and rest too. Today is the most dangerous day. I'll stay here to Guard du Xi. You guys can come back tomorrow, " said Du Rui.

"I'm not leaving. Today is the most dangerous day. I'LL GUARD DU XI. You guys go back and rest, " said Sikong Yi.

"I'm Du Xi's fianc��. I should be the one to guard her! " Bai Bo protested seriously.

"We're all here, and we can't help du Xi. I'm Du Xi's biological brother. I won't leave today, " Du Rui said.

"I WON'T LEAVE ANYWAY! I'm her FIANC?. I can't leave! I think the one who can leave here is big brother Sikong! " Bai Bo's voice was filled with hostility. He hadn't settled the score with Sikong Yi for Taking du Xi away!

If Sikong Yi hadn't taken du Xi away, Du Xi wouldn't have been hurt.

Sikong Yi pursed his lips into a straight line. He became a gorgeous outsider.

"I'm not leaving either. Today is du Xi's most dangerous day. We'll all stay behind to look after Du Xi. When du Xi Wakes Up, we'll take turns to look after her, " Sikong Yi said.

Du Rui was well aware of Sikong Yi's temper. To be honest, he knew that he was no match for Sikong Yi. Sikong Yi had been practicing martial arts since he was young, and he had been eating and drinking since he was young. Their martial arts skills were no longer the same.

"Alright then. We'll all stay behind to look after Du Xi today. When she wakes up, we'll take turns to look after her. "

"I don't agree. WHY SHOULD WE TAKE TURNS TO TAKE CARE OF DU XI? When du Xi Wakes Up, let her choose someone to take care of her! WE'LL ALL LISTEN TO DU XI! " Bai Bo said.

"That works too. We'll all listen to du Xi. Sikong Yi, you won't Disobey Du Xi, right? " Du Rui asked.

Sikong Yi's hands clenched into fists uncontrollably. He was certain that Du Rui was helping Bai Bo on purpose. He had no confidence that Du Xi would choose him to stay.

"Of course I'll listen to Du Xi, " he said coldly. What else could he do apart from saying this?

He couldn't say that he wouldn't listen to Du Xi, right?

Du Rui and Bai Bo looked at each other. The two of them understood each other. Du Xi's injury this time was all because Sikong Yi had taken Xiao Xueyan in. They were sure that du Xi wouldn't forgive Sikong Yi!

Letting du Xi choose who to stay was just using du Xi's mouth to drive Sikong Yi away. This way, not only could Sikong Yi be driven away, but Sikong Yi could also be left speechless!

Sikong Yi's eyes looked at du Xi on the hospital bed. What would she say when she woke up the next day?


Lian Lian and GAIA returned to Gong Mochen's villa. As a man, GAIA would definitely have to curry favor with his father-in-law. When he returned home, he would follow Gong Mochen and accompany Gong Mochen to the golf course behind the villa to play golf.

Lian Lian finally had time to spend alone with her mother.

"Mom, I have something to ask you. What was the result of the paternity test that you did for Xin Ba and me last time? " Lian Lian dismissed all the maids and asked Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's face stiffened. She had never been good at lying since she was young. She had practiced for her entire life and had never mastered it.

Moreover, this time, she was lying to her biological daughter.

"Didn't I tell you? You have nothing to do with Xin Ba. " Thinking of that child gave her a headache She had already done the paternity test. She knew Xin BA's identity, but her daughter was her biological daughter. She and Gong Mochen naturally had to protect their daughter first. Moreover, Xin Ba was not in any danger now. Chu Chu still needed Xin ba to stabilize her position Meanwhile, the Da Qing in the palace were all arranged by Willam to be loyal to him to the death.

They did not have to worry about Xin BA's safety. As long as they maintained the current situation, Xin Ba would be able to grow up peacefully.

"Mom, YOU'RE LYING! " Lian Lian's gaze landed on Qin Sheng's face.

"How, how can I lie? " Qin Sheng quickly denied.

"You'll never be able to lie in your life! If you lie, your tongue will tie, " Lian Lian pointed out bluntly.

"WHO's tied? Stupid girl, how dare you talk back to your own mother! " Qin Sheng could only use her identity as her mother to suppress Lian Lian.

"Alright, let's not talk about the knot. Chu Chu and I are cousins. Even if XIN BA and I are not mother and son, we are more or less related by blood, right? How can it be zero? " Lian Lian questioned.

"This, this, wait for your father to come back. Ask Him! " Qin Sheng could only push the blame onto her husband.

"My father coming back can't change the truth! To be honest, during the two years I lost my memory in GAIA's palace, I really gave birth to a child. THAT CHILD IS XIN BA! " Lian Lian said.

Qin Sheng was so frightened that she pulled her daughter back. "Have you said this to GAIA? "

"Do you think I'm stupid? Of course I haven't told him. I won't let him know what I've discovered! " Lian Lian said.

Qin Sheng finally caught her breath. "Don't tell him about this! "

"So, my guess is true! Xin Ba is the son of me and Willam. GAIA deliberately made me lose my memory and made me forget that I gave birth to a son. Then, he wanted my son to ascend the throne and control the Kingdom of Switzerland! " Lian Lian's voice was unusually cold.

If she had not saved Willam and allowed him to live, then the person who usurped the throne would not have been Willam's brother Arthur, but GAIA had used her son to ascend the throne.

In other words, on the night that Arthur wanted to usurp the throne, the child that she and Willam saw was Xin BA, their son!

After thinking through all this, Lian Lian's heart seemed to have been pierced by 10,000 knives. She and her child were once so close, but she did not know that it was her child!

"Sigh! Lian Lian, you have to know one thing. Right now, XIN BA is safe, but if you break this window paper, the first person to be in danger is him!

"Your father and I have thought it over and over again and decided not to tell you the truth. We have chosen the best outcome for you and XIN BA! " Qin Sheng said.

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