May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1498 - Chapter 1498 I want my baby and you 198

Chapter 1498: Chapter 1498 I want my baby and you 198

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Xiao Xueyan's entire body went soft as she slid from the chair to the ground. She knelt on the ground and cried loudly at Sikong Yi "Brother Yi, I accidentally hurt Du Xi! I went to pay my respects to my sister, but I didn't expect to meet you guys. I didn't go in but stood outside the cemetery. I just happened to hear du Xi admit that she was the one who caused my sister's death!

My biological sister was killed by her just like that. How could I not be angry? That's why I wanted to kill her to avenge my sister If she didn't kill my sister first, I wouldn't want to kill her either Brother Yi, my sister died so pitifully Do you know how resentful she died? Does she deserve to die in vain Brother Yi, you have to make justice for my sister!"

She threw herself at Sikong Yi and told him that Xiao Ziyan was killed by du Xi. She asked Sikong Yi to make justice for her sister.

She wanted to use Sikong Yi's guilt towards her sister to get Sikong Yi to let her go!

Du Rui reached out and grabbed Xiao Xueyan by the collar. He lifted her up and slapped Xiao Xueyan's face. "BASTARD! You really caused my sister's death! "

He slapped Xiao Xueyan down and kicked her. If Xiao Xueyan's arm had not been handcuffed to the armrest of the chair, she would have been kicked into the air.

Xiao Xueyan wailed in pain. She felt as if her bones had been broken.

"You murderers who caused my sister's death! You caused my sister's death and you want to harm me! I won't let you off! Police officer, I'm calling the police. It was Du Rui and Du Xi who caused my sister's death! "

She called the police. If she wanted to die, everyone would die together. As long as Du Rui came looking for her to settle the score with Du Xi, she would settle the score with Du Rui with her sister!

She did not believe that Du Rui would let her go to jail. In other words, if du Rui did not want her to go to jail, he would have to let her go!

She calculated her own wishful thinking. This was her leverage and the only condition that could threaten du Rui.

Du Rui instantly understood Xiao Xueyan's intention "Aren't you trying to threaten me with Xiao Ziyan's matter This matter has nothing to do with my sister "I asked someone to do it. Moreover, I only asked my people to increase the dosage of the drug. According to the dosage of the drug I put in, it is not the dosage of the poison at all. People will not die. So even if I was sentenced, it would not be murder!

"officer, you can interrogate me about the death of Xiao Ziyan that year. My friend Sikong Yi can testify for me. "

He said bluntly. The amount of the drug he used was not considered a fatal poison. It was just that Xiao Ziyan's body was too weak, which caused all sorts of complications and caused her death. It could not be considered murder.

"Okay. Since you have confessed, we will apply to the court for a trial at a different time, " said the police officer.

Du Rui did not care about the issue of sentencing. After all, he did not want to marry a woman. Moreover, he could contact the outside world in prison. He could also hold a meeting to deal with the company's affairs.

He would not let Xiao Xueyan off even if he had to spend two years in prison!

Xiao Xueyan was completely dumbfounded. She was proven guilty of murder. She could not be sentenced!

She crawled to Sikong Yi's feet and pulled on the man's pant leg. "Brother Yi, if du Rui did not harm my sister, my sister would not have died. Don't you agree? "

She looked at Sikong Yi with tears all over her face, desperately trying to remind du Rui of how tragic Xiao Ziyan's death was!

Sikong Yi's face was extremely gloomy. His words escaped from the corner of his lips. "I always thought that I did not take good care of Ziyan, but I did not expect that you would actually attack Du Xi!

"In order to make up for Ziyan, I swore before her grave that I would never be with the woman I love in my life as punishment.

"I think I don't owe her anything now. "As for you, how you harmed Du Xi, you will bear the punishment that you deserve! "

He said coldly. He no longer pitied Xiao Xueyan. Even the pity and guilt he felt towards Xiao Ziyan had all been exhausted at this moment!

Xiao Xueyan was so scared that she sat on the ground. "Brother Yi, I know I'm wrong. You can't just ignore me! My parents lost my sister, and I'm the only one left! "

Sikong Yi looked at the woman's hand that was tugging at his trouser leg again and kicked Xiao Xueyan away. "GET LOST! I feel disgusted just looking at you now! Police officer, since the truth has been investigated, please take her away! "

"How can she be taken away so easily? I want to beat her to death! " Bai Bo's foot kicked the woman's body fiercely. Thinking of Du Xi on the hospital bed, his heart ached so much that he wanted to kill her!

Xiao Xueyan's body was covered in injuries from Bai Bo's kick. She cried and wanted to dodge, but her hands were handcuffed to the armrest of the chair, and she could not break free no matter how hard she tried.

She could only take the beating passively. At this moment, she no longer had any schemes in her mind. Her mind was blank, and she felt that her life was over!

The police walked over. "Bai, please calm down. We guarantee that she will receive the punishment she deserves. The crime of murder is very serious, and she will never be able to get out of prison. "

If she could not get out of prison, it meant that she would stay in prison for the rest of her life. This kind of life was worse than death.

Only then did Bai Bo retract his foot and let the police take Xiao Xueyan away.

The police removed Xiao Xueyan's handcuffs and brought her back to the detention room where she was held, waiting for the court to schedule a trial.

The murderer was caught. Bai Bo strode out of the police station. He wanted to see du Xi.

He had never seen Du Xi. Although du Rui had called him to tell him that Du Xi's surgery had been successful and that she was in the detention room, his heart had not been at peace for a moment.

He drove back to the hospital as fast as he could and rushed into Du Xi's ward.

The girl on the bed was covered in gauze and it hurt his heart. He sat beside du Xi's bed. Even if it was a man, he could not help but wet his eyes.

He ran his hand through the girl's hair. "Xi Xi, I've caught the murderer who harmed you. It was Xiao Xueyan who harmed you! She's already been caught. Wake up quickly. Let's watch her be sentenced together! "

"I've asked the doctor. The doctor said that her condition is very stable. If there are no accidents, she'll be able to wake up by noon, " Lian Lian Comforted Bai Bo.

The world-class and authoritative cardiologist that Gong Mochen had helped to find had seen Du Xi's medical records and various scans. He had already given them a reply.

The doctor said that Du Xi's surgery was very successful and that her condition was very stable now. As long as she recuperated, there wouldn't be too much of a problem.

She thought that this could be considered a consolation for Bai Bo. At least du Xi's life would be saved.

"thank you. I know that she is the strongest girl. I will accompany her through the most difficult times, " Bai Bo said.

Sikong Yi stood at the door of the ward. Listening to Bai Bo's words, his heart ached.

It was his girl. They could have loved each other. It was... ...

He leaned against the wall weakly. Even if du Xi woke up, he was not the one who wanted to marry Du Xi!

Lian Lian's eyes saw Sikong Yi leaving the ward. She walked out of the ward. "cousin, why don't you go in and See du Xi? "

Sikong Yi looked down helplessly. "Do I still have a chance to ask for her forgiveness? "

"Why not? You love her, don't you? A person only has one life and du Xi can be saved by luck. If she dies just like that, will you regret that you didn't fight for her? " Lian Lian questioned Sikong Yi.

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