May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1496 - Chapter 1496 I want baby and you 196

Chapter 1496: Chapter 1496 I want baby and you 196

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"What's going on? Which Hospital is du Xi in? Hello! " Du Can hurriedly asked. However, Du Rui's voice was no longer heard on the phone. Only then did he realize that Du Rui had hung up the phone.

"D * MN! D * Mn Brat, how dare you hang up on me! I don't believe that I can't find you! " Du can shouted at the phone angrily.

His mind was running wild as he thought of how to find du Rui. He could also find du Rui by asking him to find the hospitals one by one, but that would take too much time.

He dialed a number and made a call. "which hospital is my daughter in? "

"What hospital is my daughter in? She's getting married today. Why is she in the hospital? " Yan Fei thought that DU can had gone crazy.

Du Can's lips twitched. "Don't you know that my daughter almost died? How did you become a mother? "

Yan Fei was stunned by the scolding. "How did I know that my daughter almost died? Which one of you told me? Which Hospital is my daughter in? "

After all, she was her biological daughter. She would also be worried about Du Xi's safety.

Du Can's heart was stifled by the woman's question. "If I knew which hospital she was in, why would I call you? "

"Hehe, you still ask me how I became a mother and how you became a father? You don't even know which hospital your daughter is in! " Yan Fei retorted. Since they were already divorced, she was not afraid of Du can!

"where did you get the courage to talk to me like that? " Du Can was not used to it. It turned out that Yan Fei did not even speak loudly to him!

"Why can't I talk to you like that? Du Can, we're divorced! I'm not afraid of YOU ANYMORE! " Yan Fei hung up the phone after saying that.

She immediately called her son to ask about Du Xi's hospital.

However, no matter how hard she called, Du Rui did not pick up her call!

In the corridor of the hospital, Du Rui was standing. His body was leaning against the wall as he looked at the flickering screen of his phone. His phone had long been muted by him.

He had already informed everyone that he should inform. He was very clear that Yan Fei called him at this time to ask which hospital du Xi was staying in.

However, he did not want to tell Yan Fei and DU can at all. He would rather they never appear in front of him and Du Xi!

Footsteps could be heard in the corridor. He looked up and saw Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng, as well as Lian Lian and GAIA.

He walked up to them and asked, "Uncle Gong, why are you here? "

"We are worried about Du Xi, so we came over to see her. ". "I have found a doctor from the world's leading cardiology department. I will send his business card to you. Add Him on Wechat and tell him about Du Xi's condition. If there is a need, he will immediately fly over to see du Xi. " Gong Mochen opened wechat and forwarded the doctor's business card.

Du Rui's heart warmed. He had found the best doctor here, but the best doctor here could not be compared to the world's leading doctor.

"thank you, Uncle Gong. With the world's leading Doctor Treating du Xi's injuries, we can rest assured. " He quickly added the doctor's Wechat.

"Don't worry. Du Xi is lucky. She'll be fine! " Lian Lian advised Du Rui.

"thank you. Oh Right, Bai Bo is locked up. Uncle Gong, can you release Bai Bo because he suspects that the person who killed Du Xi is Xiao Xueyan. However, the police have checked and it's not Xiao Xueyan. That's why Bai Bo was arrested, " Du Rui said.

He did not have time to negotiate with the police anymore. He wanted Gong Mochen to help.

"That's not a problem. As long as Xiao Xueyan doesn't sue Bai Bo, it's fine, " said Gong Mochen.

"She and Sikong Yi are in Du Xi's ward to take care of Du Xi, " said Du Rui.

He had to make a lot of calls, so he was afraid of disturbing du Xi. Therefore, he had been in the corridor. Sikong Yi and Xiao Xueyan were in the room to take care of du Xi.

In the room, Sikong Yi's hand had been holding du Xi's hand. The girl's cold little hand had frozen his heart. His eyes were fixed on the little woman's face. He was afraid that if he did not pay attention, she would disappear in front of his eyes!

Xiao Xueyan stood on the other side of the hospital bed. Her Gaze was fixed on the remote control of the pacemaker. As long as she pressed the button to turn off the machine, DU XI WOULD BE DEAD!

Her finger moved to the remote control and looked at Sikong Yi. There was only Du Xi in Sikong Yi's eyes, he was not looking at her at all!

The corners of her lips curled into a cold arc as she pressed the button on the remote control.

Suddenly, the room door was pushed open and she was so scared that she withdrew her hand.

Lian Lian walked into the room and her gaze swept across Xiao Xueyan's Pale face. Xiao Xueyan's panicked expression entered her eyes and her brows sank. She only felt that there was something wrong with this woman. Otherwise, why would she have such a panicked expression?

"Lian Lian, Your Majesty, You're here. " Sikong Yi's voice was weak.

"How is Du Xi? " Lian Lian walked past Xiao Xueyan.

"She's still unconscious. I'm really afraid that she will continue sleeping like this, " Sikong Yi said.

"Don't worry. My father has found Du Xi the most authoritative world-class Doctor. She will recover! " Lian Lian had been secretly observing Xiao Xueyan from the corner of her eyes. It seemed that when she said that du Xi would recover, Xiao Xueyan's face became even Paler.

"thank you, your father. Have a seat. " Sikong Yi beckoned to his cousin and GAIA.

At this moment, a few police officers walked into the ward and went straight for Xiao Xueyan.

"You are Xiao Xueyan? Come with US and return to the police station to assist in the investigation of Du Xi's murder! " The police captain said.

Xiao Xueyan's heart was suffocating. Even her voice was trembling. "Why? Why did you let me go? I was wronged by Bai Bo once. Didn't you guys figure it out? Why did you arrest me again? Did he frame me again? "

The police officer snorted. "indeed, he said something to us. He asked us why there was a pair of scissors on the floor of your bathroom!

"So I sent people to your room to look for the scissors, but they found that they were gone. "Can you tell us where your scissors are? "

Xiao Xueyan's Pale face turned pale. "How, how would I know? I wouldn't stare at a pair of scissors for no reason. "

"Of course you wouldn't stare at a pair of scissors for no reason, and the scissors wouldn't run away. Since the scissors were gone, someone must have thrown them away, don't you think? " The police officer asked.

"How would I know? Maybe someone stole my scissors! " Xiao Xueyan's voice couldn't help but tremble.

"SCISSORS? What's going on? " Sikong Yi also heard the problem and asked the policeman.

"nothing much, it's just that we found Xiao Xueyan's lost scissors in the hotel's trash can. Moreover, we also found traces of blood and some fabric fibers on the scissors. Xiao Xueyan, please go back with us to assist in the investigation!"The policeman ordered coldly.

Every word of the policeman pierced into Xiao Xueyan's heart. She was so scared that her liver trembled. She thought that she had done it flawlessly, but who knew that the police would find out so quickly!

"I, I'M NOT GOING! Brother Yi, Bai Bo must have framed me again! You have to save me! " She pounced on Sikong Yi.

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