May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1469 - Chapter 1469 I want baby and you 169

Chapter 1469: Chapter 1469 I want baby and you 169

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Yan Wei stood up to open the door. "Ze Yu, you're back? "

Her small face, which was filled with a happy smile, stiffened when she saw the man standing at the door.

Du Rui's face seemed to have been slapped countless times. Her happy smile was only for Mu Zeyu, not for him!

Before he could say a word, Yan Wei reached out to close the door, as if to shut the plague, locking the man outside.

"Yan Wei! " Du Rui used his hand to hold the door open, not letting Yan Wei close the door.

"You've mistaken me for someone else. My name is Mu Wei! " Yan Wei's voice was trembling, and her mind was filled with thoughts of how du Rui had treated her in the past.

"I've mistaken you for someone else? Yan Wei, we grew up together. Would I have mistaken you for someone else? " Du Rui roared angrily.

Yan Wei's face was extremely Pale. She really could not deny that she was Yan Wei. After all, she was too familiar with Du Rui. Her hand forcefully pushed against the door, preventing the man from pushing the door open "So what if I'm Yan Wei? Don't even think about taking me away. My fianc�� won't let you take me away! And my father won't ignore me either! "

She hurriedly pulled out her family.

Du Rui's heart felt as if it had been stabbed by a knife. She was using her family to threaten him?

"Do you think I'll hurt you? " He asked softly. The next moment, he realized something and his face turned stiff from embarrassment "Yes, I did a lot of bad things in the past that hurt you, but I didn't look for you to hurt you. Can you let me in? I have a lot to tell you! "

He tried his best to soften his voice. He was most afraid of scaring Yan Wei.

"You really won't hurt me? " Yan Wei asked.

"really? You don't believe me? " Du Rui asked.

"What about my escape from your home? ''YannWeii asked.

"It's not your fault. It's my fault that you wanted to escape. Yan Wei, I've thought about it. It's all my fault that caused our situation today. I should apologize to you! " Du Rui said.

Yan Wei let out a sigh of relief. "I don't need you to apologize. I just want you to leave. I don't want to see you. "

She said coldly. She didn't want her peaceful life to be broken. The happiest time in her life was when she was by her father's side. She didn't want this happiness to disappear again.

Du Rui's heart was twisted in pain. "Can I talk to you for a moment? "

"You can talk here. " Yan Wei firmly refused to let du Rui in.

"You want me to talk to you outside? If outsiders see us, what do you think they will think? Can you let me in? " Du Rui said.

Yan Wei pursed her lips into a straight line and thought for a moment. "I'll go out and tell you. "

"Okay. " Du Rui could only agree.

His gaze was fixed on Yan Wei's movements. When Yan Wei raised her hand to open the door and was about to walk out, he took a step into Yan Wei's room.

He hugged the woman with one arm and closed the door with the other.

"Yan Wei! I Miss You! "

Yan Wei was frightened by the man. "BASTARD! Get Out, get out! "

"Yan Wei, listen to me. I'll leave after I say this, okay? DON'T BE AGITATED! " Du Rui comforted the woman's emotions.

"What exactly do you want to say? LEAVE QUICKLY! " Yan Wei said.

Du Rui said, "okay, I'll say it. Yan Wei, listen well. I love you! I love you! I love you! Do you hear me? I said I love you! "

He finally said the words that had been stored in his heart. Whatever feuds or grudges, he could go to hell. As long as Yan Wei was by his side, he would never allow Yan Wei to leave again.

Yan Wei was shocked by the man's words. She would never have thought that one day, du Rui would say the three words, "I love you" to her.

It was too shocking. She could not find the right nerve for a moment.

Du Rui looked at the quiet little woman. "I apologize for what I've done in the past. It was all my fault in the past. I let down your feelings for me.

"Actually, I've always liked you. But because I know the feud between our families, I can't be with you. So, I've hinted to myself that I don't like you and I hate you.

"I've tried all kinds of ways to numb my feelings. I've used all kinds of ways to abuse you and make you hate me. I thought that as long as you hate me, I could stop the idea of liking you. But I miscalculated my feelings for you.

Ever since you left, there hasn't been a day that my heart hasn't thought of you. Yan Wei, I was wrong. I shouldn't have stopped myself from loving you "please forgive me. Let's start properly, okay? "

He had never admitted his mistake.

The corners of Yan Wei's lips were filled with coldness. She pushed her hand on the man's chest. "I'm done listening. Can you leave now? "

The woman's coldness was like a basin of cold water pouring on du Rui's head.

"You said that you want me to leave? " Du Rui looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief. In the past, even if he didn't admit his mistake, as long as he hooked his finger, Yan Wei would run back to his side.

"You're the one who said it. I only need to hear a few words from you before you leave, " Yan Wei said coldly.

Du Rui looked at the woman's reaction in shock. "I admit my mistake! Yan Wei, I really admit my mistake. "

Yan Wei's lips twitched. "You admit your mistake, so what? So I have to forgive you? If you have such thoughts, then I have to tell you that the Yan Wei you know is already dead. She died on the illegal boat.

That time when I was illegal, if I was not coincidentally seen by Mu Zeyu and if I was not rescued, I would have been thrown into the sea without a corpse. Even if you say you love me 10,000 times, I won't come back to life.

Du Rui, I died once. For you, I suffered for more than 10 years. In fact, I never blamed you, because I did it voluntarily.

Who asked me to be cheap and fall in love with you So regarding the past, I don't blame anyone, including what you did to me. I won't pursue it, let alone forgive.

If you really want to apologize to me, then leave. Don't break my peaceful life. I just want to live the life I have now. "Live well with the people who love me! "

There were many things that could not be turned back because there was no eraser in life. You could write a mistake and then write it again.

You could forgive the mistake you made, but a mistake was a mistake. If you didn't forgive, you could pretend that it never happened.

Du Rui's heart fell to the bottom. He didn't expect that he would throw away all his dignity and apologize to Yan Wei. In the end, what he got was not Yan Wei's love, but Yan Wei's break with him!

"Yan Wei! Give me another chance, okay? Let's start again. I know that I have made a mistake that I can't make up for. Give me a chance, let me love You well and pamper you to the sky. " He begged Yan Wei.

"Du Rui, when I needed you to pamper me to the sky, you tortured me and sent me to hell. Now that someone pampers me to the sky, I don't need you anymore. " Yan Wei said aggressively.

When a woman needs you, you are the parachute. If you weren't there at that time, then you would never need to be there.

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