May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1464 - Chapter 1464 I want baby and you 164

Chapter 1464: Chapter 1464 I want baby and you 164

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"F * Ck. Are All these people so rich? Hundreds of millions to buy a woman to play with? " Ouyang Mo suddenly felt that he was too poor.

"You have to know that these people are worth hundreds of millions. There are hundreds of billions of people. A Gold Mine can mine as much gold as a day. Their group company is making money for them every day.

This feeling of spending money is like you have thousands of dollars. Would you feel bad if you gave a dollar to a beggar The most important thing was that their company was like a golden hen that laid golden eggs every day. In other words, they didn't need to save money. They just needed to spend the money they earned every day.

Of course, this kind of spending goal was also difficult. The company was too big and they earned too much every day. If they wanted to destroy their business, it would be difficult for them to do so for the rest of their lives."Joel said.

Ouyang Mo gritted his teeth. Every day, he was thinking about how to make a comeback, but these rich young masters were thinking about destroying their own business.

They were all more than 100 kilograms in weight. How could there be such a big difference between them?

"Hehe, they're awesome! Just let them cheat daddy out of his money! A woman can only play for three days. If they have money, they'll throw it away! " He said unwillingly.

Joel laughed out loud, "why do I feel so sour? Hahaha, are you jealous? Don't be angry. Life is like this. Things that you think are worthless may be a treasure in the eyes of others! For example, your woman, Wen Xin! "

Ouyang Mo's hands clenched into fists. "I hope they'll give me a price of one billion! "

"One billion is impossible, but it's almost two hundred million now. I think this girl is going to break our record. It turns out that there's a woman auctioning off two hundred million on my boat. " Joel looked at the crowd below the stage.

He was the one with the highest profit margin. He didn't need to snatch people. He just provided a venue for the auction, food and lodging, and a makeup artist to earn tens of millions.

"Two hundred million! " Finally, someone shouted the price of two hundred million.

"Two hundred and twenty million! " A man's voice sounded from the back of the hall.

Wen Xin looked over. She did not recognize this man, and this man did not seem to be such a rich young master.

Joel was also surprised. "Who is this man? He doesn't seem to be a rich young master who can afford to spend such a high price! "

"230 million! " An old man shouted.

Ouyang Mo's face darkened. "He's already so old, and he still wants to buy a woman? Isn't he afraid of dying in bed? "

"wouldn't it be better if he died in bed? Wen Xin won't be fooled for two days, " Joel said.

His brows gradually furrowed. These few people who had bid so much were not regular customers on his ship. He was not familiar with them.

He posted the auction of Wen Xin on his moments page. All the customers who had followed him could see his post. Many of them had paid a deposit and flew to his ship to buy people.

However, he was not familiar with these people. It seemed a little abnormal.

The price was growing rapidly. It seemed to be growing too fast. It was beyond the people's ability to adapt. Soon, no one followed the price.

The man who had bid 200 million began to bid 300 million again.

Even if they were all nouveau riche, the nouveau riche was not a fool. He would casually spend 300 million to buy a woman to play with for three days. At this price, he would buy a slave.

And a slave had to play for his entire life.

"300 million, GOING ONCE! "

"300 million going twice, anyone else? " The auctioneer asked.

Obviously, no one else bid. "300 MILLION GOING THRICE! " The auctioneer's gavel landed and announced the deal!

The man who had bid 300 million walked up to the stage and grabbed Wen Xin. "This woman is mine? "

"Yes, her ownership belongs to you for three days. You can play as you like during these three days, " the auctioneer said.

"Didn't you give the Presidential Suite? Aren't you going to take me to my room? " The man said.

"after you pay, you can go to your room, " the auctioneer said.

"I'm on your boat. Are you afraid that I'll run away? My assistant will pay for me. " The man snapped his fingers.

Another man walked over. "I'll pay for my young master. "

"Okay, I'll get the maids to take you back to the presidential suite now. " The auctioneer quickly made arrangements. The man was right. He was on their boat. Where else could he run to?

A few maids took the man and Wen Xin Xin back to the presidential suite. The auctioneer took the man's assistant to the finance room to swipe his card to pay.

Ouyang Mo's hand slammed against the wall. He watched as his woman was taken away and his anger swept over him.

Joel raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong? Are you not satisfied? Think about the money you've earned. It's already 200 million. You have 200 million start-up capital. Can't you do whatever business you want? "

Ouyang Mo nodded and gradually suppressed his anger. Yes, he had 200 million start-up capital. He could do whatever he wanted.

With this money, he could develop his career well.

"I understand. NO POISON, no husband! I WANT MONEY! "

"That's right. With money, you will have everything. In three days, that woman will still be yours! " Joel said.

"Well, with this money, I don't have to look at Sun Anan's face, and I don't have to smile at the Sun Family! " Ouyang Mo said.

Because of Wen Xin's matter, the sun family had made trouble for him many times. Sun Anan had even ordered him to teach him a lesson. He only thought of this idea because he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have brought Wen Xin here.

He had thought about it. This was the best method. He would sell Wen Xin for a few days. He would get the money, break off the engagement with Sun Anan in a high-profile manner, and take Wen Xin far away.

He had calculated everything. Everything was under his control.

And the result was much better than he had expected. He suddenly had 200 million in assets.

Wen Xin, bear with it for three days. I'll take you away. Anyway, it's not your first time. It's just three more days, he thought silently.

Joel calculated his income from this auction. He easily earned 90 million. It was really easy to make a fortune!

Wen Xin was held by the man's hand. She wanted to break free from the man's hand several times. She was really not used to being held by a man.

However, she tried several times but failed. The man's hand held her tightly. Her palm was so nervous that it broke out in a layer of cold sweat.

Her heart was beating wildly. She followed the man into the room. All the maids had left. There were only the two of them in the room.

The man only let go of the woman's hand at this time.

To Wen Xin's surprise, the man walked directly to the changing room.

Wen Xin followed him curiously. Looking at the man's refined manner, she thought that she might have a good life. If she could sell it to this man for three days, she should not die.

"Well, what are you looking for? " She asked tentatively.

"wait a minute. " The man rummaged around, seemingly very anxious. In the blink of an eye, he finally found what he wanted. He stuffed the thing into the woman's hand. "You go and change into this, quickly! "

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