May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1461 - Chapter 1461: I Want my child and you 161

Chapter 1461: Chapter 1461: I Want my child and you 161

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

In the Great Hall of the ship, all sorts of performances were being performed.

Here, money was everything. There was nothing that money could not buy.

You could use money to buy a woman, or you could use money to buy a man. There were only things that you could not think of, and there was nothing that you could not buy.

Nangong Ye's arm was wrapped around Fang Yuan's waist as he watched the bunny girl in front of him dance.

He asked the waiter to exchange 50 million chips for him and placed them in Fang Yuan's hands.

"these are for you. You can spend them as you wish. You can make them do whatever you want, no matter if it's a man or a woman! "

Fang Yuan looked at the man in surprise. Even if she had money in her family, she had never spent money like this before.

Spend 50 million or 50 million in one night?

"I, I didn't think of what to make them do, " she stammered.

She was really a little confused. What could a woman like her make these women do Even if there were male waiters, she was too embarrassed to make them do anything.

"How stupid, watch me! I'll teach you. If you want to be my girlfriend in the future, the first thing you have to do is spend money! Do you understand? You have to spend all your money tonight! " Nangong ye said.

He picked up a handful of chips and threw them at the bunny girl. "stand on your head and kick! "

The bunny girl's eyes lit up when she saw the golden chips.

There was no need to use currency on the ship because the face value of the currency was too small. It would cost tens of thousands of dollars to casually spend. It was very inconvenient to take.

The currency on the ship was at least a thousand and one chips. Ten chips was ten thousand. And the golden chips were directly ten thousand and one. This kind of spending was very convenient.

Of course, there were bigger chips than ten thousand and one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand glazed chips and one million gemstone chips.

Just now, Nangong ye threw out dozens of ten thousand chips. The rabbit girl's eyes were shining with golden light. This was a tip given to her by the man. The tip was split with the captain, so she could get half!

Even if it was only half, it would be at least two hundred thousand

Just by sitting on her head, she could earn 200,000 yuan. It was the easiest money to make!

She quickly followed the man's instructions and supported herself on the ground with her hands. Then, she stretched her legs straight into the sky. Finally, she performed the Horse stance in midair.

The surrounding people cheered. This kind of request was too exciting. The rabbit girl was standing on her head on the ground. With her hands on the ground, she performed the horse stance, which was half the height of a person. The surrounding customers could see the rabbit girl's panorama when they looked down.

How big was the nail-shaped cloth In that situation, it was better not to wear it than to wear it.

Whistles rang out in the crowd, and everyone cheered.

Fang Yuan's face turned red. Even if they were all women, she could not bear to look at the women.

She had to say that Nangong Ye really knew how to play As expected, he was from a noble family.

The man's voice rang out above her head. "Have you learned it? I want to hear the screams of the people! "

He instructed the woman to continue his wonderful program.

Fang Yuan's brows furrowed into a knot. How was she going to continue the screams It seemed like this was the most she could do?

But if she did not do as Nangong ye said, would Nangong ye be angry?

She naturally did not have the courage to anger Nangong ye. She had to make Nangong ye satisfied and then marry into the Nangong family.

She grabbed a handful of chips, and before she could open her mouth, her face was red to the Max. "that, that, cut off her pants! "

As she spoke, she threw out a handful of chips.

Sure enough, the crowd let out an even more intense scream, but they soon realized that there was a problem. No one cut off the small piece of cloth for the bunny girl.

Fang Yuan was dumbfounded. She was still calculating that she had thrown out dozens of chips. That should be quite a lot, right?

Nangong ye raised the tip of his brows slightly, pinched a few chips, and slashed them at a waiter. "Go and do it! "

The waiter caught the chips and was immediately beaming with beauty. He had earned tens of thousands of dollars just like that!

He quickly ran to get the scissors and cut the bunny girl's little piece of cloth.

The bunny girl was also happy. She was originally here to sell. Compared to being raped, it was much more comfortable to be seen. Moreover, she had earned hundreds of thousands of dollars, which was more than being raped.

As the small cloth was cut off, the crowd screamed. It was simply a feast for the eyes.

Ouyang Mo and Joel walked into the hall and saw this exciting scene.

Joel clicked his tongue and said, "it's really the eldest young master. Compared to playing with women, I admit defeat! "

Ouyang Mo's face darkened to the extreme. "I have a bottom line compared to him, right? "

He was so angry that he was speechless. He had become a scumbag, while Nangong ye had become a saint of love. However, Nangong ye was clearly even scarier than him!

"Hahaha, this world speaks with money. Young Master Nangong is rich and powerful. No matter what he does, he will only be said. Aiya, look at the Noble Young Master! " Joel said. He was no longer worried that Nangong ye would save Wen Xin To play with a woman like that meant that Nangong ye did not care about Wen Xin at all.

"Yes! I want money, money, and status. Then, I will take back everything I lost! " Ouyang Mo said.

"That's right. Those who achieve great things do not care about trifles! Women, you can just coax them back! I will do you a favor and make them hate Nangong ye forever. How about it? " Joel said.

"How do you plan to help me? " Ouyang Mo looked at Joel in surprise.

Joel took out his phone and called his maid. "Bring Wen Xin out. Tell her that I said that she should come out to relax. She can't be sad. "

The maid immediately accepted the order and said to Wen Xin, "Miss Wen Xin, my master said that he wants you to go out for a walk. He doesn't want you to have a long face. "

Wen Xin was still squatting on the ground. She forced a smile and truly admired Joel's ability to predict everything. She slowly stood up. Clearly, she did not have the right to choose. "okay, I'll go with you. "

The maid brought Wen Xin out of the room and headed straight for the corridor of the hall.

The central area of the second floor was empty. One could see the scene of the hall on the first floor.

Wen Xin immediately saw Nangong ye and Fang Yuan in the middle of the crowd.

Fang Yuan leaned shyly into Nangong Ye's arms. "Young Master Nangong, is this okay? It's too embarrassing! "

"How can this be? That bunny girl is still waiting to EARN MORE MONEY! " Nangong ye said.

"Ah? Still want more? " Fang Yuan was stunned. In her opinion, this level was the limit. What else could she do She couldn't have a live reality show, right?

Besides, who was going to do a reality show She wasn't stupid enough to spend money to get her man to sleep with a bunny girl!

"That's right, continue! " Nangong Ye's gaze swept across the crowd. Ouyang Mo and Joel stood behind the crowd. He lowered his head and said to Fang Yuan, "you want a bottle of red wine. "

"Okay! " Fang Yuan took the chips and tipped the waiter a bottle of red wine.

The waiter respectfully brought the red wine over. "Miss, this is the wine you want. "

Fang Yuan looked at the man beside her. "Young Master Nan Gong, what are we going to do next? Are we going to treat the bunny girl to red wine? "

She asked in puzzlement. She could not think of what this red wine could do?

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