May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1457 - Chapter 1457 I want my baby and you 157

Chapter 1457: Chapter 1457 I want my baby and you 157

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

When Wen Xin finished bathing and walked out of the bathroom, there was already a table full of food in the dining room of the suite.

All of them were nourishing and good things. The braised abalone wing belly was just a basic ingredient, and there were many other ingredients that she had never seen before.

She sat down to eat impolitely to replenish her physical strength. Even if she wanted to run, she needed to have the strength to do so.

Joel looked at the woman who was eating with satisfaction "That's more like it. You're a smart woman. You're much smarter than those women who seek death after being caught. Nothing is more precious than life. "It's only three days. Bear with it for a while and it'll pass. I'll get the maid to teach you a lesson so that you understand the Games you might encounter. I'll give you some methods to minimize the damage. "

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the suite. He was going to release the news of the auction so that all the nobles would come to his boat to auction.

Wen Xin almost bit her own tongue. Joel had instructed someone to teach her the method to minimize the damage, but it was Joel who auctioned her. She didn't know if this was Joel's conscience, but he auctioned her as well While teaching her the way to protect herself.

This kind of dilemma was too contradictory. She couldn't describe her view of Joel at all.

She stuffed herself and then asked the maid to teach her. After all, she wanted to go back alive.

The maid's lessons were suffocating. These were games that she had never heard of.

"Don't be afraid. Not all the women auctioned will die. As long as you follow the method I taught you, you can basically survive, " the maid said.

"Thank you for teaching me these, but these games... " Wen Xin's face was Pale.

"Sigh, you look quite pitiful. Let me tell you. Actually, the best way is for you to please your financial backer. If you can make your financial backer fall in love with you, infatuated with your body, and tire him out, he won't have the energy to torture you! " The maid said kindly.

"okay, I'll remember it. Thank you. " Wen Xin gritted her teeth on her lips. She wanted to please her financial backer.

Her heart was in pain. The shame engulfed her body, but she also heard it. If she didn't do this, she would be tortured to death.

"You should rest. I'm going out. If you need anything, you can call me anytime, " the maid said.

Wen Xin watched the maid walk out of the room. She hurriedly walked to the balcony of the room. Instantly, despair appeared in her eyes.

Under the balcony was the sea. She couldn't run even if she wanted to.

Tomorrow, what would she do tomorrow?

She returned to the bedroom and curled up on the big bed, waiting for tomorrow to come.

She even hoped that tomorrow would never come.


The next day, Ouyang Mo slept until he woke up naturally. He didn't have to wake up too early today because the auction was held at night.

He got up, washed up, and went to the restaurant on the ship for lunch. The room he stayed in was not a suite like Wen Xin's, but a normal room. There was no restaurant in his room, so he could only eat in the restaurant on the ship.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he was stunned to see Nangong ye and Fang Yuan eating in the restaurant.

His nerves were almost broken. What was Nangong Ye doing here The first person he thought of was Wen Xin, but it did not seem right. If Nangong ye came for Wen Xin, then why did Nangong Ye Bring Fang Yuan?

He walked towards Nangong ye step by step. "Nangong Ye, you brought Fang Yuan to the boat. Do you want to play with women in front of her? "

He probed.

Nangong ye raised his brows slightly. "My girlfriend is curious about what the boat is playing with. I brought her here to take a look. Is there a problem? "

His arm was wrapped around Fang Yuan's waist.

Ouyang Mo looked at Nangong ye hugging Fang Yuan, as if there was nothing wrong with Nangong Ye's words.

"Hehe, aren't you afraid of spoiling your girlfriend? "

"What's the big deal? Who hasn't seen a blockbuster movie? Is there a difference between watching a live show and watching a blockbuster movie? " Nangong Ye's finger hooked onto Fang Yuan's chin. "study hard in a while and serve me well in the future! "

Fang Yuan's hand playfully pushed against the man's chest. "young master, you're so annoying. I was just curious to ask what kind of performances were on the ship, and you brought me here. I've never seen a instructional movie before! "

She hurriedly confessed. She knew the rules of the Nan Gong family. To enter the Nan Gong family, one must be a clean woman.

She was afraid that if Nangong ye knew that she had seen those things, he would think that she wasn't clean enough. However, who wasn't in puberty yet? Everyone would be curious about these things. In fact, she had also seen them.

"It's good that you haven't seen them before. After we watch the live version of the blockbuster, I'll teach you personally, " Nangong ye said.

Fang Yuan Bashfully snuggled into the man's embrace, and her face flushed red. "I hate you! We haven't gotten married yet! "

"You're still afraid that I won't marry you? Yesterday's matter of US spending the night was already on the news. You're now the young lady of the Nangong family in everyone's eyes! " Nangong ye said.

"I know that young master Nangong will definitely be responsible for me. I'll serve you with your food! " Fang Yuan picked up a fork and fed the man some pine nuts.

She heard that Pine Mushrooms could make men want women more, so she deliberately ordered roasted pine mushrooms for men to eat.

The corners of her lips were suffused with a blissful and proud smile. When she woke up this morning, she saw Nangong ye sitting in the room and even bought her new clothes.

After washing up, she walked out of the hotel with the man. The reporters outside the hotel surrounded them to interview her. She followed what Nangong Ye had told her yesterday and admitted that they had spent the night.

In less than an hour, everyone in the country knew that she was Nangong Ye's girlfriend.

She went to have breakfast with Nangong ye. When she heard that Nangong ye was going to participate in the auction, she knew that it was about auctioning women. How could she dare to ask Nangong Ye to buy women?

She only had the status of a girlfriend and did not have a real relationship with her. She pretended to be curious and asked Nangong ye what kind of performances were on the ship.

Even she did not expect everything to go so smoothly. Nangong ye said that he would bring her along.

In order to get her on the ship, Nangong ye called Joel many times. This was because the rules here were that women were not allowed on the ship.

Of course, Nangong Ye had also spent a lot of money. He had to give Joel 10 million yuan before he could buy her a boat ticket.

She nestled happily in the man's arms. She could not wait for him to personally teach her and make her his woman!

Ouyang Mo looked at the loving couple in front of him. His heart was more or less at ease. "You guys have fun. I'm going to eat. "

He strode past Nangong ye and found an empty table to eat his lunch. His glabella sank. Even if Nangong ye had brought Fang yuan to play, he was still inexplicably worried. "..."

He immediately called Joel to ask him if Nangong ye only brought Fang Yuan Did he bring anyone else.

"Nangong ye only brought Fang Yuan on the boat. Why do you ask? " Joel asked.

"You have to pay attention to Nangong ye. I'm afraid that something will happen? " Ouyang Mo said.

"Why do you say that? " Joel asked.

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