May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1442 - Chapter 1442: I want my baby and you

Chapter 1442: Chapter 1442: I want my baby and you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Bai Bo's cold eyes landed on Xiao Xueyan's face. "It's not impossible. We just need to find your brother. "

Du Xi was stunned. "Find my brother? Can My brother find the phone? "

"Yes! Besides the signal, the phone also has satellite positioning. As long as we can use the satellite to search the phone's location, we will be able to find the phone, " Bai Bo said.

"But the phone is turned off, " Du Xi said gloomily. Who knew when the phone would be turned on.

"Even if the phone is turned off, it can be located. It has nothing to do with the phone being turned off, " Bai Bo explained.

Unfortunately, with his identity, he did not have the ability to use the satellite, but du Rui could. Du Rui's business partners invested in the satellite project, so du Rui could ask his friends to help him check.

For them, it was a difficult thing, but for these high-end people, it was just a matter of a word.

"So it can be like this? I'll call my brother now. " Du Xi took out her phone and called Du Rui.

The call was picked up very quickly. Du Xi told du Rui everything. Du Rui immediately looked for his friend and asked him to use the satellite to check the GPS location of the phone.

In less than ten minutes, an electronic map was sent to Du Xi's phone.

Du Rui told Du Xi that she could find the phone by following the Little Red Dot on the electronic map.

Du Xi Happily Hung Up du Rui's phone. She opened the electronic map and immediately recognized that the location of the Red Dot was Sikong Yi's pharmacy.

"Look! The phone is in the pharmacy! " She said happily.

"enlarge the map a little more and see which room it is in, " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi enlarged the map to the maximum and walked toward the backyard according to the standard direction on the map.

Everyone in the pharmacy followed Du Xi. No one was not curious about where the phone was.

Xiao Xueyan's face was pale. She hurriedly followed Du Xi to the backyard. No one knew where the phone was better than her.

Her whole body was engulfed by unease. She was afraid that the phone would be found.

Du Xi's eyes were curved as she looked at the red dot on the phone. She was getting closer and closer to the Red Dot.

"It's in this room. " She pointed at the room in front of her.

Bai Bo kicked open the door and rushed into the room. "where is it? "

"It's here! " Du Xi's eyes were looking at the red dot on the electronic map. Her current position basically overlapped with the Red Dot. The map could only be this big. It could not be any bigger.

The rest of the matter was for them to look for the phone themselves.

Xiao Xueyan saw that Du Xi and Sikong Yi were going to look for their phones. She immediately rushed over and stood in front of everyone. "You can't go through this room. This is my sister's room. "

"GET OUT OF THE WAY! " Du Xi shouted angrily. "Xiao Xueyan, do you have a guilty conscience? "

"I'm not guilty. This is my sister's room. I don't allow you to disturb her silence! " Xiao Xueyan said loudly.

"Your sister died a long time ago. No matter how much we search, we can't disturb her silence. Xiao Xueyan, you deliberately stopped us because you hid your phone here! " Du Xi said fiercely.

"How did my sister die? Du Xi, tell me in my sister's room, how did my sister die? " Xiao Xueyan roared angrily.

Her sister's death was the injury of their entire family. She would not let HER SISTER DIE IN VAIN!

Du Xi's heart stopped. This was something she did not want to mention.

However, from Xiao Xueyan's point of view, Du Xi's silence was due to her guilty conscience. "What's wrong? Don't you dare to say it? YOU POISONED MY SISTER! You are a complete murderer! Bai Bo, look at the person you want to marry. You want to marry a murderer! "

"Ah? Xiao Ziyan was killed by Du Xi? "

"Oh my God! Really? "

"I really didn't expect du Xi to be a murderer! "

The crowd was discussing. None of the waiters in the pharmacy had expected that Xiao Ziyan's death was related to Du Xi.

The man's voice came from behind everyone. "This matter is related to me. I made a mistake in the dosage of a medicine, which led to Xiao Ziyan's death. ".

Xiao Ziyan had cancer at the time and was already suffering from it. Her medicine was filled with slightly poisonous herbs, but there was one medicine that I gave her in too large a dosage. I couldn't treat Xiao Ziyan properly, but she was poisoned to death."

"Yes, I know about this. The pharmacy that young master gave Xiao Ziyan was filled with poisonous Chinese herbs. When the Xiao family sent Xiao Ziyan here for treatment, young master had agreed with the Xiao family that Xiao Ziyan's cancer only had a 10% cure rate.

"At that time, the Xiao family also agreed because all the hospitals did not admit Xiao Ziyan to the hospital. They all told Xiao Ziyan to go home and wait for death, " said a waiter.

"Yes, I remember it too. At that time, the Xiao family even knelt down to young master and said that they only wanted to try their luck. If they could not save Xiao Ziyan's life, it was Xiao Ziyan's life. If they could save her, it was because young master's medical skills were superb! "

"That's right. Xiao Xueyan also said that it was Miss Du who killed Xiao Ziyan? "

The waiters were discussing among themselves.

"I'm not lying. My sister was harmed by Du Xi! " Xiao Xueyan's entire body was trembling as she listened to the waiters and Sikong Yi's words. If Sikong Yi didn't admit that it was du Xi who caused Xiao Ziyan's death, how was she going to Let du Xi die?

"Xueyan, I've already explained it just now. If you don't listen, there's nothing I can do. When your sister died, I couldn't talk to your parents either. If you want to hate me, just hate me, " Sikong Yi said in a deep voice.

He thought that all the grudges should end like this. He had to carry everything behind him and use the fact that he couldn't be with the woman he loved for the rest of his life as a punishment.

Du Xi looked at Sikong Yi who was resisting everything. It was obvious that what Sikong Jue said this time was different from what he told them about Xiao Ziyan's death last time.

Her heart was in turmoil. Sikong Yi had pinned all the blame on her and her brother.

Why did he do that Did he want to use the truth of Xiao Ziyan's death to threaten them so that they wouldn't be able to find their phones again?

Just as her thoughts were running wild, Sikong Yi walked past the stunned Xiao Xueyan and lifted the mattress.

The phone under the mattress was exposed.

Sikong Yi held the phone in his hand and slammed it onto the ground. The phone instantly turned into pieces.

"You can leave now. The truth has been found out. The photo was sent to Bai Bo by Xiao Xueyan. She is deliberately trying to sow discord between the two of you. Bai Bo did not fall for it. Very good, " he said in a deep voice.

Xiao Xueyan's legs were trembling. She did not expect the phone to be found out just like that. Meng ran thought of something and grabbed Sikong Yi's arm. It was obvious that it was useless for her to deny anything now. In Sikong Yi's heart.. She was a scheming woman!

"brother Sikong, I just felt that my sister's death was too unjust. That's why I wanted to sow discord between Du Xi and Bai Bo. Why does my sister have to die while Du Xi can live happily?

I really don't know. This matter has nothing to do with Du Xi Brother Sikong, please forgive me!"

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