May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1436 - Chapter 1436 I want baby and you 136

Chapter 1436: Chapter 1436 I want baby and you 136

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"What's wrong? " Bai Bo asked when he saw du Xi looking at his phone.

He put the beef in the cheese pot. What he made was a genuine Swiss cheese pot.

"Did you pay for the wedding dress? " Du Xi asked. When they ordered the wedding dress, the waiter said that they had to pay the deposit first and only pay the full amount after signing for the wedding dress. Therefore, Bai Bo only paid the deposit.

"No! I haven't seen the wedding dress yet. Why would I pay the full amount? " Bai Bo said.

At least they had to see if the thing was made well before they paid. After all, it was such an expensive thing.

"But the shop assistant informed us that we have paid in full and also gave me a set of Pink Crystal Jewelry. " Du Xi showed the man her phone.

Bai Bo frowned. "How could this be? Did they make a mistake? I'll call and ask. "

He picked up his phone and called the waiter in the wedding dress shop.

However, the waiter insisted that they had paid in full and the payer asked for confidentiality, so they couldn't reveal the information of the payer.

"someone has paid, but the shop assistant can't disclose the information of the payer because they promised to keep it a secret, " Bai Bo and du Xi said.

"Is it my brother? So he said he would buy me a wedding dress. I'll call him! " Du Xi took her phone and called her brother.

As the call was connected, a loud noise came from the phone. There was loud music and the sound of people talking.

"What's the matter? " Du Rui asked.

"Brother, did you pay for my wedding dress? " Du Xi said.

"Me? No. Bai Bo said he wanted to buy you a wedding dress. Of course, I'll save as much as I can, " Du Rui said.

"No? " Du Xi asked, unwilling to give up.

"It's not me. What's wrong? " Du Rui asked curiously.

"Nothing. It's just that someone helped me pay for my wedding dress. I don't know who it was, " Du Xi said.

Du Rui's eyes narrowed. "just pay it. You don't have to worry about this kind of thing. "

"No, I think that person paid the wrong amount. I don't think anyone will pay for my wedding dress, " Du Xi said.

"If he paid the wrong amount, he would look for a wedding dress shop. Then you can pay for your own wedding dress. It's not a big deal. Have a good meal with Bai Bo. " Du Rui hung up the phone.

A cold light flashed across his eyes. The image of Sikong Yi standing in the rain flashed across his mind. He felt that Sikong Yi paid for it. He could not think of anyone else other than Sikong Yi.

However, he would not let du Xi know and let du Xi be troubled by Sikong Yi again.

No one loved his sister more than him. He only hoped that Du Xi and Bai Bo could have stable happiness.

"Oh, I know. " Du Xi hung up the phone.

Ten million was not a big deal She was shocked by her brother's words.

However, Du Rui was right. If the other party found out that she had paid the wrong money, they would definitely find a wedding dress shop to change it.

"What did your brother say? " Bai Bo asked.

"My brother said it wasn't him, and he doesn't know who it was, " Du Xi said.

"Then I don't want to think about it. I'll go to the wedding dress shop and ask them to return the money. I'll pay for this money, " Bai Bo said.

If du Rui didn't pay for it, he could probably guess who it was.

He would pay for his woman's wedding dress without the help of others.

He prepared another piece of fish with sesame oil for the little woman to eat. "Try this. The fish with sesame oil is especially delicious in the cheese pot. "

Du Xi was really hungry. She ate the food that Bai Bo brought for her. "MMM, delicious. This is really delicious! Oh No, is the cheese very hot? If I gain weight, I won't look good in my wedding dress. "

"It's okay. I'm your personal fitness trainer. From tomorrow onwards, you will eat and exercise according to the recipe I gave you. I guarantee that you will be the most beautiful bride! " Bai Bo said.

"MMM, I'LL LISTEN TO YOU! " After hearing the man's words, Du Xi was finally relieved.

As long as she could eat without gaining weight, she could get married beautifully.

After finishing the meal, Du Xi returned to her room to wash up. Meanwhile, Bai Bo drove away from the villa.

Xiao Xueyan finally saw Sikong Yi Return. She looked at Sikong Yi, who was covered in water, in astonishment. She did not know what had happened to him?

"brother Sikong! What's wrong? " She walked over to support Sikong Yi. The man's expression was particularly unsightly.

"I'm fine. I just got caught in the rain. I'm going to take a shower, " Sikong Yi said.

"I'll go make ginger tea for you. " Xiao xueyan quickly ran to the kitchen to make ginger tea for the man.

Sikong Yi's entire body seemed to be frozen. He stood under the shower that was spraying hot water. The warm water could not warm his body no matter how hard he tried.

After a long time, he walked out of the bathroom.

Xiao Xueyan's ginger tea was ready. She brought it to the man and fed it to him personally.

Sikong Yi raised his head and drank it. When he turned around, he saw du Rui walking into his room.

They were good brothers. Everyone in the shop knew du Rui. Later, when Du Rui stopped coming, everyone thought that Du Rui was busy. No one knew about the grudge between Du Rui and Sikong Yi.

This time, Du Rui suddenly came. The staff in the pharmacy still treated Du Rui as Sikong Yi's friend and did not stop du Rui.

Du Rui's gaze landed on Xiao Xueyan and Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi was wearing a bathrobe while Xiao Xueyan was wearing pajamas. It was difficult for others not to think about the state of the two of them!

"Did I come at a bad time? " Du Rui's words escaped from the corner of his lips.

The corner of Sikong Yi's lips twitched. "You knew it was inappropriate, yet you still came? "

He choked back his words. He hated Du Rui's tone, as if he had done something shameful.

"I'll leave after I say this. I won't take up too much of your time. This is a cheque for ten million yuan. It's not your turn to pay for MY SISTER'S WEDDING DRESS! " Du Rui said as he threw a cheque on the table If he knew Sikong Yi's account number, he would have paid Sikong Yi directly. He would not have gone through so much trouble to deliver the cheque.

Sikong Yi's lips twitched. "I don't need your permission to spend money! "

"Hehe, you can spend money on whoever you want, but it's not that you can't spend it on my sister! She's very happy with Bai Bo now. Don't disturb her happiness anymore! " Du Rui said in a huff.

Du Rui's heart twitched. He never thought that one day, he would not even have the right to spend money on DU XI!

"Didn't you always think that I owe du Xi? Just treat it as me making it up to her, " said Sikong Yi.

"You want to buy a wedding dress just to make it up to her? Sikong Yi, do you want her to still think of you when she gets married? " Du Rui roared angrily.

"If I want her to think of me, I won't hide my identity at all. I'll tell her directly, " said Sikong Yi.

"My sister isn't stupid. She'll guess it's you sooner or later. Sikong Yi, the feud between our two families can't be settled, and now you have Xiao Xueyan. Let it be! Don't appear in my sister's life again! " Du Rui turned around and walked out of the room.

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