May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1430 - Chapter 1430: I want my baby and you 130

Chapter 1430: Chapter 1430: I want my baby and you 130

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Wen Xin was shocked. "What are you talking about? I don't want any turtles! I JUST WANT TO BE WITH MY MOTHER! "

She really didn't want to find a boyfriend so soon. Moreover, it was more sad than dead. It was enough to have two men hurt her heart She didn't want to give anyone the chance to hurt her again!

"Damn, how can that be enough? You're so good. There must be a reliable man who will love you! " Du Xi said.

She was the happy woman who had found the right person. She was now wholeheartedly living her new life, so she brought Bai Bo to see all her friends.

Suddenly, Du Xi looked over from the side of Wen Xin's head and saw Chang Yue leaning against the wall. "Auntie, why did Auntie come out? "

Wen Xin turned around and saw Chang Yue wiping her tears. "Mom, mom, why did you come out? "

She turned around and ran to her mother.

Chang Yue was already sobbing so much that she could not speak. It was only because she had been covering her mouth with her hand that no one noticed her.

Now that her daughter was in front of her, she was sobbing so hard that she could not say a word. She reached out to touch her daughter's face, which had turned red from the slap. Before she could catch her breath, her vision turned dark and she fell into Wen Xin's arms.

"Mom, MOM! " Wen Xin lost control and called out to her mother.

Du Xi was scared out of her wits and shouted for help to the surroundings. Bo Bo immediately ran to the nurses'station to inform them to come to the first aid.

A few doctors rushed over and first saved Chang Yue. It was obvious that she had a heart attack and could not move. If she moved, it would be even worse for her heart.

The doctors gave Chang Yue a heart massage. After Chang Yue's heart had recovered, they moved Chang Yue to the room, put her on the hospital bed, and gave Chang Yue an infusion and medicine.

Chang Yue finally regained control of her emotions after the first round of resuscitation.

"How did you take care of the patient? Don't you know that she just finished her major surgery a few days ago? Do you know how much her emotions affected her? " The doctor reprimanded the person in the room.

Wen Xin quickly nodded. "I'll take note. "

She blamed herself deeply. If she had brought Ouyang Mo further away to talk, her mother would not have known.

"Sigh, take good care of the patient. If there's anything, come find us. " The doctor left the room after giving his instructions.

Wen Xin walked to her mother's bed. "Mom, did you see everything? Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm really fine. DON'T BE AGITATED! "

Chang Yue couldn't stop her tears. Fortunately, the medicine had a calming effect, so she wasn't too agitated. "I saw everything. Ouyang Mo's new girlfriend hit you! "

She touched her throat with her hand, sobbing so hard that she couldn't speak.

She watched her daughter and Ouyang Mo walk out and thought that they were talking about something private, but later she realized that something was wrong. Because she heard an argument, she got out of the bed to see what had happened.

In the end, she saw Sun Anan Insulting Wen Xin. She wanted to help her daughter beat Sun Anan, but she was too emotional. Her whole body was shaking and she couldn't control herself.

She just watched her daughter get beaten. The more anxious she was, the more she couldn't move. Fortunately, she saw Du Xi Help Wen Xin beat Sun Anan Away, so she was finally alive.

Her hand touched her daughter's face. "It's mom who let you down. I didn't know Ouyang Mo had such a character and wanted you to marry him! "

She blamed herself deeply. If she didn't want to set Ouyang Mo and Wen Xin up, she would have chased Ouyang Mo away when she saw him, instead of leaving Ouyang Mo behind.

If she chased Ouyang Mo away, Wen Xin wouldn't have been beaten up.

"Mom, don't say that. You also feel sorry for me and want me to marry better. " Wen Xin could understand her mother's feelings.

"It's my fault. I made you suffer so much. I won't interfere with you finding a boyfriend in the future. " Chang Yue said.

"Auntie, don't worry. I'll find a handsome and reliable boy for Wen Xin! " Du Xi said loudly and turned to ask Bai Bo, "are any of your classmates single? Introduce one to my best friend! "

"No problem, as long as Wen Xin is willing, but I think she needs time to recover her spirit. It's not suitable for her to find a boyfriend at this time. I'll introduce him to her after she gets out of the shadow, " Bai Bo said.

"That's fine. When Auntie gets better, I'll take Wen Xin for a few days to relax and she'll be fine! " Du Xi said.

"I'll be discharged in two days. Du Xi, you and Wen Xin have always been good friends. You have to come visit her more often! " Chang Yue was afraid that her daughter would not be able to take it.

"I know. Let's go to class together tomorrow! " Du Xi said.

"You're going to class again tomorrow? " Wen Xin looked at Du Xi in surprise. Usually, when this girl went to class, it was an abnormal time. But now, Du Xi's condition was very good.

"In the future, I'll go to class and try to catch up on the lessons I missed. Then, after I graduate, I'll go help Bai Bo's hospital. " Du Xi was no longer confused about her future. She suddenly realized that she could not muddle along like this. She should study hard Work hard and manage their love and hospital with Bai Bo.

"Good! Girl, you finally know that you have to study hard and work hard! " Wen Xin said.

"Of course. I'll grow up too. In the future, when the Little Witch du Xi is gone, I'll be a good girl, Du Xi! " Du Xi said loudly.

Bai Bo's hand touched du Xi's head. "Well, so good! Show me your tail! "

Du Xi opened her mouth and bit the man's hand. "YOU'RE THE PUPPY! "

"You just said that you're good! Now you're not good! " Bai Bo said.

"Oh right, are you guys engaged? When do you plan to get married? " Wen Xin asked. It must be because they were engaged that Du Xi said that Bai Bo was her fianc��.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED NEXT MONTH! Remember to be my bridesmaid. I'm going to order a beautiful bridesmaid outfit for you! " Du Xi said.

"almost every day, we have to be busy with the wedding. When you're in class, you have to hurry up and finish your homework, " Bai Bo instructed his fianc��e.

"I know. That little homework is nothing! " Du Xi said confidently. She was not stupid, nor was she stupid. She was also very smart. She just did not want to learn, so she did not want to learn. When she wanted to learn, that little homework was not a problem for her.

"seeing that you can get married happily, I'm happy for you both. Wen Xin, Take Du Xi and the others to eat. We have to treat du Xi well, " Chang Yue instructed her daughter.

"Aunty, don't be a stranger. Let Wen Xin take good care of you. WE'LL EAT AT SCHOOL TOMORROW! " Du Xi said.

"Okay, I'll treat you to a big meal at school tomorrow! " Wen Xin said.

Du Xi and Bai Bo did not dare to delay for too long lest it would affect Chang Yue's rest. They chatted for a while and then left.

The next day, Du Xi was sent to school by Bai Bo. When school was over at noon, Du Xi and Wen Xin had just walked out of the teaching building when they saw Sikong Yi standing at the door of the teaching building.

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