May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1422 - Chapter 1422 I want my baby and you

Chapter 1422: Chapter 1422 I want my baby and you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Du Xi walked straight to Sikong Yi and threw a punch at him. "Are you F * Cking crazy? Why are you following me? "

Sikong Yi's face was hit hard by the little woman. His face was bruised. "Who followed you? "

"That's right. Does this street belong to you? What right do you have to say that we followed you? Brother Sikong, does your wound hurt? Du Xi, YOU'RE SO BARBARIC! " Xiao Xueyan touched Sikong Yi's face in heartache.

Du Xi rolled her eyes at Xiao Xueyan. "I'm just that barbaric. If you're afraid, then stay away from me! If you follow me again, I woN'T BE POLITE TO YOU! "

"I told you, we're not following you. Brother Sikong brought me to a restaurant on the street for a meal! Du Xi, don't you feel too good? Do you still dream that others think that they're following you? " Xiao Xueyan said.

Du Xi pursed her lips into a straight line, as if she couldn't find any evidence that they were following her. This street was indeed public, and anyone could walk on it. It couldn't be said that all the people walking on the street were following her.

"It'd better be so! " She said and turned around to walk towards Bai Bo.

"If you don't like seeing them, we can change places, " Bai Bo said.

"No, why should we change places? Let's go! " Du Xi said.

"okay, let's go. The place I want to take you to is right in front. " Bai Bo held the little woman's hand and led her to the front.

This was a pedestrian street, and it was already night time. There were a lot of people in the night market, and there were all kinds of vendors selling things.

Du Xi was soon attracted by the hydrogen balloons. She liked the pink pig's hydrogen balloons so much that she looked at them again and again.

However, she only liked them because she knew how old she was. Obviously, she was no longer the age to play with balloons.

Bai Bo let go of Du Xi's hand and walked to the stall selling balloons. He bought a pig's balloon and gave it to the little woman.

"You like this? Well, it's a good match. You two are quite alike, " he teased.

"Damn, you're the one who looks like a pig! " Du Xi shouted.

"I don't look like a pig, I look like a breeder. Let's go, my cute little pig! " Bai Bo held the little woman's hand and led her forward.

Du Xi's lips curved. The man was pulling her, and she was pulling a balloon. It was a beautiful scene. Many people who walked past them would take a few glances at them.

Her eyes caught sight of another cotton candy seller. Her footsteps were rooted to the ground.

This cotton candy seller did not wrap the cotton candy into a ball, but made it into a flower.

There was a flower heart. The flower heart was wrapped in layers of cotton candy. Each layer was different in color, like a seven-colored flower in full bloom.

Bai Bo felt that he couldn't pull the little woman anymore. He stopped and turned his head to look at Du Xi. He could tell what du Xi wanted from her staring eyes.

"Tell me what you want. " His voice hit du Xi's forehead.

Du Xi's finger weakly pointed at the big colorful cotton candy that had just been made. "This. "

Bai Bo raised his eyebrows. "Finish your sentence. I don't know what this is. "

"Okay, I want Cotton Candy, okay? " Du Xi said.

"Du Xi, remember, no matter what you want, you have to tell me. I will also have times when I can't guess your thoughts, but I can't bear to disappoint you, so you have to tell me, okay? " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi nodded seriously. "I know. If you don't go, I'm afraid that someone else will buy it. "

Her hand shook the man's arm.

"Okay, I'll go buy it! " Bai Bo walked towards the Stall Vendor Selling Cotton Candy. "I want the Cotton Candy! "

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the Cotton Candy was picked up by Sikong Yi. "I want it. "

He took out a banknote and handed it to the stall vendor.

"brother Sikong, it's not right for you to do this. I was the one who said I wanted it first, " Bai Bo said.

"brother Sikong was the one who bought it first! You said you wanted it, but you didn't pay for it! " Xiao Xueyan retorted.

"Sirs, I have as many cotton candy as you want. You don't have to fight over this. I'll make another one for you right now! " The stall vendor said with a smile. He didn't want to lose a big customer.

This kind of handicraft-like marshmallows were many times more expensive than ordinary marshmallows. In fact, not many people were willing to spend sixty yuan on a marshmallows.

He immediately began to make marshmallows.

Sikong Yi looked at Bai Bo. "first come, first served. I'm leaving. "

His fingers pinched the stem of the marshmallows as he led Xiao Xueyan Past du Xi and Bai Bo.

Bai Bo was about to snatch it when du Xi grabbed his arm. "where are you going? "

"I'm helping you snatch the marshmallows! That's the one you fancy! " Bai Bo explained.

Du Xi's lips curved. "It's the one I like, but now it's been touched. I don't like my things being touched. I don't like that cotton candy at all now. I want a new one! "

"Alright then, I'll listen to you! " Bai Bo said. He took out a hundred yuan and threw it to the vendor. "Make It big and good for me! "

The vendor was almost scared. Spending a hundred yuan to buy a cotton candy that could be eaten in a short while The temperature was not low now. If he didn't finish eating the cotton candy quickly, it would melt.

"Okay, okay, I'll make it right away. " He began to make large cotton candy with great care.

After making a blooming flower, he added a small plastic plate to the top of the cotton candy and put the dry ice bag on the small plastic plate at the top.

"I deliberately added dry ice to keep the cotton candy from melting. " The vendor handed the thing to Du Xi. He only gave them dry ice for the sake of the 100 yuan. Otherwise, he wouldn't be willing to give them dry ice!

The cost of dry ice was more expensive than ordinary ice. However, dry ice didn't have condensation water, so it wouldn't destroy the Cotton Candy.

Du Xi carried the marshmallows and walked in front of all the women's envious and Jealous Eyes. The corners of her lips curved into a crescent moon. So the feeling of being doted on by a man was so wonderful!

"thank you! " She raised her small head and said to Bai Bo.

She really did not regret choosing Bai Bo. Now it seemed that Sikong Yi was a scumbag, and Bai Bo was a warm and warm man.

She decided to admit her mistake and change. As long as Bai Bo loved her, she would develop well with Bai Bo and marry him.

The tip of her tongue licked the marshmallows. The sweet taste moistened her heart.

Bai Bo brought Du Xi into a Japanese restaurant. The food here was mostly cold, so the temperature was low, which was good for preserving the marshmallows.

"Do you like Japanese food? " He asked Du Xi.

Du Xi nodded. "It's okay. It's Sushi anyway. "

"Sushi is very healthy. There's no oil, and it's all the freshest ingredients and rice. So no matter how much you eat, it's not a burden to the human body. You can eat as much as you want without gaining weight, " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi immediately widened her eyes. "really, no matter how much you eat, you won't gain weight? I WANT TO EAT! "

She definitely suspected that Bai Bo had said that she looked like a piglet because she was fat. She wanted to lose weight, become a skeleton spirit, and then get married in a beautiful wedding dress!

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