May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1402 - Chapter 1402: I Want my child and you 102

Chapter 1402: Chapter 1402: I Want my child and you 102

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Du Xi picked up the bottle and threw it at Xiao Xueyan. However, the man grabbed her arm.

Her eyes stared fiercely at Sikong Yi's face. She was so angry that the corner of her lips twitched. "Let go of my hand! "

"I don't allow you to hurt Xiao Xueyan! Du Xi, if you don't apologize, get lost! " Sikong Yi said coldly.

Du Xi's eyes twisted the man's cold face. Her entire body was cold. The feeling from head to toe was as if she was going to be frozen!

Sikong Yi actually wanted to chase her out for Xiao XUEYAN'S SAKE!

At this moment, the entire room was silent. Everyone knew Sikong Yi's temper. No one dared to disobey his words.

And Du Xi clearly saw the smug smile in Xiao Xueyan's eyes. Xiao Xueyan was looking at her as a joke, provoking her But she had lost to Xiao Xueyan so unwillingly, making Xiao Xueyan look like a joke.

Just as she was about to despair, the man's arm wrapped around her body as if he was hugging something he loved. He hugged her completely in his arms.

"today is my treat. I am the owner of this place. Du Xi is my girlfriend. I want to see who dares to chase her away. Those who are unhappy with her can leave by themselves! TAKE CARE! " Bai Bo said coldly.

Sikong Yi's expression turned cold. "Bai Bo, are you crazy about money? You want a woman like her too? "

He suddenly flew out. Initially, he only wanted to Chase Bai Bo away. He did not expect that Bai Bo would dare to argue with him. Meanwhile, Bai Bo's words pierced into his heart, suffocating him to the point of pain.

Bai Bo raised his eyebrows. "I'm crazy about money. After all, I don't have many brothers who are rich. Big Brother Du said that if I marry Du Xi, he can send me to a hospital.

"I don't have a woman I love yet. "I can train myself to fall in love with Du Xi for the sake of the hospital. Both of us don't have a partner, so I don't think there's anything wrong with us being together.

"I'm short of money, and she's short of men. If we fall in love, aren't we a natural couple? "

He said in a Huff, not feeling that he had done anything wrong.

Sikong Yi's heart felt like it had been dug out by someone. Bai Bo's 'we're in love' was simply killing him!

Compared to watching Du Xi and Bai Bo Fall in love, what was more difficult for him to accept was that they were in love.

He would rather that they were just purely business, than let them really fall in love with each other.

"I can send you to the hospital. You can leave Du Xi Now! I can't see my good brother suffer! " He said loudly.

Du Xi looked at Bai Bo nervously. She was very clear that Bai Bo and she were in a relationship of interest. If someone offered a high price, Bai Bo would immediately leave.

Her heart was bleak. How much did Sikong Yi hate her? Even if she found another man, would he still want her to break up with him and embarrass her?

"I, I can ask my brother to give you two hospitals. " She quickly came up with a reason not to let Bai Bo dump her.

"As a man, if you want the Betrothal gift from your mother's family, you will have to suffer for the rest of your life. I can send you two hospitals. With a hospital, what kind of woman do you want to find Even if you play with women every day, no one would dare to make you suffer. If you don't want to play with women, you can still pursue your true love.

Bai Bo, big brother is doing this for your own good Think about it yourself. Do you want du Xi's two hospitals, or do you want me to give you two hospitals?"Sikong Yi said.

He promised that Bai Bo would choose the hospital that he gave him. Of course, men had to stand tall and could not be made to suffer by women. And no man was willing to bear du Xi's temper.

He was waiting to see Bai Bo Dump du Xi and drive Du Xi away. Only then would his heart be at ease.

Xiao Xueyan was dumbfounded. Others saw that Sikong Yi gave Bai Bo two hospitals for Bai Bo's sake and made Bai Bo and du Xi break up.

In her opinion, it was Sikong Yi who gave Bai Bo two hospitals to break up with Du Xi.

Her heart throbbed with pain. Sikong Yi was willing to spend so much money just to break UP WITH DU XI!

She looked at Bai Bo nervously. She was even more nervous than du Xi. She did not want Du Xi to break up. If du Xi had a boyfriend, he would be less of a threat to her.

Everyone was waiting for Bai Bo's words. What would Bai Bo choose?

Du Xi's Gaze landed on Bai Bo's face. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Sikong Yi's every word seemed to pierce into her heart. She only felt that she was going to be broken up, and that she was going to be a joke to Xiao Xueyan!

Her lips trembled. "We... we'RE BREAKING UP! "

She did not wait for the man to say anything, and she said it first. She could not stand being dumped by a man, so she might as well say it herself.

Her arm was grabbed by Bai Bo, and she was trapped in his arms.

"Who allowed you to say you're breaking up? Did I give you the right? " Bai Bo held du Xi in one hand, and his other hand pinched Du Xi's Chin.

"Ah? You don't want to break up? " Du Xi asked in surprise.

"Why should I break up? To get another hospital? I do need a hospital, but I only need one hospital. I want more hospitals. I can earn more by myself.

As for finding the woman I like. I don't have a woman I particularly like yet, and you're weird enough to attract my attention, so my girlfriend is you.

"I already feel very lucky to marry a wife and give me a hospital. People shouldn't be too greedy, don't you think so? " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi's mouth was wide open in shock. Was this man confessing that he liked her?

"You, you said you like me? " F * Ck, he liked her? He was the weird one, wasn't he?

"Yes, I like your personality. Although you're barbaric, you're reasonable. Although you're rebellious, you're kind. You have your own principles. You're much better than those hypocritical girls, " Bai Bo said.

Du Xi was so shocked that she forgot to blink. She just looked at the man in front of her. She had never been praised by anyone since she was young. Bai Bo was the first man to praise her.

The girl's shocked look was reflected in Bai Bo's eyes. He laughed softly. "Why are you opening your mouth so wide? Are you inviting me to kiss you? "

He lowered his head and kissed the Little Woman's Lips. He kissed her deeply.

Du Xi's eyes were wide open as she looked at the sudden kiss in surprise. Feeling the man's pampering, it seemed to be quite comfortable to be kissed by a man.

The people in the room were still in a state of shock when they were shocked by Bai Bo Kissing du Xi again.

"D * MN! Is this love at first sight? " Nangong ye said. He did not think that there would still be people who would take a fancy to du Xi.

"Actually, Du Xi is really not bad. The last time she pretended to be a bunny girl, that figure! TSK TSK. "

"Yeah, that figure is really good. Although she has a bad temper, it's still comfortable to sleep at home after marrying her. "

The few young masters were discussing.

Sikong Yi's heart was suffocating. His hands were clenched into fists. If Bai Bo was not his brother, he would have really rushed over to beat someone up!

His entire body was shrouded in anger that could not be concealed. He was so angry that he wanted to destroy himself!

"Brother Yi, don't be angry. It doesn't matter if I suffer a little. You don't have to do so much for me. If you do this for me, I don't even know how to repay you! " Xiao Xueyan quickly pulled Sikong Yi's mind. She could not let Sikong Yi make a move for DU XI!

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