May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1398 - Chapter 1398 I want my baby and you

Chapter 1398: Chapter 1398 I want my baby and you

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Chang Yue's body was already swollen, which was why she felt pain.

"Mom, it's okay. I'll call the doctor to take a look at you. " She pressed the emergency bell.

As the emergency bell rang, a few doctors ran over to check on Chang Yue.

Wen Xin was invited out of the ward. She looked into the room through the glass door and waited anxiously for the doctor to check on her.

She could see a bunch of tubes inserted into her mother's body. The nurse even gave Chang Yue some medicine.

A moment later, the doctor walked out of the ward. "Are you her daughter? "

"Yes, I'm her daughter. How's my mother's condition? " The doctor asked.

"Sigh, she's already in renal failure and her body is swollen. I gave her some medicine to reduce the swelling and the puncture to drain the water, but she won't be able to hold on for more than a few days, " the doctor said.

Wen Xin felt a chill all over her body. "Then, then what should we do? Have you found a suitable kidney for us? "

"Yes, I have found it. It's a perfect match for your mother's kidney, " the doctor said.

Wen Xin's eyes flashed. "That's great. How much does the other party want? I can give it to her! "

"I also want you to negotiate a price. Chang Yue's illness can also be cured, but the other party doesn't want to donate anymore. They said that they won't donate no matter how much money they give. I can't do anything about this. After all, this kind of thing still has to be voluntary, " the doctor said helplessly.

"Then tell me who she is. I'll go and beg her. I'll go and kneel. I can beg her however I want! " Wen Xin said.

She was willing to sacrifice everything for her mother.

"This, this, we have to keep the identity information confidential. We can't tell you. If she feels disturbed and calls the police, WE'LL BE IN TROUBLE! " The doctor said.

"Then what about my mother? Doctor, please tell me, how can I save my mother? " Wen Xin's tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I can't say for sure. Sigh, I'm sorry for your loss. It would be great if a powerful person could come forward. Many people don't want money, but they're afraid of people with status. Do you understand this? " The doctor said.

Wen Xin nodded. She understood. She understood very well. She didn't want money, but many people were afraid of offending the powerful. After all, they couldn't afford to offend them.

But where could she find someone with power Nangong Ye's name flashed across her mind.

The doctors and nurses in the ward all left the ward. Wen Xin walked in to see her mother.

Chang Yue saw her daughter walk in and tears rolled down her face. "Wen Xin, is mom dying? I pity that I haven't seen you get married yet! "

She wiped her tears. She couldn't let go of her daughter.

"Mom, don't cry. YOU WON'T DIE! I promise! I've told the doctor to help us talk about the kidney. It'll be done very soon, " Wen Xin comforted her mother.

"really? You've really found a suitable kidney for me? " Chang Yue asked.

"Yes, but we're still short on the price. I've told the doctor that we'll agree to no matter how much it costs! So, don't worry. You won't die, and I won't let you die. Maybe we'll be able to do the surgery very soon, " Wen Xin said.

"Yes, yes, I understand. But if the other party wants too much money, we can't agree to it. I'll leave that money to you! I can't use it all, " Chang Yue said.

"I know. I won't ask for too much. Just wait for the doctor to settle it. " Wen Xin tried her best to say it in a relaxed manner so that her mother wouldn't worry.

"I know. You go to school. I have nothing else to do here. " Chang Yue let her daughter go to school. She could only endure the time. She couldn't eat or drink. It was useless to leave any more people here.

Wen Xin left the hospital after giving her mother a few words. She rode her little red car to find Nangong Ye. All her hopes were placed on this man.

When she came to the company this time, the security guards at the entrance lined up to welcome her as if she was the female lead here.

"You don't have to bow to me. I'm here to look for President Nan Gong. I have something to tell him. I'll leave after I'm done, " Wen Xin said.

"Sure, sure. Please come in! " The security guard said as he led the way.

Wen Xin followed the security guard in and walked straight to the elevator.

The elevator stopped at the top floor. Wen Xin walked to the president's office with ease.

She faintly heard voices in the office. She didn't dare to go in and disturb them, so she stood outside the office and waited for the man to finish his meeting.

She didn't know how long she waited. She waited until her legs were sore before Nangong Ye's door opened.

A few men in suits walked out of the room. It was obvious that they were senior executives of the company.

Wen Xin hid at the side and made way for these people. She felt that she was too humble.

After everyone in the room had left, she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"President Nan Gong, " she said softly.

"please come in, " Nangong Ye said.

Wen Xin turned the DOORKNOB and pushed the door open to enter the luxurious room. The man was sitting behind the boss's desk and looking at the screen.

Nangong ye turned to look at the girl who walked in and asked in a deep voice, "are you looking for me? "

Wen Xin nodded "I, I want to ask President Nangong for a favor. I found the kidney that matched my mother successfully, but the other party said that he doesn't want to donate it anymore. I want to ask President Nangong to help me find this person and ask him to donate it. He can ask for as much money as he wants! "

She lowered her head more and more. She didn't know if Nangong ye would agree to her request. She didn't have any confidence at all.

Nangong ye could control her mother's fate with just a simple sentence.

Nangong ye looked at Wen Xin. "Why should I help you find a suitable kidney for your mother? Give me a reason. "

The man's cold words flew out, catching Wen Xin off guard.

Wen Xin's heart froze. What reason could she have to make Nangong ye help her?

"I... I don't have any reason. I just want you to help me, " she said softly.

"I'm giving you the compensation for the demolition and the villa because I want to demolish that land and build a shopping mall. I'm looking for a kidney for your mother. Why do you think that is? " Nangong ye asked.

Wen Xin understood what the man meant. She slowly raised her head and said, "as long as President Nangong can help my mother find a kidney, I can agree to all your requests. "

"Are we talking about business? I don't like to talk about business when it comes to relationships. If you're here to talk about business, then you can go back, " Nangong ye said.

"No, I'm not here to talk about business. What I want to say is that I... " Wen Xin's mind was in a mess, and she didn't know what to say to Nangong ye.

Actually, it was clearly a business. As long as Nangong ye gave her what she wanted, she could give Nangong ye what Nangong ye wanted.

She bit her lips and hesitated about how to tell the man.

She took a deep breath and walked toward the man. "because I'm your girlfriend, you have to help me find a suitable kidney for my mother. "

Nangong ye raised his eyebrows. "You're my girlfriend? I can't tell. Prove it to me! "

He ordered loudly with a wicked smile on his face.

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