May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1389 - Chapter 1389 I want baby and you 89

Chapter 1389: Chapter 1389 I want baby and you 89

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Wen Xin found her little red car under the big tree, unlocked it, and rode her bike back to the hospital. After a long morning, she wanted to go back and tell her mother that if someone from the demolition company came looking for her.. She asked her mother not to sign the compensation agreement for the demolition first.

There was too much money, and she didn't want the extra money Nangong ye gave her. However, the reason he gave her was something she couldn't refute. If she were to argue with Nangong ye, it would be as if she was saying that Nangong ye gave her money to pursue her.

In the end, she chose not to sign the compensation agreement for now. She wanted to see what kind of compensation other people gave her.

When she rode her bike to the hospital, she pushed the door open and entered the hospital ward. She saw her mother's happy face.

"Mom, why are you so happy today? " She asked in surprise.

"Wen Xin, when people are lucky, they can't even block their luck! " Chang Yue was grinning from ear to ear.

"Mom, what are you talking about? " Wen Xin walked towards her mother.

"sit down. Take a look at what this is. I've never been so happy in my life. " Chang Yue took out a stack of documents and placed them in Wen Xin's hands.

Wen Xin's pupils constricted and her hands trembled uncontrollably. "Mom, why did you sign the compensation agreement? who asked you to sign it? "

"The demolition company found me and asked me to sign it! Look at the compensation and the house.

These people are so generous. They gave me two million in compensation right from the start and a new three-bedroom house with decorations. We can live there as long as we carry our bags.

But I want to do business. No matter what, we have to bargain, don't you think so I said I won't sign, to wait for my daughter to come back to discuss.

Who knows they said they have a task, when the time can not complete the task, they lost their job. Also said, as long as I sign, everything is negotiable, they said they have a villa, also is decorated, but the location is a little bit different, as long as I sign, can use that three-bedroom villa for that.

I let them show me the address and the photo of the House. Oh my God, that location is called remote AH That location is the best for US old people It's not far from the city. The scenery is nice and quiet. If I want to go to the city, I can take a bus there.

I thought about such a good thing. After this village, there won't be such a shop. So I signed my name I don't know what's buried under that piece of land. The company that bought this land is really generous. The houses that are compensated are all villas!

Oh right, I asked them for an extra million. It's a total of three million Oh No, am I going to be short? They gave us so much money so easily. Could it be that there are diamonds buried under the ground?"Chang Yue became more and more excited as she spoke.

Wen Xin's face turned Pale. "even if there are diamonds buried, they belong to the country and have nothing to do with us. MOM, we want to return this house and money. "

"Ah? Daughter, are you stupid? Why do you want to return it? This is the money they gave us for the demolition! " Chang Yue said.

"The company that bought this land is Nangong Ye's company. I don't want his money, " Wen Xin said.

Chang Yue thought for a moment and seemed to understand. "Are you saying that young Master Nan Gong gave you all this on purpose? Did he say that? "

"He didn't say that. He only said that he gave us more because we were the first family to sign the agreement, " Wen Xin said.

"Hey, isn't that good? Anyway, he didn't give you the money on purpose. Since it's the demolition fee, we can take it in peace! " Chang Yue said.

"But this money and the house are too much above the market price. I don't want to owe young master Nan Gong, " Wen Xin said.

"Do you mean that he wants to use these things to woo you? You don't want to owe him because of the matter between you and young Master Ouyang? " Chang Yue asked.

"I promised Ouyang Mo that we would get married after he settled the matter with his company. Mom, give me the documents. I'll ask the demolition company to return them. "

"Wait a minute, let me think about it. " Chang Yue's hand gripped the documents tightly "daughter, have you thought about it? The villa and money were given to you because young master Nan Gong was pursuing you It can be seen how much young Master Nan Gong loves you When Ouyang Mo was dating you, he didn't give you anything. And now, something happened to Ouyang Mo's family's company. No matter how you compare, Young Master Nan Gong is the best!

I think you should think about it You're so outstanding, and now that Young Master Nan Gong is chasing you, don't be stupid and Follow Ouyang Mo!"

Chang Yue tried to persuade her daughter.

"Mom, what are you saying? You want me to be with young Master Nan Gong for money? Then what kind of woman would I be? " Wen Xin retorted.

"I'm not saying that we want to be with young master Nan Gong for money. But if he gives us money and a house, it can at least prove young master Nan Gong's feelings for you, right? Don't you think so?

"In this way, Young Master Nan Gong definitely loves YOU MORE THAN OUYANG MO! " "Don't you think so? " Chang Yue said.

"I know my own weight. I won't have these UNREALISTIC DREAMS! " Wen Xin said.

"How is this unrealistic? This is real gold and silver! My daughter. What is wrong with you? You're so beautiful, and you're a university student. You're also hard-working. Where would they find a girlfriend as good as you? " Chang Yue praised her daughter.

Wen Xin was speechless. "There are plenty of university students, and there are also plenty of beautiful university students. I don't have anything worthy of a wealthy family, so I won't think about things that don't belong to me.

"Mom, one room is enough for us to live in. In the future, I'll serve you well and not let you live a hard life. This house and money, just listen to me and return it to the demolition company! "

Chang Yue's tears rolled down. "Do you think mom is doing this for me? I'm already a person who doesn't know when I'm going to live. Do I care about these worldly possessions?

"MOM is worried about you "If we had these assets, you wouldn't have to suffer anymore. In the future, even if I die, I can still close my eyes! "

"Mom, don't cry. Your body isn't good, you can't cry! " Wen Xin quickly wiped her mother's tears.

"I know about my body. I don't even know if I can live through this month. Mom is really worried about how you will live in the future "I know that you like to be aloof at your age. You can pursue love regardless of anything. But no matter how much you love Ouyang Mo, you have to think for yourself!

"You also know that Ouyang Mo's mother doesn't allow you to be with Ouyang Mo. what if you can't get married, what will you do Daughter, just listen to your mother and accept these things. In the future, even if you don't have a man, you can still live a good life with these assets!"Chang Yue said

"Mom, I really don't want these things. I can earn them myself in the future! " Wen Xin reached out to snatch the documents in Chang Yue's hands.

"No, I won't give them to you. I can't let you do stupid things! " Chang Yue held onto the documents and didn't let go.

Suddenly, her heart raced and she fell on the bed.

"Mom! " Wen Xin pounced on her mother!

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