May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1385 - Chapter 1385 I want my child and you 85

Chapter 1385: Chapter 1385 I want my child and you 85

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Xiao Xueyan's eyes reddened. "You, how can you scold people? I didn't want to live here. It was Sikong Gongzi who let me live here. "

She hurriedly explained. She was scolded for being shameless for no reason. She felt so wronged that she wanted to cry.

"He asked you to stay, and you stayed? " Du Xi looked at Xiao Xueyan's weeping face and felt all kinds of heartache. Xiao Xueyan looked too much like Xiao Ziyan, especially her pitiful face.

"Du Xi! You F * Cking dare to say another word to me! " Sikong Yi roared.

Du Xi was not convinced at all. She raised her little face and retorted, "why can't I say anything? I already said it. What's wrong? If she had any sense of shame, why would she stay in the house of a man she had only met once? "

Suddenly, the man's Palm Struck du Xi, imprinting itself heavily on the girl's face.

Du Xi's face was smacked by the man's palm. It was burning in pain. She covered her face with her hand. "You hit me? Sikong Yi, you hit me because of this woman? "

She yelled at Sikong Yi angrily. In the past, no matter how much she angered Sikong Yi, Sikong jue would never hit her, especially in the face.

Sikong Yi's hand grabbed du Xi's arm. "I slapped her on behalf of Xue Yan! She was injured all over because she wanted to save you. You didn't thank her, but you still scolded her? Apologize to Xue Yan now! "

He ordered furiously.

"I didn't beg her to save me. Why should I be blamed for her injuries? I WON'T APOLOGIZE! " Du Xi shouted.

Sikong Yi grabbed du Xi's arm and dragged her out of the room. He dragged her out of the yard and threw her out of the pharmacy.

"remember this. Whoever dares to Let du Xi into my pharmacy again will f * Cking get out of the Sikong family! " He ordered coldly.

"Yes! " A few bodyguards saw that Sikong Yi was really angry and quickly accepted the order in unison.

They did not dare to make things difficult for their jobs. If they let du Xi in, it would be equivalent to losing their jobs. There was no hole in their heads.

Du Xi was thrown onto the street by the man. She staggered and fell to the ground. The wound that had just been bandaged was bleeding from the impact. It was painful.

She got up from the ground and pounced on Sikong Yi. "I don't want to go! Brother Yi, you can't abandon me! "

Sikong Yi's hand was grabbed by Du Xi. He Flung du Xi's hand away. "I hate shameless women the most, and you are the most shameless slut! "

He cursed fiercely and turned around to walk into the pharmacy.

Du Xi was stuck on the spot by the man's words. It was as if time had stopped, or perhaps she had forgotten to breathe. Her mind was blank, as if all the scenery had disappeared, leaving only her alone.

Even the thunder in the sky could not wake her up.

Sikong Yi returned to his room and saw Xiao Xueyan sobbing.

"Du Xi has always had this temper. She has always been the eldest miss since she was young. No one dares to disobey her. I apologize to you on her behalf. "

Xiao Xueyan sobbed. "Then didn't I offend the eldest miss? What if she is angry and wants to settle the score with me? Actually, I didn't do anything. No matter who is in danger on the road, I will help. I didn't want her to thank me. "

"You don't want others to thank you. You're kind, but if she doesn't thank you, it's her problem. Don't worry, I'll protect you. She won't dare to settle the score with you! " Sikong Yi said.

Xiao Xueyan blushed and lowered her head. "Thank you, Sikong Yi. I still hope that I can clear up the misunderstanding with Miss Du Xi in the future. "

She lowered her eyes and said. Suddenly, she saw that the man's palm was red. "Sikong Yi, is your palm injured? Why is there blood? "

Only then did Sikong Yi realize that his palm was covered in blood. His gaze was restrained. He had used this hand to grab du Xi just now.

A nerve in his palm suddenly throbbed, affecting his heart.

"It's not my blood. You should rest. I'll go rest in another room. I'll arrange another room for you tomorrow. " He instructed Xiao Xueyan before striding out of the room.

A bolt of lightning lit up the dark night into day, and rain began to fall from the sky.

The bodyguard walked into the inner courtyard to look for Sikong Yi. "Young Master, Miss Du Xi has been standing at the door all this time. "

Sikong Yi looked at the rain falling from the sky. "She'll leave in a while. "

He knew that Du Xi was a rich girl who was used to enjoying life. When had she ever suffered If he let her get caught in the rain, she would definitely run away soon.

"Yes. " The bodyguard received the order and turned around to return to the front yard.

"Wait a moment. Let Xiao Hui come over, " Sikong Yi instructed.

The bodyguard immediately went to call Xiao Hui over.

Xiao Hui ran to Sikong Yi and asked, "young master, are you looking for me? "

"Is du Xi injured? " Sikong Yi asked.

"Yes, Miss Du is injured, " Xiao Hui said.

"where are the injured places? " Sikong Yi asked.

"Her arms, legs, back, feet, and hands were all pierced with glass. How many wounds? I don't know. There are too many. I don't know. There are about 30 to 40 wounds, or maybe 50 to 60, " Xiao Hui said.

Sikong Yi's eyebrows sank. He didn't expect Du Xi to have so many wounds.

"Go and see if she's still at the door, " he ordered

Xiao Hui walked to the Front Yard and looked at Du Xi who was outside the door. The rain was getting heavier, and Du Xi was standing in the rain like a statue. Her clothes were soaked through by the rain, and blood oozed out from her clothes. It was terrifying that her clothes made her dizzy.

Xiao Hui hurriedly ran back to look for Sikong Yi. "Young Master, Miss Du is still standing at the door. Her clothes are all wet, and her body is full of wounds. I'm afraid that her wounds will be infected. "

Sikong Yi's eyebrows sank. "Tell her to get lost! "

"I, I'll try, " Xiao Hui said as she ran to the door.

She took an umbrella and walked out of the door with the umbrella. "Miss Du, you should go quickly. You can't get wet, your wounds will be infected! "

Du Xi stood still as if she didn't hear her words.

"Miss Du, did you hear what I said? You can't do this! " Xiao Hui pushed du Xi with her hand. Mou Ran could feel DU XI burning hot.

"Oh my God! You have a fever! Go to the hospital quickly! " Xiao Hui was shocked. Du Xi's temperature was very high.

Du Xi was pushed by Xiao Hui's hand. She shook for a moment and seemed to be awakened. "I'm not leaving. I want to see brother Yi. "

"See Brother Yi? Do you want to die? HURRY UP AND LEAVE! Can't you come back when you're better? " Xiao Hui said.

"Brother Yi, he won't leave me alone, " Du Xi muttered as if she had been possessed.

Xiao Hui only thought that du Xi was crazy. "Do you want to die for a man? BE OBEDIENT AND GO BACK QUICKLY! Young master will not see you! "

She knew that Du Xi's wound was already infected. If it was not treated, it would be very easy for du Xi to develop complications.

The images of Sikong Yi and Xiao Xueyan flashed through Du Xi's mind again and again. Sikong Yi was so gentle to Xiao Xueyan, but he was so cruel to her. She was so wronged that she wanted to cry, but she could not cry at all.

Suddenly, her vision went black and she fell to the ground... ...

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