May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1380 - Chapter 1380"I want my child and you 80. "

Chapter 1380: Chapter 1380"I want my child and you 80. "

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Ouyang Mo's face was like ten thousand slaps. He grabbed Nangong Ye's collar and said, "don't you dare touch her! "

"Hehe, of course I won't touch her. I'll touch her many times in the future and play her inside and out. ". "I'll dump her after our bet is over. ". "even if your woman hasn't been touched by you, I still feel disgusted! " Nangong ye said.

Ouyang Mo's heart felt like it was being clawed by a sharp claw. Thinking about how Wen Xin was raped by Nangong ye and then dumped by Nangong ye, he even wanted to kill Nangong ye.

He grabbed Nangong Ye's collar with one hand and punched Nangong Ye's face with the other.

Nangong ye reached out and grabbed Ouyang Mo's fist. His big hand forcefully twisted Ouyang Mo's arm behind Ouyang Mo's back.

Ouyang Mo's arm was being twisted by Nangong ye until it hurt. "Let go of me! I won't let you hurt Wen Xin! "

"Don't f * Cking put it nicely. This gamble was set up by you. If you want to hurt her, you're the one who hurt her Don't pretend to be merciful with me When the time comes, I'll tell Wen Xin everything, including how you used her as a bargaining chip "guess what she will do to you? " Nangong ye patted Ouyang Mo's face He sneered and pushed Ouyang Mo to the ground.

He got into his car and drove away from Ouyang Mo's side.

Ouyang Mo got up from the ground. He had never been in such a sorry state in his life. Nangong ye's words were like a knife stabbing into his heart, making him bleed. How could he dare to let Wen Xin know about his bet with Nangong ye?

This was something he would never dare to say.

He knew Wen Xin too well. If Wen Xin knew, she would never forgive him.

He staggered towards his car, feeling as if all his strength had been taken away.


The next day, Wen Xin got up early to cook for her mother. She rode her little red car to the hospital to visit her mother.

Just as she reached the door of the ward, she heard her mother talking about her childhood.

"Sigh, that girl was really naughty when she was young. She could climb trees and FETCH LITTLE BIRDS TO RAISE! She even caught CICADA monkeys. I even suspected that I gave birth to the wrong baby. She should have given birth to a boy!

Who knew that she would become a completely different person when she grew up? She was so quiet and quiet that anyone who saw my daughter would like her!"Chang Yue smiled proudly. Wen Xin had always been her pride!

Wen Xin pushed the door open and entered the ward. She saw Nangong ye sitting by the bed and feeding Chang Yue.

"Young Master Nangong? " She was stunned. Yesterday, Nangong ye still looked like he disliked her, and she and Nangong ye even quarreled.

"Wen Xin! What do you think this child is doing? Why didn't you tell me? Did you ask young master Nangong to help us fight for a house? Look, young master Nangong even brought us the property capital! " Chang Yue's hand touched the bright red property certificate Tears rolled down her face.

Everyone knew that they were dependent on each other, but they didn't know that her husband chased her out of the house because she had kidney disease!

Her husband refused to pay for her medical expenses and even chased her out of the house, leaving her to fend for herself. Fortunately, her daughter was very sensible and left the house to live with her and earn money to treat her illness.

Later, she heard that her husband found another woman and that woman even moved into their house.

What was even more infuriating was that her husband died in a car accident less than two years later. She wanted to bring Wen Xin back to her house, but she was chased out by that woman. The compensation for her husband's car accident and the house were all taken by that woman.

After that, there was nothing else. The mother and daughter had always rented a house to live in.

Wen Xin's eyes were wide open. She took a few steps over and picked up the house book in her mother's hand. She looked at it page by page. She did not understand how Nangong ye made that woman spit out the house, nor did she understand how the property certificate was made at night.

"That woman was arrested for illegal appropriation of other people's property and was sent to prison. I asked the property bureau to make the property certificate overnight. This certificate is valid. You eat first. I'll bring you to see the house later, " Nangong ye said.

"I want to go too. I haven't been back for so many years, " Chang Yue quickly said.

"okay, I'll call an ambulance and bring you with me, " Nangong ye said.

Wen Xin couldn't find her sanity for a long time. All the nerves in her brain were in a mess. Why did Nangong ye help her?

"This, that. No matter what, I have to thank you, " she said.

"Go and have breakfast. See if it suits your taste? " Nangong ye patted the girl's buttocks.

Wen Xin was startled by the man's sudden pat. Her hand awkwardly rubbed her buttocks that were hurting from the PAT. "I, I'm not hungry. Oh, I brought breakfast. "

Only then did she remember that she had brought breakfast.

"These breakfast are nutritious meals that I asked the chef to make. It's good for Auntie's health. It's better to eat the breakfast that I brought, " Nangong ye said.

"Yes, it's delicious for me to eat. I'd better eat the breakfast that young master Nan Gong brought, " Chang Yue said.

It wasn't that she didn't know about these health-preserving congee. It was just that it was too expensive and she couldn't afford it. Now that her house and money were coming back, she wanted to take good care of her body so that she could spend time with Wen Xin.

"Okay then, mom. You eat what young Master Nan Gong brought. I'll eat what I make. " Wen Xin opened the lunchbox as she spoke. The vegetable and Meat Porridge that she made in the morning was actually quite delicious.

She sat on the chair and took a spoonful of porridge. The spoon in her hand, mou ran, was snatched away by the man's hand.

"Is it so delicious? Let me try it. ''Nangongg ye took the spoon from the girl's hand, scooped a mouthful of porridge from her lunchbox, and drank it.

Wen Xin was shocked. That was the spoon that she used, and he put the spoon that she used into his mouth What did it become?

She was in a bad mood. It was like an indirect kiss.

She reached out to grab her spoon, but the man's hand blocked her hand.

"The porridge is delicious. Give it to me. I'll exchange it with the breakfast I bought for you! " Nangong ye said as he placed the lunch box in front of the little woman in front of him and gulped down her porridge.

Wen Xin almost couldn't catch her breath. He even ate her leftovers?

"Why aren't you eating? Why are you looking at me? Are you in love with me? " Nangong ye asked.

Wen Xin's face suddenly turned red. "No, I'm not. Um, I'm eating. "

She was so embarrassed that she couldn't find the words to say. She reached out to take a sandwich and stuffed it into her mouth, covering all her embarrassment.

Nangong Ye's eyes were filled with a cold smile. It was too easy to tease a girl who had no experience. He promised that within a week, Wen Xin would climb into his bed and warm it for him. He had already seen how badly Ouyang Mo had lost.

In the corridor, Ouyang Mo stood in the corridor with a bag of breakfast. Through the glass on the door, he could see all of Nangong Ye's movements.

His heart was racing against the current... ...

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