May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1377 - Chapter 1377 I want my baby and you 77

Chapter 1377: Chapter 1377 I want my baby and you 77

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"thank you very much, but I don't need these. Please help me tell the nurse that I only need the most ordinary ward. " Wen Xin insisted on her own principles.

"Alright, I'll say it. " Ouyang Mo hung up the phone.

He found the number of the nurse station and called the nurse station, revealing his name. The Surname Ouyang was also well-known here and had a certain weight.

Only at this moment did he realize that there was a difference between weight and weight.

The head nurse directly told him that young master Nan Gong did not allow Wen Xin to change rooms, so they could not change rooms.

Ouyang Mo frowned. He held the phone in his hand for a long time. He did not know how to tell Wen Xin. Out of instinct, he did not want Wen Xin to know that Nangong ye did this and not him.

Wen Xin waited in the corridor for a long time before Ouyang Mo called. She picked up the phone and asked, "can we change rooms now? "

"Um, Wen Xin, the normal ward is really full. There's really no way to change rooms for you now, but I've made a deal with the hospital. It's not your fault that you can't change rooms. When the time comes, I'll charge you the money for the normal ward. ". "How about this? " Ouyang Mo thought hard for a long time He finally thought of a way.

He called the nurse again and made a deal with her that he would pay for all the difference and only charge Wen Xin the money for the normal ward.

The nurse readily agreed. Hence, he called Wen Xin.

Wen Xin's gaze was restrained. "Are the normal wards really full? "

"Yes, I really can't help it. When the normal wards are free, I'll change them for you. Let your mother stay in the high-end Ward for a few days first, " Ouyang Mo said.

"Okay, thank you. " Wen Xin could only thank him.

She went back to her room to eat with her mother. She did not forget to call the restaurant and tell the restaurant to stop sending food. Even if they did, they would not accept it.

Chang Yue was depressed at her daughter's stubbornness. In her opinion, she could actually get along well with Ouyang Mo..

In Nangong ye's office, Nangong Ye's hand was clutching his phone, not waiting for the expected call.

His eyebrows sank. Wen Xin wouldn't think that the hospital would change her room for free, right?

Of course, no one would be so stupid, unless they were really pretending to be stupid!

The corner of his lips twitched, and a wave of disgust overflowed in his heart. What kind of high and mighty people were they pretending to be? !

He glanced at the time on his phone and got up to go to the bar. It was time for Wen Xin to go to the bar to work.

He didn't use his driver and drove straight to the bar. The bar was still bustling with noise and the girl sitting in the corner of the stage was still as aloof as a Calla Lily.

His sneer was deep in his eyes. He walked straight to the girl and stood in front of her.

The calm expression on the girl's face made him hate her. He really pretended to be stupid to a new level.

"Hello, Young Master Nan Gong, " Wen Xin greeted politely.

Nangong ye sneered, "can you pretend? I'm done playing this game. Just name your price. How much do you want to be my woman? "

Wen Xin's eyes flashed with shock, "priceless. You bought the wrong thing. Not Everything is sold at a price. "

"Is that so? " Nangong ye turned to look at his surroundings, "or is it because there are too many people here and it's not convenient for you to negotiate with me? Let's go somewhere else. "

He grabbed the girl's arm and dragged her to the corridor to the elevator.

Wen Xin struggled in the man's hand, "let go of me! I'M NOT SELLING! Help! Help! "

She screamed for help, but her voice was drowned out by the music in the bar.

The man dragged her upstairs to the private room and threw her onto the big bed.

Nangong ye sneered at the girl in front of him. "If you continue to act, YOU'LL OVERDO IT! I don't like actors, just name your price. I won't bargain with you no matter how much you name it! "

His big hand pulled open his tie, revealing his strong chest muscles.

Wen Xin got up from the bed. "You're thinking too much. I'm not someone you can afford! If you want to buy, there are plenty of bunny girls out there for you to buy! "

She got up and was about to leave, but the man grabbed her arm.

Nangong ye was truly angered by the little woman. "You can't afford it? The price is indeed not right! How about 100 million? 100 million. You and mom can move abroad and spend it in your lifetime. "

Wen Xin looked at the man in front of her coldly. "It's indeed a tempting price. 100 million? I don't think I'll be able to earn that price in a few lifetimes.

"But if I sell it, it won't be me anymore. "If I don't have money, I can earn it myself. I don't need to spend so much money in my lifetime. "So, too much money is meaningless to me. "

She said coldly. She only wanted to live an ordinary life and earn enough to spend. No matter how much money she had, it was just a number. There was no meaning to it.

"If you sell it, it won't be you? Hehe, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard! You accepted my big gift. Don't tell me you think you've accepted it for nothing? " Nangong Ye's lips were lowered, almost touching the woman's face.

"BIG GIFT? " Wen Xin was surprised.

"still playing dumb? Or perhaps, how many suitors do you have that you don't even know who gave you the big gift? Are You satisfied with your mother's ward? " Nangong ye asked.

Wen Xin felt suffocated. "You booked the Ward and dinner? "

"What else? Who Do you think it was? " Nangong ye questioned.

Wen Xin's heart ached as if there were two sharp claws tearing at her heart.

"I called the hotel and asked them not to send me any more. I asked the nurses and they said that I wanted to change back to the normal ward. They said that the normal ward was full.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you gave it to me. "I will pay the hospital, " she stammered as her face turned pale. She finally understood why Nangong ye asked her to name a price.

What hurt her the most was Ouyang Mo's deception!

She pushed the man in front of her away and ran out of the room in a sorry state.

Nangong ye chased after her out of the room. "You're in a hurry to run away after being exposed by me? "

Wen Xin stopped in her tracks. Her lips trembled so much that she could not speak. "Yes, I was exposed by you. I'm such a greedy woman. You don't have to waste your time on me anymore. "

She fiercely said those words and ran into the elevator.

She did not want to explain, and there was no need to explain. What was there to explain?

She did not want to develop a relationship with Nangong ye. If he was willing to misunderstand, then let him misunderstand. If Nangong ye hated her and left her sight, she felt that it would be a good outcome.

She ran out of the bar and rode her bike back to the hospital. She continued to look for the nurse to change wards.

The nurse was clearly impatient. "I've already told you. The normal wards are already full. Are you done yet? "

Wen Xin turned around and walked towards the corridor on the second floor. This was a normal ward. She checked each and every one of them to see if anyone was staying there.

She decisively found an empty ward. She turned around and questioned the nurse, "didn't you say that all the wards were occupied? What's going on with this one? "

The nurse's face turned Pale from the question. "I've never seen such a barbaric woman! This is a newly vacated ward. If you want to stay here, then so be it. HMPH! One look and you can tell that she's suffering. She can't even afford a good house. "

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