May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1362 - Chapter 1362: I want baby and you 62

Chapter 1362: Chapter 1362: I want baby and you 62

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Wen Xin looked at the euro in shock. She almost passed out. 100 euros was almost 1,000 yuan. All the money she had was only about 300 yuan.

Besides, what did she need euros for She couldn't spend it here.

"Don't you have anything else besides euros? " She questioned.

"No, I don't. If you don't believe me, look. This is the smallest amount of euros. "The electronic payment here is very convenient. I don't need to bring any change. I only have some euros with me. The electronic payment abroad is not developed. Some places can only be paid in cash, " Nangong Ye said.

Wen Xin was speechless. She could only take out her phone and let the man scan her Qr Code. After all, she needed to take back her money.

Soon, she received a red packet from Nangong ye. "I received the money. Thank you. "

After saying that, she turned around and left without looking at Nangong ye.

The corner of Nangong Ye's lips twitched. He felt that this girl was too troublesome. It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, she would not pay attention to him.

He reached out and threw the fast food lunchbox into the trash can next to him. He did not know how to eat this kind of food.

A few young masters ran over from behind the tree.

"Damn, I really suspect that this girl is frigid! "

"I think so too. Not only is she frigid, she must also hate the rich! Otherwise, why would she look down on young Master Nan Gong? "

"I don't think so. Maybe she is a rebellious girl? This girl is very good-looking. If she were an actress, she would probably be popular! "

"Hao Feng, how dare you mention movies? " Nangong ye roared angrily.

"I don't dare. I let it slip. I won't say anymore! Young master, don't be angry, " Hao Feng said immediately.

"Let's go and eat. We'll deal with this stupid girl in the afternoon! " Nangong Ye's words came out from the corner of his mouth. He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with this woman in a week.

He got up in his luxury car and took his brothers to the hotel to eat.

When Wen Xin rode past the hotel with the takeout, she also saw the lunchbox on the lid of the trash can. She could recognize that it was a gift from her, and her eyebrows sank to the lowest level.


Lulu asked Du Rui for a leave of absence. After all, she was the head maid and had the right to take a day off. Du Rui also generously gave her a day off.

She dressed herself up, put on a business suit, and took a taxi to the coffee shop.

She was wearing a black suit and a suit skirt, which showed her ability. She also deliberately wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which made her look very formal.

The Nobles in Europe liked to be formal and rigid. She wanted to cater to that kind of atmosphere.

In the coffee shop, Mu Yuze was sitting. He watched the woman walk into the coffee shop.

"Hello, are you looking for the housekeeper? " Lulu walked over and asked.

"Yes, Miss Lulu, right? Please sit down. " Mu Yuze raised his hand.

Lulu sat opposite the man. "Hello, this is my resume. I have worked as a manager for many big families. "

She took out her resume and showed it to the man.

Mu Yuze took the resume and looked at it. "You have a lot of experience. The employer gave you a good evaluation. Where are you working now? "

"I work for DU's family. But I want to live a traditional European life more, so I want to change jobs, " Lulu said.

"European life is very traditional. I'm basically satisfied with your qualifications. But the one who can decide whether to use you or not is not me, but my godfather. You want to interview with him, " Mu Yuze said.

"Okay, I can interview with him, " Lulu said.

"Then I'll take you to see my godfather. " Mu Yuze got up and walked to the door of the coffee shop.

Lulu also followed him out.

Mu Yuze brought the woman to Mu Duo's villa.

Mu Duo looked at the woman who walked in and immediately saw the jade pendant hanging on the woman's neck.

He waved his hand. "someone, catch this woman! "

"Ah! Why did you catch me? " Lulu was caught by a few men and she shouted.

Mu Duo snorted coldly, "bring me the jade on her neck! "

He ordered.

"You want to snatch my jade! You are robbers! " Lulu cried. She did not expect her jade to be snatched away like this. She could not find a low-profile and reserved jewelry, so she chose to wear this jade. Moreover, she felt that no one could tell that this jade was very valuable.

If she knew that she would be recognized, she would not wear it even if she was beaten to death.

"Your Jade? Hehe, you also deserve this kind of jade? This is the certificate of my family's jade. Look carefully! These are the appraisal report and ownership certification! " Mu Zeyu took out a pile of documents.

Lulu looked at these documents in astonishment. "The jade belongs to your family? Impossible! "

"How is that impossible? The jade belongs to my family. It was just that I accidentally lost it twenty years ago. "If you are willing to return it to me, I can give you a reward. If you don't return it, I will call the police and arrest you for illegally possessing my jade! " Mu Duo said.

Lulu almost breathed her last. In other words, with this jade, regardless of whether she was willing or not, she could take back her ownership.

Her eyes turned, "My family bought this! My mother spent a lot of money to buy it! We didn't know it was you who lost it, so you can't take it away! Otherwise, who can we ask for the money we lost? "

"How much did you spend to buy it? " Mu Duo asked.

"100 million! " Lulu revealed a number, only wanting to ask for more money.

"Hehe, your whole family combined doesn't even have 100 million. You said you spent 100 million to buy this? " Mu Duo took out a stack of investigation reports and threw them to Lulu. He had already investigated their entire family.

Lulu's face was extremely black. She didn't expect Mu duo to be so thorough.

"I, we didn't have money because we bought this. Moreover, my mother died. You can't say that she didn't have money when she was alive! " She said pretentiously.

"This is five million. If you want it, take it. If you don't, I'll send you to the police station! Unless you can produce evidence that you spent money to buy this jade, " Mu duo said.

Lulu's gaze landed on the check for five million. This seemed to be the best outcome.

Her hand trembled as she took the money. She originally thought that she could make a windfall and become a rich woman, but in the end, it was only five million yuan.

Five million yuan was a lot of money in the hands of the commoners, but in the circle of the rich, they couldn't even buy a villa.

"Alright, I'll take this money. " She took the check. Anyway, it was free money, so she could only comfort herself.

Mu Duo and Mu Yuze opened the door and let Lulu leave. In any case, she had gotten what she wanted.

Lulu went to the bank to transfer the money into her card, then returned to Du Rui's home.

Her eyebrows sank. If the jade was lost by Mu duo, then how did Yan Wei get this jade?

Moreover, Yan Wei didn't know the value of the jade at all. She raised her eyebrows. Anyway, it was Yan Wei who voluntarily gave it to her. She didn't owe Yan Wei anything.

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