May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1346 - Chapter 1346 I want baby and you 46

Chapter 1346: Chapter 1346 I want baby and you 46

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Ah? This is our family heirloom? Godfather, why did you lose the heirloom? " Mu Yuze asked.

Mu Duo's expression was a little awkward. "Sigh, I was young and frivolous. At that time, I didn't know how to properly inherit the family business. I only knew how to rely on my family business to live a life of debauchery.

I went abroad to play with a few friends. We saw a few women in the hotel. Those women were also very happy and directly made a price.

We booked a room and let the women go back to their rooms to take a shower and get ready. I helped my friends to continue drinking.

I really drank too much that day. Who knew that I went to the wrong room. However, there was also a woman in the room, lying on the bed waiting for a man. We did it for a night."

"I didn't expect godfather to have such a good thing. Even if you go to the wrong room, you can still get lucky with women. " Mu Yuze teased his godfather.

Mu Duo shook his head helplessly. "It's not what you think. When I woke up in the morning, I realized that the woman beside me was not the woman who negotiated the price with me at night. I knew that I slept with the wrong person.

Moreover, that woman was still calling out a man's name in a daze. It was fine if I accidentally slept with a woman, but it was more important if I accidentally slept with someone else's woman What could a man do If I was really caught and there was going to be another scandal, I wanted to run away as soon as possible.

Who knew that everything went smoothly. I ran away without being discovered. Only later did I realize that the necklace pendant I was wearing was missing. When I went back to the room to look for it, I could not find it at all.

This pendant was not polished because it was too precious. I could not bear to Polish it. Those who did not know the trade would definitely mistake it for some kind of stone. "I was worried that it was thrown away when the waiter was cleaning it. "

"I see. Now someone is asking me about this jade. It seems that the treasure is going home! Godfather, I'll get someone to add this woman back and think of a way to ask her out. Get this jade back. " Mu Yuze said.

"Yes, yes. You must think of a way to get it back! If it doesn't work, just arrest her! This jade is registered at my house. There's also a manual for jewelry appraisal. It can prove that I'm the owner of this jade! " Mu Duo said.

All expensive jewelry would be appraised to prove the owner of the jewelry. This way, even if it was lost, there was still a chance to get it back.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this matter. Godfather, you haven't had any children. Are you also playing with women? " Mu Yuze asked.

The corners of Mu Duo's lips twitched. "looks like I've raised you up. Now that your wings have hardened, you can even bully Your Own Godfather! "

"Hahaha, Godfather, don't be angry. I'm just curious. who asked you to have so many women but not a single child? " Mu Yuze teased.

"Don't laugh at me. I think you're getting close. You play with so many women every day. Be careful that you won't be able to do it in the future! " Mu Duo said.

When he was young, he was too indulgent. When he was old and wanted to get married and have children, he realized that his seeds were all dead. He would never be able to have children in this lifetime. Even if it was a test-tube baby, he wouldn't be able to make his child without his seeds.

"Don't worry. I've frozen my seeds. If one day I play too much and I can't do it anymore, my seeds can be used as test-tube babies, " Mu Yuze said.

Mu Duo shook his head helplessly. In fact, he had always taught his godson not to play with women and find a good girl to have a proper relationship with. Who knew that his Godson would be the same as he was back then. He only wanted to play and didn't want to get married.

Mu Yuze clicked to add him as a friend, but he realized that the other party was no longer paying attention to him.

"Damn, she's not adding me anymore. Looks like I really have to find someone to add her for me. This woman heard me say that this thing is valuable, so she didn't add me as if I wanted to steal her things. "

"Many people are like this. They are afraid that their valuable things will be known by others. They are afraid of revealing their wealth, or that their things are not easy to come by. They are afraid of being exposed. But this thing is passed down in their family. You have to come back. " Mu Duo ordered.

"Godfather, don't worry. I will definitely get the thing back. " Mu Yuze said.

His finger pressed on the phone screen and sent a message to his friend. He asked his friend to add this woman and try to hook her up.


When the warm sun shone on Du Rui's villa the next day, Yan Wei was woken up by a few maids. The maids'rooms were very small, but fortunately, it was a single room.

However, she did not understand. She had locked the door, how did these women come in?

"You, what are you doing? " She asked subconsciously.

"Hehe, why are you still asking us? Do you know what time it is? We are all working, and you are still sleeping in! Don't tell me you want us to do your work? " A maid rebuked Yan Wei.

"That's right, you are really shameless. Who Do you think you are? Do you still want to sleep until you wake up naturally? " Another maid grabbed Yan Wei's arm and dragged her under the bed.

"You don't have to drag me. I will get up and work myself. I just don't know the time to work here. " Yan Wei stood up as she spoke.

These two women were the ones who had caused trouble for her yesterday. She knew very well that they were here to find trouble on purpose.

"At least you are sensible! Today, you have to clean the floor on the first floor, all the floors. "

"Yes, as your punishment for being late, only you can do it. We need to rest. "

The two maids said with a cold snort. They were deliberately looking for trouble and did not want to clean the floor. Cleaning the floor was the hardest job here.

Du Rui was not allowed to use a mop machine or anything. He only let the maids kneel on the floor to clean the floor. It seemed that Du Rui liked to see women squatting and wiping the floor.

It was just that after cleaning for a long time, they would get tired and their knees would be injured. The key was that Du Rui would not get up so early. No one could see their beauty even if they squatted and wiped the floor.

"I got it. I'll go wipe the floor after I wash up, " Yan Wei said.

She walked to the bathroom to wash up and then went to wipe the floor. The two maids sat comfortably on the Living Room Sofa and watched Yan Wei wipe the floor.

Du Rui walked out of the room. From the corridor on the second floor, he could see the hall downstairs.

His gaze fell on Yan Wei, who was kneeling on the floor and wiping the floor. The woman's back was burned. The red burn was made redder by her fair back. It made one's heart ache.

Yu Tiantian walked out with Du Rui and stood beside Du Rui. "I saw that Yan Wei's back seemed to have been rubbed with medicine. It turns out that she is quite familiar with the maids here. Someone even went to get medicine for her. "

Yu Tiantian secretly asked du Rui that someone among the maids was helping Yan Wei.

Du Rui's eyes narrowed, and he turned to look at Yu Tiantian behind him. "What do you want to say? You can say it directly. "

Yu Tiantian's heart stopped. She could not understand du Rui's feelings at all. Was He happy or unhappy?

"I, I just heard about this matter. I remembered it when I saw Yan Wei, " she quickly retracted her words.

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