May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1342 - Chapter 1342 I want baby and you 42

Chapter 1342: Chapter 1342 I want baby and you 42

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Yan Wei was stunned by her own nerves. She had never worn such revealing clothes before.

"Well, are you guys working in this kind of clothes? There are male servants in the villa! "

Her nerves were about to explode. How could she show her face in this kind of clothes?

"what a joke. We are all young master's people. How could we be seen by male servants? Male servants are not allowed to enter the villa. If something happens, there will be rough maids to meet the male servants. We don't need to go out, " said the maid supervisor.

Yan Wei braced herself and picked up her clothes. "where's the bathroom? I'll go change. "

The head maid sneered. "Anyway, it's for others to see. Why do you need a bathroom? Why are you pretending? Hurry up, I don't have time to see you being pretentious. "

Yan Wei lowered her head. Obviously, she was not allowed to go to the bathroom to change. She could only change her clothes in front of the head maid. She followed the head maid out of the room and went to Du Rui's main villa.

Du Rui's villa was divided into three parts. The main villa in the middle had a secondary building on both sides. The secondary building was for the male servants and ordinary maids. The main villa was occupied by Du Rui himself. There were only du Rui and these coolly dressed maids in the villa.

The luxurious Villa's interior decoration was not inferior to GAIA's royal palace at all. The most eye-catching things were the beautiful maids that shuttled through the villa.

The hall was a glass dome. When one raised their head, they could see the sky. Du Rui was sitting on the sofa under the glass dome, enjoying the maids'service as comfortably as a king.

Two maids knelt at his feet. One Fed him fruits, and the other massaged his legs.

"Young Master, I brought the new maid here, " said the maid supervisor.

Du Rui raised his eyes and glanced at Yan Wei who was walking over. His eyes rolled down, "take her to work. The floor is dirty. Go Wipe it. "

He ordered coldly.

"Yes. " The head maid, Lulu, accepted the order. She turned to look at Yan Wei who was behind her. "Did you hear that? Go and wipe the floor! "

Yan Wei lowered her head and nodded. "Yes. "

She had no right to bargain here and could only do as du Rui said.

A woman's voice came from behind her. "Why is it Yan Wei? Hehe, I didn't expect to see you again. "

Yan Wei raised her eyes and looked at the place where the voice came from. The woman who spoke was Yu Tiantian!

"You, why are you here? " She asked subconsciously.

Yu Tiantian's brows sank. "Why can't I be here? You don't cherish young master Du, but don't tell me you don't allow me to love him? Don't tell me you feel that without you, young master Du wouldn't even know how to find a woman? "

She spoke with a sharp tone. A dagger had stabbed both Yan Wei and du Rui. She wanted to make Du Rui feel pain, so that he would forever give up on the idea of being together with Yan Wei.

As expected, du Rui's expression darkened. "She is only fit to be my servant. Yu Tiantian, come over here. You are my woman, someone who needs to be served. Come over and sit. "

He raised his hand and extended it towards Yu Tiantian. He wanted to let Yan Wei know how blissful it was to have a woman who was obedient to him. A woman who wasn't obedient to him was only fit to be a maid. He wanted to make her regret that the person she fell in love with was Ye Xinghun, and not him!

Yu Tiantian very sensibly placed her hand into the man's palm. As the man retracted his arm, she fell onto the man's lap as she wished.

"Rui, you're so good! The luckiest thing in my life is to be able to meet you and fall in love with you! "

Du Rui's hand patted the woman's buttocks. "You're still the one with good taste, knowing what kind of person you should love. "

"normal people know what kind of person they should love, right? Young Master Du is the best in the world. How can there be a woman who doesn't love him? Are you crazy? " Yu Tiantian flattered du Rui and also expressed her loyalty.

"So obedient. So obedient. How should I reward you? Someone, take out the gemstone necklace and let Yu Tiantian Choose du Rui. ".

The head maid quickly took the gemstone necklace and opened the brocade boxes in front of Yu Tiantian. Inside were all kinds of gemstone necklaces, diamonds, emeralds, emeralds, honey-colored cat's eyes.

All the gemstones were expensive.

"What an expensive gift. " Yu Tiantian looked at the gemstone necklace, and her eyes lit up.

"It's not considered expensive. My friend is a jeweler. When he opened his business, I gave him a show of support, so I casually bought a few pieces. Each piece is only about ten million yuan, " Du Rui said.

Yu Tiantian's eyes shone with a golden light. Du Rui casually gave her something that was worth ten million yuan!

Her eyes were about to go blurry. Which one should she choose?

"I choose. Choose. Emerald, right? No, honey-colored cat's eye is better! Diamonds go with everything. " She didn't know what she should choose.

"So greedy, you want three at once? " Du Rui pinched Yu Tiantian's nose.

Yu Tiantian looked at du Rui aggrievedly, "don't blame me, your jewelry is too beautiful! "

"Can I choose two? " She asked.

"Hahaha, my woman, Du Rui, how can you be so stingy? Those three are yours! " Du Rui said generously.

Yu Tiantian was about to jump up and get the 30 million just like that!

"Rui, I love you so much! " She kissed the man's face.

"You can have anything you want with me, " Du Rui said dotingly.

"I know that you are the one who treats me well! I will follow you for the rest of my life! " Yu Tiantian said.

Yan Wei's eyes darkened as she walked to the storage room to get a cloth to wipe the floor.

Her heart felt extremely uncomfortable as she touched her lower abdomen. She had to go, she had to go. Du Rui hated her so much. If du Rui knew that she was pregnant, he would definitely not want her child!

She knelt on the marble floor and began to wipe the floor. Her movements were very slow. It was not to dawdle, but she did not dare to move too much and hurt her baby.

Yu Tiantian saw Yan Wei kneeling on the floor and wiping the floor. Her brows sank. Du Rui's gaze never looked at her. He was looking at Yan Wei!

A wave of resentment rose from the bottom of her heart. "Yan Wei, you're wiping so slowly. Are you intentionally dawdling? "

It had to be said that Yan Wei was kneeling on the floor. She was wearing a short blue pleated skirt. Coupled with her smooth back, she was indeed very beautiful. It was so beautiful that if she was a man, she would want to sleep with Yan Wei!

Yan Wei stopped wiping the ground. "I didn't mean to dawdle. I wiped it carefully! "

"Wipe it quickly! " Yu Tiantian ordered. Her eyes looked at Du Rui's expression. However, it was completely out of her imagination. Du Rui was not angry at all.

She was secretly happy. If du Rui was not angry, it meant that du Rui did not care about Yan Wei!

The bowl of soap-horn rice and bird's nest stew in her hand was spilled on the ground by her. "God, look at my clumsy hands. I spilled everything! "

"It's just a bowl of bird's nest. Go and get another bowl, " Du Rui instructed.

"Rui, you're so good to me! " Yu Tiantian said fawningly. She turned to look at Yan Wei. "Come here and wipe it clean! "

Yan Wei stood up and walked towards Du Rui and Yu Tiantian with her head lowered. This position was not good because she was too close to Du Rui.

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