May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1331 - Chapter 1331 I want my baby and you 31

Chapter 1331: Chapter 1331 I want my baby and you 31

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Willam took out a box of jewelry. It was a pink diamond pendant and a white diamond necklace. It made Lian Lian look like a princess from a fairytale.

The stylist had designed a bun for Lian Lian that was tied at the back of her head. Willam took the Gardenias that he had prepared and placed them in her bun. The gardenias hung from the bun onto Lian Lian's back one after another, giving off a fresh fragrance.

The words of the Gardenias were: Eternal Love and promise to protect you with your life!

Finally, Willam took out the veil that he had prepared for Lian Lian and put it on her head. The veil covered Lian Lian's head.

He looked at his work with satisfaction and let Lian Lian sit on the chair and wait.

Lian Lian looked speechlessly at the man who had taken off his clothes in front of her. He had also changed into a suit.

A black suit, a white shirt, Sapphire cufflinks, and his blue eyes complemented each other.

His handsome face was not decorated at all. He was so handsome that he could take pictures for the cover of a magazine.

What was he trying to do?

Lian Lian's mind was racing. Was Willam going to marry her?

But in the next second, she denied this answer. How could he marry her? He had a woman and children, and his children had become kings!

Just as she was in a daze, the man's big hand held the little woman's small hand.

"Baby, YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! Let's take a photo! " Willam took out his phone and called his guards to take a photo of them.

"Baby, smile. You're so beautiful. How can you live up to your small face if you don't smile? " He lifted the little woman's Chin with his finger.

Lian Lian frowned. "Are you going to let me go after the photo is taken? "

"Yes! I'll let you go after the photo is taken, " Willam said.

Lian Lian's heart, mou ran, had fallen to its lowest point. He wanted to let her go, which meant that he would not marry her!

Her heart felt like it was being swept by the cold currents of Alaska, so cold that her entire body felt cold. Even though she knew that he would not marry her, at that moment, she still fantasized that he would say, "let's get married and you'll marry me! "!

However, he said that as long as the photo was taken, he would let her go.

She looked at the camera and forced out a smile.

Willam looked at the forced smile of the little woman in the photo. His lips were filled with a bitter smile. How unwilling was she to take a photo with him?

He put away his phone and held the little woman's hand as they walked out of the tent. A carpet was laid outside the tent all the way to the helicopter.

Lian Lian followed Willam to the helicopter without another word. She had no choice and no choice.

Mou Ran, the sound of a helicopter came from the sky. A few planes came down from the low altitude.

Lian Lian recognized the logo of her family's plane. It was her father's plane. Gong Mochen had found her!

Just as she was about to shout, Willam picked her up horizontally and carried her onto the plane.

She slapped Willam's face. "You said that you would let me go after the photo! I want to find my father! "

"I will let you go, but not now! Take off! " Willam ordered the captain.

The helicopter took off in an instant, completely ignoring the few planes that surrounded them in the sky.

Willam was very clear that as long as Lian Lian was on his plane, Gong Mochen would not act rashly.

Gong Mochen sat on his plane and commanded his men to surround Willam's plane. He searched for a whole night before he found his daughter. He would not give Willam the chance to take his daughter away.

However, when he saw the direction Willam's plane was flying in, his gaze was restrained and his brows furrowed into a knot.

"Just follow, don't attack. " He gave his order and roughly guessed what Willam was going to do.

There were a few white clouds floating in the blue sky. Everything was beautiful to the extreme. It had to be said that today was really a good day to get married.

GAIA did not care about the objections of everyone. He continued to stand in front of the palace gates, waiting for his bride to arrive.

The wedding of the century, a wedding that shocked the entire world, and he still did not know where his bride was.

He stood on the red carpet and looked into the distance. Lian Lian, you will come, right?

Just thinking about Lian Lian being with Willam made his heart suffocate.

Countless people were on both sides of the royal road to welcome their country's Queen. The reporters booked the highest points of all the hotels to film this grand wedding.

The empress dowager stood on the city tower of the palace and looked at the scene outside the palace. Her hands were clenched into fists. Her son was about to become the joke of the world.

The clock slowly approached the agreed time of the wedding. GAIA closed his eyes in pain. Even though he knew that it was all for naught, he still came according to the scheduled time to wait for his bride.

Just as GAIA was in despair, a few helicopters flew in from the sky. One of them hovered and landed on the red carpet.

As the cabin door opened, Willam walked out of the plane and held Lian Lian's hand.

GAIA looked at Lian Lian who had walked out of the plane in shock and walked towards her hurriedly.

All of Lian Lian's thoughts were broken. Willam had given her a wedding dress and dressed her up just to send her to get married?

She stared at Willam in a daze without blinking.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't tell me you regret marrying GAIA and want to marry me? " Willam said mockingly.

Lian Lian's heart sank. "You, you're here to send me off to get married? "

"Yes. No matter what, you were raised by me. I'll send you a wedding dress, give you jewelry, and give you the most beautiful wedding. No matter who owed whom in the past, from today onwards, we're even, " Willam said softly.

His voice was not loud, but to Lian Lian, it sounded like a knife cutting into her heart.

They were even!

Her lips curled into a cold smile. "Even? Willam, you'll never be able to pay me back what you owe me! "

She was still pregnant with his child, and he wanted to be even with her!

"Lian Lian! COME HERE! " GAIA walked two steps away from Lian Lian and stretched out his hand towards her.

If the road to their marriage was a thousand steps, then he was willing to walk 999 steps. It was just the last step, and Lian Lian needed to walk over on her own.

He only wanted her to take the last step!

He could not snatch Lian Lian from the world-broadcast Wedding, he could only wait for Lian Lian to walk over on her own.

Willam's hand patted Lian Lian's back. "Go! Your husband is waiting for you. The Royal Palace has already prepared the coronation ceremony. Your da Qing is kneeling there waiting to bow to you. From today onwards, you are the queen of this country! "

He said each word clearly, his gaze focused on his little woman's face.

Lian Lian's heart skipped a beat. "You want me to marry GAIA? "

"Yes. You should marry him, shouldn't you You told me that the person you love is him. If you go back on your words now, I can also take you away and let you come to my royal palace to be my concubine. However, you have to be under Chu Chu's position."Willam said with a chuckle.

"Willam, if I can live my life again, I will definitely not let myself meet you when I am five years old, " Lian Lian said.

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