May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1312 - Chapter 1312 I want baby and you 12

Chapter 1312: Chapter 1312 I want baby and you 12

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

GAIA's eyes were deep and reserved. He was worried that Lian Lian would be taken out of the palace. "How about I go out with her and come back the day after tomorrow? "

The empress dowager was instantly angered to the point of speechlessness. "You have to stay in the palace and wait for the wedding team in the palace to bring her into the palace. "

GAIA frowned. "Doesn't that mean that Lian Lian and I won't be able to see each other for a day? We can only meet the day after tomorrow? "

"Yes, it's only a day's time anyway. Moreover, her father will protect her safety when she's with President Gong. You don't have anything to worry about, right? " The Empress Dowager said.

GAIA believed that Gong Mochen could protect his daughter, but for some reason, when his heart heard that Lian Lian was going to leave him, he felt uneasy, as if something was going to happen.

"I agree. I'll leave the palace with my parents and come back the day after tomorrow, " Lian Lian said.

"since Lian Lian has agreed, Gaia, are you alright? " The empress dowager asked.

"Alright, I agree too. I'll send guards to you, " Gaia said to Lian Lian.

"since everyone has no objections, let Lian Lian Go. I don't think we should wait until tomorrow. Let's leave tonight. Everyone will be able to see Lian Lian leave the palace tomorrow, which will be even more dangerous, " the empress dowager said.

GAIA was surprised by his mother's words. His mother was actually thinking of Lian Lian. "It is much safer to not be seen at night than during the day. Thank you for your reminder, Mother. "

He thought that his mother should have given up on letting him marry someone else. Only then would she ease her attitude towards Lian Lian.

"We are a family now. There is no need to thank me. As long as both of you are well, mother will be happy, " the Empress Dowager said.

"Mm, I am more than happy for mother to think that way. I will bring Lian Lian back to her residence to pack her things and send guards to escort her out of the palace. " As GAIA said this, he pulled Lian Lian's hand and stood up to walk out of the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

The empress dowager's gaze watched as GAIA and Lian Lian's figures left her room. Her benevolent gaze instantly changed color.

The old maid beside the empress dowager walked up to the empress dowager. "Has the empress dowager made up her mind? I see that His Majesty has deep feelings for Miss Lian Lian. I'm afraid that if things go wrong, the empress dowager will be resented by His Majesty! "

The Empress Dowager snorted coldly "He has resented me for a long time! Why would he want to annex Switzerland? He is simply lying to me and the court's Da Qing! If he resents me for a period of time in exchange for the peace of our country, I would rather he resents me for a period of time. "

She thought about her son. Even if he resented her, how long could he resented her? After all, she was his biological mother. She had once sacrificed so much for him. How could her son ignore her for a lifetime for a woman?

She was certain that her son would reconcile with her sooner or later!

"The empress dowager has sacrificed so much for the country. I think the entire nation should thank the Empress Dowager! " The old maid flattered the Empress Dowager.

She was a maid who had served the empress dowager in the palace since the late king's time. Her relationship with the empress dowager was very unusual.

The Empress Dowager's lips curled into an intriguing smile. "I don't need the entire country to thank me. As long as my son can return to the past and listen to me. "

Ever since GAIA had Lian Lian, GAIA had become more and more disobedient.

GAIA brought Lian Lian back to the original Crown Prince's palace. He told Gong Mochen that Lian Lian was going to leave the palace for a night.

Gong Mochen also felt that if Lian Lian left at night, fewer people would be discovered and it would be relatively safer.

He and Qin Sheng got the maid to pack up the things they needed. Then, they got into the car with Lian Lian and went out of the palace to live in the villa that Gaia had prepared for them.

The villa was one of GAIA's residences outside the palace. It turned out that it was the place where he stayed when he went out to play.

A few cars drove out of the palace in a row. Their headlights lit up the road ahead.

No one could discover who was sitting in these cars. They drove out of the city smoothly and went straight to the villa in the suburbs.

GAIA also followed Lian Lian to the villa. He did not leave the villa until Lian Lian had settled down in the villa before returning to the palace.

Lian Lian loved the villa here. From here, she could see the woods outside through the window. It was more beautiful than the palace.

Just as she was enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window, a few men in black rushed out from the changing room in the room. They moved very quickly. When Lian Lian noticed them and wanted to scream, the men in black blocked her mouth.

She tried hard to hold her breath. She did not breathe because she sensed a strange fragrance coming from the handkerchief blocking her mouth and nose. However, her lung capacity was too limited. These men were more cautious than she had imagined. Their big hands pressed on her mouth and nose, but they did not let go.

She took a deep breath in pain. If she did not breathe, she would really suffocate. The strange fragrance immediately entered her nose and mouth and she instantly lost consciousness.

She did not know what happened after that. Her mind was still focused on the moment before she fainted. Why were these people in the changing room in her room?

No one knew that she would stay here. It was obvious that these people were prepared. Was it the Empress Dowager?

The empress dowager's fake smile flashed across her mind.

The man in black carried Lian Lian on his back and used the night to hang his rope on the pulley hanging outside the window. Of course, all of this had been prepared. Otherwise, how could he have taken Lian Lian away under Gong Mochen's eyes?

The pulley was from the window to the big tree outside the courtyard. A few men in black used the pulley to float to the tree outside the courtyard and then put away the steel rope that was used to tie the pulley.

Everything was well-trained, as if they had practiced for a long time.

A car was parked under the tree. In order to reduce the noise, the car was electric. The quiet night covered all the sins and the electric car drove away silently.

The man in black followed the original plan to take Lian Lian and disappear from this country.

In any case, this country was full of deserts. It was fine to bury her anywhere. No one would find her anywhere.

Just as the car reached a place with deserts, the driver said, "I think this place is fine! "

"We just entered the desert. Let's drive a little more! It's safer this way, " another man in black said.

"Hey, it's a desert anyway. Doesn't the Empress Dowager want her to die? Just kill her! So what if we find out? Will we be able to find out that we did it?

Don't forget, once we're done, we'll take the money and leave the country!"The driver didn't want to drive any further.

"This, is this okay? I'm just afraid of getting into trouble. " Another man in black hesitated.

"there won't be any trouble. ". "Let me tell you, I'm an experienced driver. I can tell you very responsibly that we can't enter the desert at night. If we're not careful, we'll be buried with this girl. If she dies, we won't be able to get out either. I don't want to get lost in the desert at night. " The driver shouted.

In an instant, the few men in black agreed with the driver's words. Indeed, no one dared to enter the desert at night. That would be akin to suicide.

As the driver stopped the car, a few men carried Lian Lian out of the car. They were going to dig a hole and bury Lian Lian.

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