May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1139 - Chapter 1139 falling in love with man man 29

Chapter 1139: Chapter 1139 falling in love with man man 29

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Of course you can! You are the baby's biological mother. Ming Tai and I welcome you to come back and watch the baby grow up with us. " Man Man's arm held Ming Tai's arm.

Mu Xue's gaze landed on man man's hand. It seemed that Ming Tai and man man had become even closer after she had left for two days!

"Ming Tai, what do you think? I want to hear you say it. " She looked at man man stubbornly. She just wanted to know what he was thinking. If he did not want her, she would not waste a minute and turn around to leave.

"Of course, I hope that you can stay. Do as we said! We will watch the child grow up together, " Ming Tai said.

The moment he saw Mu Xue, his heart seemed to come alive again.

Even if he could not get Mu Xue, he was satisfied with looking at Mu Xue.

"Okay, then I will listen to you. I will stay to watch the baby, " Mu Xue agreed happily. Her heart beat frantically. This was the first time she had fought for her happiness.

In fact, she was more afraid of losing than anyone else. It was because she was afraid that she would shrink back and not dare to get close to him.

Man Man's heart twitched violently. The Way Ming Tai looked at Mu Xue, he was talking about love every minute!

However, she was Ming Tai's girlfriend, whether it was in the past or now.

"Well, since you've decided, I'll bring you to your room, " she said quickly.

"There's no need. I know where I live. Give me the baby! I miss him! " Mu Xue reached out and took the baby from man man's hands.

Man Man's hands were empty, followed by her heart. Everything that she tried to protect was gone!

"Let me carry him. The baby is used to me. He's not used to being carried by others! " She said quickly.

"I'm not someone else, I'm his mother! If you want to help me, help me move my luggage to my room! " Mu Xue said bluntly. She was here to fight for her happiness, so naturally, she would not be cowardly.

Man Man's face stiffened. She really wanted to retort. Why did she have to order her around like a servant, but she held back when she was about to say something.

"Okay, I'll help you with your luggage. SIT DOWN AND EAT! "

She gently pulled the huge luggage and walked towards the stairs. The luggage could be pulled along, but it had to be carried by hand when going up the stairs.

It was obvious that this luggage was too big for man man. She struggled to move the luggage.

Ming Tai saw man man's weak figure from the corner of his eyes. He turned to look at Mu Xue. "sit down first. I'll help man man move her luggage. "

"Ming Tai, I want to have breakfast with you, " Mu Xue said.

"I'll come down to have breakfast with you after I move my luggage up. " Ming Tai only felt pleasantly surprised. Mu Xue had always been indifferent to him. She would even reject him intimately.

"Alright, hurry up. I'll wait for you, " Mu Xue said. She lowered her head to look at her baby. From the moment she gave birth until now, she had never taken a good look at her baby.

Looking at her baby's little face, the corners of her lips curled up into a smile. The baby was so cute. She had almost missed her baby!

When Ming Tai chased after man man upstairs, man man had already moved the box to the corridor.

The box seemed to be too heavy, and she fell to the ground unsteadily.

"Man man! Are you okay? Are you okay? " Ming Tai hurriedly reached out to help man man.

"I'm alright. I'm so stupid. I was just carrying a suitcase and I fell down. " Man Man stood up as she spoke. However, she was in so much pain that she squatted on the ground before she could even stand properly.

"What's wrong? Where did you hit yourself? " Ming Tai asked.

"I didn't hit myself. I think I sprained my ankle. I'm alright, really. Go and have dinner with Mu Xue. I'll go and arrange the luggage. She has just returned. Take care of her. " Man Man said as she struggled to stand up and dragged the luggage away.

Ming Tai's heart pounded when he saw man man limping. He snatched the luggage from man man's hands and said, "stand here and wait. I'll go and put the luggage away. "

He dragged the suitcase and strode into Mu Xue's room.

Man Man followed the man into the room. "I'll help her pack her clothes. Go and eat. You haven't had breakfast yet! "

Ming Tai could not bear to let man man help him with these things.

"You haven't eaten either! Let's eat together. Mu Xue will pack her own luggage after she eats. " He carried man man and brought man man downstairs to eat.

Mu Xue was stunned when she saw man man being carried in by Ming Tai. Her heart felt like it had been poked by someone.

"Mu Xue, do you still have your appetite for the breakfast that I made? Tell me if you're not used to it! I'll make something that you like. "

"No need, I'm not picky. Why, why? " Mu Xue really wanted to ask why the man carried her in, but she did not know how to open her mouth.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just sprained my ankle. Ming Tai was afraid that I would hurt, so he carried me down. Ming Tai, this is your favorite porridge! " Man Man scooped up a bowl of porridge for Ming Tai and placed it in front of him.

"thank you, you can have some too! " Ming Tai scooped a bowl for man man as well.

Mu Xue looked at the warm scene in front of her and felt her heart clench. She seemed to not understand what Ming Tai meant. Did Ming Tai like her or man man?

Man Man glanced at Mu Xue and drank her porridge with a spoon.

Time was almost up, she thought to herself.

Sure enough, before she finished half a bowl of porridge, the baby cried.

"The baby is hungry and wants to drink milk. I'll go make milk powder for the baby. " She stood up and was about to leave.

"No need. I can take care of baby. Your foot is injured. Rest! " Mu Xue carried the baby and went to look for milk bottles and milk powder.

On the glass counter in the kitchen, there was obviously milk powder and milk bottles. However, Mu Xue, who had never made milk powder before, was flustered and did not know what to do.

The baby, who did not get any milk, cried out aggrievedly.

Ming Tai got up and went to the kitchen to help. However, he had never done it before. Other than helping to carry the baby, he could do nothing else.

"I'll go ask man man man how to make milk powder. "

"No need. I can read the instructions myself! " Mu Xue said as she carefully studied the instructions on the milk powder can.

However, the child's crying made her so upset that she couldn't even read the words properly.

"Stop Looking. I'll carry man man over and ask her to help make a bottle, " Ming Tai said. He couldn't stand the child's crying. Moreover, man man had taken care of the child very well. He had basically never heard the child cry before.

"No! I don't want to ask her! I can take care of my own child! " Mu Xue insisted on not begging man man. She just wanted to prove that she was stronger than man man!

"Mu Xue, can you not be willful? Man Man has never been like this! " Ming Tai was annoyed by the child's crying and could not help but scold him.

Mu Xue's heart suddenly sank. This time, she could see who Ming Tai liked.

"I am like this. I want to take care of my child myself! Ming Tai, you don't like it. I will take my child away now! "

"Mu Xue, can you not be willful? The child is crying. You are his mother. Did you put the child first? How are you a mother? " Ming Tai said angrily. He carried the child and walked out, wanting to give the child to man man!

"Ming Tai! STOP RIGHT THERE! Man Man deliberately sprained her ankle! She wants me to beg her. She wants to embarrass me! " Mu Xue shouted.

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