May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1137 - Chapter 1137 falling in love with him 27

Chapter 1137: Chapter 1137 falling in love with him 27

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Ming Tai's awkward face stiffened. He had always thought that the person he was sleeping with was Mu Xue.

"Okay, I'll get up first. You can sleep a little longer. " He got up and got out of bed.

"No need. You should be tired and sleep. I should get up now. The baby will need to drink milk when he wakes up later, " man man said gently.

Man Man got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. She was finally Ming Tai's woman again. She knew that Ming Tai had always been a responsible man. In other words, Ming Tai would never leave her again.

Ming Tai got up. Everything in the room made him suffocate. When he thought about how he had lost Mu Xue from then on, his heart felt all kinds of pain.

Man Man walked out of the bathroom and looked at the man's background. Her heart was in turmoil for a moment. "Ming Tai, are you leaving? I've made a reservation for breakfast. There will be delivery in a while. "

"Oh, oh. I'm going out to do some morning exercises. The food will be delivered in a while. You eat first, " Ming Tai said.

"Okay, don't be too late. We can bring the baby home after breakfast, " man man said.

"okay, " Ming Tai agreed and walked out of the room.

Man Man's heart ached. Man Man's reaction was to be upset about what happened last night.

The baby made a sound. He woke up in the morning and wanted to eat breakfast.

The baby's voice pulled man man's thoughts back. She hurriedly ran over to pick up the baby and feed him milk.

Ming Tai walked in the hospital's courtyard. The cold air cooled his body and mind.

He thought that everything was so free and that he could not force it. It was just like how he liked summer, but in the end, summer would go away.

He was destined to welcome the cold autumn. No matter what his preferences were, they could not be changed.

All he could do was accept everything in front of him and take good care of his son.

Ming Tai walked towards the inpatient department. Along the way, he even picked a few wild flowers and gave them to man man. No matter if it was because of family ties or because of the debt he owed back then, man man was someone he had to take care of for the rest of his life.

Even if they were family, he should treat her better and take good care of her.

After feeding the baby, man man, who was eating alone, was dejected. Her heart was unusually flustered. She was afraid that the result she had been looking forward to for a long time was not what she wanted.

The time was so long that she felt suffocated. She felt that the time when she could not see Ming Tai was more unbearable than a century.

Just when she was about to despair, Ming Tai pushed the door open and walked in. The smile on the man's face was like the brightest sunshine shining in her heart.

"This is for you! " Ming Tai gave the wild flower in his hand to man man.

Man Man's tears rolled down from her eyes. "Ming Tai, thank you! Thank you! "

She threw herself into man man's arms. She was careful of what she had been looking forward to. When it finally came true, she was just about to cry in excitement.

Ming Tai patted man man's head. "Don't cry. I didn't care enough about you in the past. I'll treat you well in the future. "

"Yes! I'll take good care of you and the baby too! " Man Man said.

In her mind, she was already imagining the happiness of a family of three.

"Ming Tai, you eat breakfast. I'll get you some porridge! I ordered your favorite fish porridge, " man man said.

She scooped a bowl of porridge for Ming Tai and placed it in front of him.

Ming Tai took the porridge and drank it. He thought that maybe this was life, a normal life.


Qin Sheng was still sleeping when she was woken up by Mu Xue's phone call.

"Mu Xue, it's so early? No, it should be late at your place. Have you given birth yet? You haven't called me, " she said hesitantly.

She had just been woken up, but her brain was still not awake.

"sister Qin, I think I'm going to die, " Mu Xue cried out.

Qin Sheng was immediately startled awake. All her sleepiness was thrown out of her mind. "What did you say? Are you sick? Or is it difficult to give birth? Or what? It's nothing. I know Sikong Jue. He's the best pharmacist! "

She sat up and said. Her mind was blown as she tried to guess what was going on.

Mu Xue choked and said, "No, it's not about the baby. He's fine. I've already given birth. It's a boy. "

"Congratulations, congratulations! I've been too busy recently. I didn't have time to call you. It's good that you've given birth. I'll visit you and the baby in two days, " Qin Sheng said quickly.

"But I'm not in America. I'm leaving, " Mu Xue said while crying.

"You're leaving? Where did you go? " Qin Sheng was completely confused. Did Mu Xue leave on her own?

"I went back to my house, but I missed my baby and Ming Tai. I think I'm going to die. Am I sick? " Mu Xue cried out loud.

"But why did you leave? Did man man chase you away? Tell me quickly, did she do something bad again? " The first thing Qin Sheng thought of was man man's way of dealing with Chuxia.

"No, she didn't do anything. She was very good to me and her baby. She was the one who took care of the baby. I was the one who said I wanted to leave.

"I don't think I would be a happy person. If I could have happiness, I wouldn't have been abandoned by my parents when I was young. Don't you think so? " Mu Xue explained.

Qin Sheng was so angry that she almost vomited blood. "Why do you think so? Are People who are abandoned by their parents destined to be unloved forever? It's precisely because they lack the love of their parents that they will be given better love. "

"But I'm afraid of losing. I'm afraid that all the beautiful things I have will be lost, " Mu Xue said. Because she was afraid of losing, she didn't dare to have them.

"But have you ever thought about it? If you give up now, isn't it a kind of loss? You're just changing what you lost in the future into what you lost now.

But Mu Xue, what if you won't lose it in the future You're changing what you won't lose in the future into what you lost now."Qin Sheng really wanted to pry open Mu Xue's brain and see how Mu Xue's brain grew!

Perhaps those who had been injured had a shadow in their hearts. It would be difficult for them to accept their feelings again.

Mu Xue was stunned by Qin Sheng's words. She had never thought of it that way. "Did I lose something that I wouldn't have lost in the future? "

"Yes! Ming Tai is a very responsible person. When you have a child, he will be responsible for you. Moreover, I can see that Ming Tai loves you! So, if you don't give up, Ming Tai will be with you, " Qin Sheng said.

"But, man man also loves Ming Tai very much. She has done a lot for Ming Tai, " Mu Xue said.

She also had a dilemma. Man Man was Ming Tai's girlfriend. If she were to be with Ming Tai again, it would be like she had stolen another man's boyfriend.

"But they broke up. No matter what the reason, they broke up. Ming Tai fell in love with you. Man Man is back. She missed it. It wasn't you who stole her boyfriend.

"actually, you should muster up your courage now and let Ming Tai make the choice. If he loves you, he will be with you. If he loves man man, he will be with man man.

"At least you should fight for yourself and your child. What do you think "If you don't even fight for yourself, how do you know that the person Ming Tai loves isn't you? " Qin Sheng asked.

"Then what should I do now? I've already left, " Mu Xue said.

"Go back! If Ming Tai really doesn't love man man, man man won't be happy either, " Qin Sheng said rationally.

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