May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1113 - Chapter 1113 falling in love with man man 3

Chapter 1113: Chapter 1113 falling in love with man man 3

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Ming Tai held man man's hand and turned around. He saw Mu Xue behind man man man, and his face stiffened unnaturally.

"You used to treat Mu Xue badly too. You even fought with Mu Xue, " man man reminded man man.

"I'm sorry, Mu Xue. I was also harmed. Can You forgive me? " Man Man looked at Mu Xue pitifully.

"It's nothing. It's all in the past. Let's go into the room! " Mu Xue said. Her gaze automatically swept past Ming Tai and man man's hand that was shaking.

Man Man and Ming Tai walked into the balcony door. Everything they were familiar with made her feel like she was living in a dream.

She threw Ming Tai aside and ran to her room. Her hand trembled as she opened the door. Everything that entered her eyes was the same as when she fell downstairs.

She turned around and threw herself into Ming Tai's arms. "thank you. Thank you for saving everything for me! You're so kind! "

Ming Tai sighed softly. After all, it was a part of his past. How could he easily forget it.

He patted man man's back. "Are you hungry? I'll bring you to eat. "

He held man man's hand and brought her to the dining room for dinner.

However, this time, he did not see Mu Xue behind him

Mu Xue had already gone to the dining room. When she saw man man and Ming Tai hugging each other again, she felt like her heart was suffocating.

However, she did not interfere with her identity. She was the one who told Ming Tai that she could only be the mother of his child.

She simply came to the dining room to help the servants prepare food.

Man Man and Ming Tai walked into the dining room and saw a table full of sumptuous dinner. "these are all the things I like to eat. I've been recovering my memory all day and haven't eaten anything yet! "

"then sit down and eat. Eat more, " Ming Tai said.

Man Man didn't stand on ceremony and sat next to Ming Tai. This seat had always been hers. She picked up her chopsticks and picked up the prawns on the plate.

"I remember you like this kind of prawns. I'll peel them for you! " She picked up the prawns and peeled the shells, bringing them to man man's lips.

"Man man, I'll eat them myself, " Ming Tai said quickly.

"No, you don't like the smell of blood on your fingers. I used to peel them for you and feed you. Open your mouth! " Man Man said.

Ming Tai had no choice but to open his mouth and eat it. It was indeed like that at that time. Man Man had served him as the emperor. He did not have to do anything. He just had to do whatever he wanted. Man Man was so humble that she did everything for him silently.

This was also the reason why he felt guilty towards man man after man man's death.

Mu Xue sat opposite Ming Tai. She did not pick up anything with her chopsticks. Man Man's considerate care made her heart turn cold.

She only knew now that man man had taken such good care of Ming Tai, but what about her?

It seemed that Ming Tai was the one who peeled all the prawns for her.

She lowered her eyes. Man Man and Ming Tai had fallen in love in the past. Man Man had treated Ming Tai well. No Man would like a woman like her who did not know anything and could not even take good care of herself.

Ming Tai's gaze landed on Mu Xue. Even though the baby was about to be born, her body was still so thin and weak. If one did not look at her stomach, she did not look like a pregnant woman at all.

He picked up a piece of beef curry and placed it into Mu Xue's bowl. "Eat more. The baby needs nutrition. "

Man Man almost dropped the prawns in her hands. She was taking care of Ming Tai, while Ming Tai was taking care of Mu Xue!

She forced a stiff smile on her lips. "Yes, Mu Xue is so thin! You should eat more. I'll help you lay out the vegetables! "

She put down the prawns in her hands and picked up her chopsticks to lay out the vegetables for Mu Xue.

"This fish is good. The baby will be smart after eating it. This lamb is also good. Eating it will strengthen your body. "

"No need. I can pick up the food and EAT IT MYSELF! You don't have to take care of me! " Mu Xue quickly said

This feeling was very bad. It was as if she was an unnecessary person, and man man was the female owner of this house!

"Mu Xue, do you still hold a grudge against me? I solemnly apologize to you. If you are still angry, you can hit me! You can punish me however you want. " Man Man lowered her head.

"No, that's not what I meant. I really can't eat it. I usually eat very little. I've already eaten too much today. Thank you for helping me distribute the vegetables. " Mu Xue hurriedly explained All her unhappiness was suppressed in her heart. She had no right to feel uncomfortable at all.

Man Man watched Mu Xue eat and the corners of her lips curled up into a smile. "No need to thank me. You're pregnant with Ming Tai's baby. I should have taken care of you! Ming Tai, I'll continue to peel the prawns for you. Also, I'll help you get a bowl of your favorite lobster porridge. "

Mu Xue's heart skipped a beat. She was pregnant with Ming Tai's baby, so man man should have taken care of her?

Hehe, she was definitely the outsider.

"Man man, you don't have to take care of me. You can eat too! " Ming Tai said as he picked up some food for man man. Man Man had been taking care of him for so long, yet she had not eaten a single bite.

Man Man's tears rolled down her cheeks. "Ming Tai, you're so nice. You've never given me any food before. "

"really? I was the one who didn't take care of you well enough in the past. " Ming Tai felt guilty again.

It turned out that he had adopted man man, but man man was the one who took care of him. He had never paid attention to man man.

"No, you're too busy. You shouldn't be distracted from me. Ming Tai, I'm willing to do what I do to you. I'm your woman. I know I should take care of you after I follow you, " man man said.

"No, it's my responsibility. I've neglected you too much, " Ming Tai said.

Mu Xue tugged at the food in her bowl. She couldn't eat another bite. The two of them apologizing to each other was like sharing their heartfelt feelings!

She thought that she was really a superfluous person.

She hurriedly finished the food in her bowl. "I'm full. Take your time to eat. "

She hurriedly walked out of the restaurant. She didn't have the courage to look at the person behind her.

"Mu Xue, are you eating so little? " Ming Tai stood up to chase after Mu Xue, but was stopped by man man "You haven't finished your meal yet. Don't worry. Maybe these things aren't to Mu Xue's liking. I'll make some for her later. I guarantee that she'll like it, " man man said.

Ming Tai looked at the food on the table. He wanted to send some food to Mu Xue. There was nothing that Mu Xue liked here, so it was useless even if he sent it.

"then let the maid make something alone, " he said.

"Man man! Go make a serving of TIRAMISU. Pregnant women like sweet food. Once you're done, send it up, " man man instructed She turned to Ming Tai and said, "I'll make two more serving of bridge crossing rice noodles tonight. One for you and one for Mu Xue. I promise to make your baby white and fat! "

"Man man, you're working too hard. When are you going back to look for Qin Sheng? " Ming Tai had no choice but to ask.

"I don't want to look for Qin Sheng anymore. I've done so many wrong things. I'm too ashamed to see Qin Sheng and my brother. Ming Tai, can you take me in? We can live like we used to "I miss you and want to return to your side! " Man Man hugged the man's neck and cried.

Mu Xue stood in the corridor on the second floor. From her angle, she could see the person hugging in the restaurant. Her heart sank and the corner of her lips curled into a bitter smile. In the end, the person Ming Tai loved was still man man.

She thought that she was really destined not to be loved by anyone... ...

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