May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1107 - Chapter 1107 pampering the little woman 27

Chapter 1107: Chapter 1107 pampering the little woman 27

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Was She really going to die?

Chuxia's heart beat against her ribs. No one liked to die. She also wished to live well. However, her life seemed to have come to an end.

In the enclosed space, she could even hear her weak breathing. It was very difficult for her to catch her breath.

Due to the lack of oxygen, her mind was in a mess and she was having hallucinations. They were all images from the past and every moment between her and Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue, YOU BASTARD I hate you, how could you not recognize me!

Her heart raced. Damn man, they had two children, and he did not even know that the woman beside him was not her!

If Sikong jue had realized that man man was beside him instead of her, she might have been saved!

She could not rely on a man. A man could not be relied on. She understood the saying even better now.

It was ridiculous to imagine. She had never been doted on by a man while she was playing with Sikong Jue, and Sikong Jue had given all his love to man man. No one would be able to find her after she died.

He would marry man man, and he would love man man for the rest of his life, right?

What was making a wedding dress for others Chuxia only felt that these words were referring to herself!

With another difficult breath, a white light appeared in front of her eyes. She was very clear that her condition was getting closer and closer to the edge of death.

Qin Sheng, Sikong jue, and Yun Teng led their men to search every corner of the palace courtyard. Zhuo Nan had been searching in this palace. In other words, Zhuo Nan must have checked. Chuxia was not taken out of the palace. She was only hidden in the palace.

However, it was really difficult to search every inch of the Grand Palace Yard!

Qin Sheng estimated the area. It would take at least five to six days to search every corner!

Zhuo Nan received a report from his subordinates and knew that Qin Sheng was also searching with her men. His brows sank. This was definitely not right. Everyone knew that man man could not find Chu Xia. No one knew that Chu Xia could not find Chu Xia.

Damn it He cursed man man in his heart. She must have been exposed when she went back. That was how Qin Sheng found out that she was not Chu Xia but man man!

He led his men out of the bedroom and went to find Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng looked at her men searching the palace yard. Her eyes searched for places where people might be hiding.

Sikong jue was more proactive than anyone else. He had been rushing ahead to search. Unfortunately, he was disappointed every time he searched a palace yard.

Zhuo Nan walked towards Qin Sheng and Sikong Jue. "I wonder what you're looking for in my palace? It seems like everything in my palace is mine, right? It's not appropriate for you to search like this, is it? "

Qin Sheng's eyes narrowed. "Didn't you lose your queen? We'll help you find your queen. You don't have to thank us. It's out of humanitarian help! "

Zhuo Nan sneered. "humanitarian help? Qin Sheng, do you take me for a fool? You don't need to interfere in my affairs. My things are only mine and have nothing to do with you. "

"Yours is only yours? " "Zhuo Nan, even if yours is only yours, we still have to help. After all, it's easier to find people when there are more people. You don't want to delay the rescue, do you? ". "maybe it's just a day or a few hours late. That's the consequence that no one wants to see! " Qin Sheng said angrily.

She was too lazy to argue with Zhuo Nan. Naturally, she had to find people quickly. The longer she dragged it out, the smaller the chance of finding them and the greater the chance of an accident.

She was not in a hurry to argue with Zhuo Nan about whether man man or Chuxia had gone missing. For the time being, she could not anger Zhuo Nan.

Zhuo Nan's brows sank. He was also worried about Chuxia's safety. After a while, he finally spoke.

"Okay, you can help me find her, but only help me! " He emphasized that it was his woman.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes and rolled her eyes at Zhuo Nan. His woman What a joke. It was clearly chuxia. When she found the person, she would argue with Zhuo Nan about whether man man or Chuxia was the one!

When Sikong Jue heard Zhuo Nan's words, he immediately hit his head in anger. "Zhuo Nan, you're Bullsh * T! What woman do you mean? The one who's embarrassed is Chuxia, not man man! "

He roared angrily. He wanted to take his woman away so badly. He raised his fist to hit Zhuo Nan.

Zhuo Nan did not want to be outdone and faced Sikong Jue head-on. "She's man man. Chuxia has always been by your side! "

"That's not Chuxia, that's man man! If you want to find man man, I'll give her to you! " Sikong Jue said.

"Hehe, if you want her to die, just say it! Even if you find her and save her, she might die again because of your words! " Zhuo Nan said in a low voice as he exchanged blows with Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue understood what Zhuo Nan meant. If Chu Xia was exposed as not man man, she would be suspected of lying to the emperor. In this country, it was a capital crime!

"Zhuo Nan, if anything happens to her, I will bury you with her! " He said fiercely.

"Have you two had enough? Do you want to fight, or do you want to find someone? My sister is still waiting for someone to save her! " Qin Sheng shouted at the two men.

Sikong jue immediately stopped fighting and took a step back to distance himself from Zhuo Nan. "Let's find her first. We will settle the score after we find her! "

"I'll accompany you to the end! Sikong Jue, don't even think about snatching my woman away! " Zhuo Nan insisted on his own principles. That was his woman. His woman could only be his!

"If you say it's yours, then it's yours? When we find her, I'll get to the bottom of it! " Sikong Jue said.

"Of course I'll get to the bottom of it! She's man man! " Zhuo Nan firmly refused to admit that she was Chuxia, not man man.

"Are you two done arguing? Go to one side and don't hinder me from finding her! " Qin Sheng roared. She did not understand the man's brain. They had not even found her yet, and the two men were fighting over her!

She turned around and brought her men to look for Chuxia, but the palace was too big. She really did not know how to find chuxia quickly!

Her gaze fell on the man who was leaning against the door to watch the show, and a surge of counter-current surged in her eyes.

This was simply f * * King Dog. They were going to be so busy, and he was just standing there watching her show!

She walked over to the man, "tell me how to find chuxia quickly! Don't f * * King Ask me why you want to help me! If you dare not help, I will castrate you right now! "

She waved her small fist at the man. If he dared to talk nonsense again, she would try!

In fact, she also knew that there was no way to answer this question. After all, the palace was so big, but she was used to relying on him since she was young. Instinctively, she wanted to ask him. It seemed that he was born to be her guardian God and could satisfy all her unreasonable demands!

Gong Mochen looked at the fist in the little woman's hand and pursed his lips into a straight line. This stupid girl, no matter how big she grew up, her unreasonable and unreasonable strength had not changed at all!

"If you want to find chuxia quickly, go to the place that Zhuo Nan has not looked for. There's no need to look for the place that he has looked for. He wants to find Chuxia as much as you do, " Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's brain suddenly opened up. Yes, look for a place that Zhuo Nan has not looked for!

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