May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1100 - Chapter 1100 pampering the little woman 20

Chapter 1100: Chapter 1100 pampering the little woman 20

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Qin Sheng looked at the enraged Zhuo Nan. She did not expect Zhuo Nan to have such deep feelings for man man. Man Man would be so anxious after losing Zhuo Nan.

She looked at Gong Mochen. "It's really not you? "

"It's not me. I haven't done anything yet, " Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's face twitched. "So, you've been lying to me. You said that you would help me deal with man man, but in the end, it was just an excuse to sleep with me! "

She was furious. He had promised to do so, but he had already slept with her a few times before he had even done anything.

Gong Mochen pursed his lips into a straight line. Oh God, who told him how to answer this little woman?

It seemed like everything he said was wrong!

"Do you want me to make a move now and alert the enemy, causing us a lot of trouble? "

Now was definitely not a good time to move man man. Man Man was just a pawn by Zhuo Nan's side. When they were done dealing with Zhuo Nan, they could just deal with man man at the same time.

"No matter what your reason is, lying to me is lying to me! Gong Mochen, get lost! " Qin Sheng picked up the plate on the table and threw it at man man.

Other than lying to her, the damn man was lying to her. He even had all kinds of ambiguous relationships with Sikong Jue!

She was angry when she thought about how Sikong Jue was in love with Gong Mochen. If they were not in love, why would Sikong Jue be in love?

Gong mochen quickly dodged the little woman's attack. "Put it down, that won't do! It's too heavy, be careful of the baby! Put it down, I'll go! "

He quickly shouted. The little woman wanted to move the chair. How could he let her move the chair? Their baby was still in her stomach!

For the safety of the baby, he could only hide and wait for the little woman to calm down before talking to her.

Qin Sheng looked at the man who ran away in surprise. She only moved the chair to sit down. She was tired of chopping dishes.

However, the man ran away. She didn't want to see this man.

She sat on the chair and panted. Her stomach was big, so she used up a lot of oxygen.

"Why are you making such a big fuss with President Gong? What happened? " Man Man sized up Qin Sheng as if this was not the normal state of Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen.

"Chuxia, let me tell you something. I guarantee you'll be angry too. Did you know that Gong Mochen might be bisexual, and so might Sikong Jue! They're both men and women! " Qin Sheng said.

Man Man looked at Qin Sheng in shock. "How is that possible? Are you kidding me? "

"I'M NOT KIDDING! I saw it with my own eyes! I went to look for Sikong jue yesterday. I wanted to ask him about your injury and other things, but I saw Sikong jue standing behind Gong Mochen, in love with Gong Mochen! " Qin Sheng said.

"Huh? They did it? " Man Man asked in surprise.

"Not yet. Gong Mochen hasn't taken off his pants, but Sikong jue has taken off his pants. If I don't go in, Sikong Jue will take off Gong Mochen's pants! "!

"That's disgusting. Gong Mochen is a whore! " Qin Sheng Mocked Gong Mochen.

Man Man narrowed her eyes. "No wonder! "

"No wonder what? " Qin Sheng asked.

"No wonder Sikong Jue hasn't touched me. I took the initiative to show my goodwill to him yesterday, but he ran away. So he turned gay! " Man Man said.

"Ah? Really? " Qin Sheng widened her eyes in surprise. From her point of view, Sikong jue had always been obsessed with Chuxia. Even if he had anything to do with Gong Mochen, he was at most bisexual.

She had never thought that Sikong Jue had completely turned gay!

"It's true! I really gave him a very clear hint, and he ran away. He even said that he couldn't get it on himself and that he couldn't get it on. In the end, he went back to his room and got it on with President Gong. Do you think he has completely turned gay? " Man Man analyzed.

Qin Sheng nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes, that makes sense. If he hadn't completely changed, he wouldn't have been unable to get it on and wouldn't have rejected you. It seems that men really can't hold it in! "

"I think they can't hold it in! If they hold it in for too long, they'll probably change. Maybe they've already developed a relationship. When you weren't around and I wasn't around, the two of them didn't find a woman. How do you think they solved their problems? " Man Man said.

The more Qin Sheng listened, the more reasonable it made sense. Gong Mochen was bisexual while Sikong Jue had completely changed!

"Then what about you? What are your plans with Sikong Jue? " She asked.

"What else could I have planned? We broke up long ago anyway. What does his relationship have to do with me? " Man Man said.

"Sigh, the two of you are fated but not fated. It was not easy for you to get together, but Sikong jue has become like this again. " Qin Sheng sighed.

The two women decided on the sexual orientation of the two men just like that.

Man Man felt that she should take this opportunity to return to Zhuo Nan's side and change her original idea of wanting to be with Sikong Jue.

A Gay. She married a gay. was she sick?

The key issue now was that the injuries on her body had to be healed quickly!

Otherwise, when she slept with Zhuo Nan, her identity would be exposed.

Even though she had always been the real man man!

Qin Sheng did not know what man man was thinking. She watched man man finish her breakfast and pushed man man into her room.

"Qin Sheng, do you think man man is playing tricks this time? " Man Man suddenly thought of this.

"tricks? I don't think so. She already got the position she wanted. Why did she pretend to be missing? " Qin Sheng said.

"That's right. There's no need for her to pretend to be missing. That means she was really kidnapped. Who kidnapped her? " Man Man asked.

"I don't know. I think it has something to do with the power in this palace. Otherwise, who else would be able to take away man man without anyone knowing? " Qin Sheng said.

Man Man's eyes turned. The power in this palace, in other words, it should be the power of Queen Alli.

The corners of her lips curled into a poppy-like smile. If she could use this to get rid of Alli while she was recuperating, then she could take over Chu Xia's position. Then, she would be the only queen!


Zhuo Nan also thought of the person who kidnapped Chu Xia. His figure walked into the Queen's bedroom with a vicious aura.

Seeing the man walk in, Alli was secretly delighted. "Your Majesty, You're here. What would you like to eat? I'll go prepare it for you. "

She said Fawningly, secretly glad that the woman had disappeared. Otherwise, Zhuo Nan would not have come to her bedroom.

Zhuo Nan's figure walked towards Alli step by step. "Man man has disappeared. No one in her palace knows how she left. Why do you think that is? "

Alli was stunned by the question. "Your Majesty, what do you mean? ''

"Don't you know what I mean? Alli, I warned you. If you dare to harm her again, I will take your life! " Zhuo Nan reached out his hand towards Alli's neck and grabbed the woman's neck!

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