May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1072 - Chapter 1072: Who Planted Baby 22

Chapter 1072: Chapter 1072: Who Planted Baby 22

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

Zhuo Nan ran away. His subordinates were like headless flies, attacking randomly. Some ran away, and some fought with their lives on the line.

Yun Teng saved his sister. He did not give the command in front. He carried the unconscious woman and returned to his military camp to treat her injuries.

She was shot several times in the body. Fortunately, her vital parts were not injured. Otherwise, she would really be dead!

He personally operated on his sister. He took out the bullet and sutured the wound.

"Chuxia, how are you? Are you better? Don't scare me! " Yun Teng's hand touched the woman's head.

Man Man opened her eyes and saw Yun Teng. "Brother! You scared me to death. I thought I would never see you again! "

She threw herself into Yun Teng's arms and sneered. It seemed that Yun Teng had never realized that she was man man!

"DON'T BE AFRAID! Brother will protect you! " Yun Teng said.

"Brother, did you know? Man Man is not dead! You didn't kill her. Zhuo Nan brought her back to the military camp. I almost died! " Man Man said.

"That's impossible. I saw her get shot in the back of the heart with my own eyes! " Yun Teng said.

"She's wearing a bulletproof vest. That kind of bulletproof vest can bleed to confuse people! " Man Man said.

"I see. It's all brother's fault. I almost put you in danger. " Yun Teng blamed himself.

"How can you blame brother? It's man man's fault. She's the one who deserves to die! Today, it was her idea to have Zhuo Nan tie me up and threaten you! " Man Man said.

Yun Teng's heart twitched. "She's too bad! She really deserves to die! Don't let me catch her, or she'll die! " Yun Teng said fiercely.

"Yes, it's not that I don't want to be sisters. She went too far and wanted to kill the two of us. Brother, you have to be careful of her. Perhaps, in order to save her life, when you catch her, she will say that she is Chuxia! " Man Man said to Yun Teng.

Yun Teng sneered. "Don't worry, I know that you are Chuxia. I WON'T BELIEVE HER! "

Man Man's eyes flashed with a stream of reverse current. Everything was so perfect. She was still alive after being shot a few times, but she was about to see Chuxia die!

Thinking of this, she could not help but laugh out loud. From then on, she would live under Chuxia's identity and put all the blame on her two children, Yun Teng, and Qin Sheng!

"Then I'm relieved. I'm just afraid that you'll be harmed by her! " She said gently.

"You rest here. It's absolutely safe here. I'll go outside and take a look at the situation, " said Yun Teng.

Man Man was lying comfortably in the room, waiting to see Chuxia's head.

It was already chaotic outside. Jerry was shuttling through the crowd to find his brothers. He wanted to tell them to stop fighting and go with him!

However, when he found his brothers, those people had already become the sacrifices of the puppets, and were killed by the puppets!

He knelt in front of his brothers, and the tough man cried out loud. He was trying to save Chuxia, but he had also caused his brothers to lose their lives!

If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't have been this war, and these people wouldn't have died!

"My good brothers, I've let you all down! I've come to accompany you, to apologize to you! " He said as he took out his pistol and shot himself in the temple.

"JERRY! " Yun Teng shouted.

His heart was suffocating as HE WATCHED JERRY DIE!

He walked over in a few steps and closed his eyes in pain. Only now did he understand why Jerry said that he only wanted to save Chuxia.

Because Jerry was already prepared to commit suicide. He did not want to live!

"Men! Bury Jerry well, as if he was a special forces soldier! " He ordered his men.

His men immediately accepted the order.

Because of the puppets, the battle was very difficult. Fortunately, they had more people, and the battle ended only when the puppets were blown up.

Yun Teng seized Zhuo Nan's base and sent all the maids on the plane. He wanted to bring these innocent women back to the palace.


Today, the palace was decorated with lanterns and streamers to celebrate the new king's ascension. Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen, as the new king's friends, were also in the main hall.

Because GAIA had become the king, his mother had become the empress dowager. She sat behind the king.

As the coronation ceremony began, all the da Qing ministers knelt down and submitted.

The sound of a helicopter startled everyone, and everyone looked outside.

The helicopter landed, and Zhuo Nan brought Chuxia down from the plane.

His lips curled into a cold smile. "Qin Sheng, Gong Mochen, long time no see! I heard that you guys are looking for me! "

Qin Sheng saw Zhuo Nan, and Yun Teng told her that Zhuo Nan had run away. She knew about this, and was a little surprised that Zhuo Nan actually dared to appear in front of her.

However, she was not as curious about the woman beside Zhuo Nan as she was about Zhuo Nan. Her eyes were fixed on this woman. Yun Teng told her that he had saved Chuxia, but why was Chuxia with Zhuo Nan?

Or was this woman man man?

Her mind was in a mess. She could not tell who was who from the outside!

Chuxia also looked at Qin Sheng, but she could not talk to Qin Sheng in the main hall. She could only watch silently.

Gong Mochen took over Zhuo Nan's words. "You knew we were catching you, so you came to us on your own accord? Very well, men, catch him! "

Zhuo Nan suddenly laughed. "What right do you have to kill me? Gong Mochen, this kingdom is mine! I can take your life at any time! "

The moment his words left his mouth, everyone was shocked!

"What did you say? ''GonggMochenn could not understandZhuooNann's words.

Zhuo Nan's lips curled into a strange smile, "the king who just died was my uncle. My father was supposed to inherit the throne!

"But he used the Polo match to break my father's leg and poisoned my father while he was treating my father's injuries "He even wanted to kill me. Luckily I ran fast, otherwise I would have been dead for many years! "

He revealed the secret that had been buried in his heart. He was the one who should inherit the throne in this country!

"Hammad! You are Hammad! " An elderly Da Qing called out the name of this country that had disappeared for a long time.

"yeside, I am Hammad! The prince of that year! " Zhuo Nan said.

Qin Sheng looked at Zhuo Nan in astonishment. She really did not expect Zhuo Nan to have such an identity. So he was the prince of this country!

But could he inherit the throne?

"Even if you are the prince of this country, your father's throne is gone. Now it is GAIA's turn to ascend the throne. You are his uncle, it is not your turn to ascend the throne! " She choked.

The sneer on Zhuo Nan's lips became more and more serious. "Of course, I have the only right to inherit this country, and only I can inherit it! "

"Why? " Qin Sheng asked.

Everyone in the hall looked at Zhuo Nan.

Zhuo Nan smiled and walked towards GAIA. "because of GAIA'S IDENTITY! Don't you want to know GAIA's identity? "

A thought flashed through Qin Sheng's mind. "Are you saying that GAIA is not the king's son? "

Zhuo Nan sneered. "You guessed wrong! "

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