May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1069 - Chapter 1069 who planted the baby

Chapter 1069: Chapter 1069 who planted the baby

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"I don't care what you have. Are you going to give birth or not? If not, I'm leaving! " Chuxia said.

She naturally knew what a woman had in her hands, but it didn't matter. Her brother Yun Teng was coming soon anyway.

"I'll give birth! Don't go! " Ye Wei was completely convinced by Chuxia's personality. She thought that Chuxia was treating her well because of the thing in her hands. She even wondered if Chuxia would use the child as a bargaining chip after she gave birth.

However, she was overthinking. Chuxia didn't care at all. She just simply sympathized with her child.

It was the nature of every mother to sympathize with her child. She believed that Chuxia saved her with no purpose at all.

"take a deep breath. Don't worry. I'll touch your belly. Your child isn't big. It should be born well. " chuxia checked Ye Wei.

After all, it wasn't the month yet. Ye Wei knew that her child was really not big. However, she also knew that no matter how much medicine she took, she couldn't maintain her child and could only give birth.

"Is it because you don't have a child? Even if I die, you won't even look at me? " Ye Wei asked painfully.

"Yes! Ye Wei, I actually respected you because of your ability and your unrequited love for Gong Mochen! But later on, your love became abnormal! " Chuxia said.

"I love Gong Mochen, What's wrong with me? Why can't I love him? Can't I want a result? Why must I be the one who gets hurt! The one who silently gives is me! I'm also a woman, I also want men to love me! " Ye Wei said aggressively.

"because you love the wrong person. Falling in love with a person who is destined not to love you is purely looking for abuse! It's like the love between two trees, " said Chu Xia.

"What is the love between two trees? " Ye Wei asked in surprise.

"A tree falls in love with a tree across the street. That's it. " Chu Xia told the story of the two trees.

"And then? " Ye Wei asked.

Chu Xia rolled her eyes. "There's no then! It's impossible from the beginning. The beginning is also the end. "

Ye Wei's words were stuck in her throat. She could not say another word. She and Gong Mochen also had the same kind of love. From the beginning, she was the only one who fell in love. The beginning was the end, because Gong Mochen would only love Qin Sheng!

A burst of intense pain, so painful that she cried out.

"Don't worry, slow down, or you'll tear it! " Chu Xia said.

Ye Wei followed Chu Xia's instructions and worked hard to give birth. The test report in her pocket was tightly grasped by her.


Man Man came to the command center. She stood at the door for a long time. Because Zhuo Nan was arranging his men to fight against Yun Teng's men, the guards at the door did not let her in at all.

It was not until the people in the command center followed Zhuo Nan's instructions and left the command center to lead their own men to fight Yun Teng's men that she found an opportunity to run into the command center.

Zhuo Nan saw man man running in. "What are you doing here? "

"I'M HERE TO ASK THE RESULTS! Have the results proved that Chu Xia impersonated me come out? I asked you to kill Chu Xia! You go now! " Man Man's hand grabbed Yun Teng's arm. She wished that Chu Xia was here now so that Yun Teng could kill her with one shot!

Zhuo Nan's eyes narrowed. "Let go! "

Man Man was stunned by the man's cold voice. "I'm man man, I'm man man. You should know that woman is a fake from the results you saw! "

Zhuo Nan grabbed man man's throat with one hand. "Even if you're man man, I can kill you! "

Man Man looked at the man in shock. She could not snap out of her shock. "You want to kill me? I'm man man, and you want to kill me! I've suffered so much for you, and you're treating me like this! ? "

"I'm being killed by Yun Teng's men now. Don't you know how to share my worries, and yet you're still making a Ruckus here? You're courting death! " Zhuo Nan roared angrily.

Man Man's heart froze. She had forgotten how dangerous Zhuo Nan's current situation was. She was the one who was courting death.

If she had not been in such a hurry to kill Chuxia, she would not have made such a mistake!

Her eyes shifted. "I have a way! I can make you deal with Yun Teng's men! "

"What way? " Zhuo Nan asked.

"You're using Chuxia as a bargaining chip! Yun Teng is here to save Chuxia, so he will definitely be concerned about Chuxia's life and death! You have Chuxia in your hands, and Yun Teng is still not obedient to you! " Man Man said.

Zhuo Nan's eyes were sharp. This was indeed a good idea. Yun Teng's men had already descended from the sky. There were many people coming, and it was very difficult for his men to deal with them!

In the next moment, his eyes landed on the woman's face like a hawk. "You said you're man man? "

"Yes. Didn't you receive the report from Ye Wei? " Man Man asked.

"No, I'm going to the lab to look for her! " Yun Teng got up and was about to go to the lab!

"She's not in the lab. I know where she is. Come with me! " Man Man called out to man man.

Zhuo Nan followed man man back to the small building. Before they reached the building, they heard the sound of a baby crying.

"What's going on? " He was a little confused.

"Ye Wei should have given birth. Let's go in! " Man Man heard the sound and found the room. She pushed the door open.

"CHUXIA! Come Out! Zhuo Nan wants to kill you! " Man Man said proudly!

Her eyes were full of smiles. She was about to see Chuxia die!

"Get out! " Chuxia held the baby in her arms, pushed man man away and locked the door.

She had not cleaned up ye Wei yet, how could she let Zhuo Nan in at this time!

"How's my child? " Ye Wei asked anxiously.

"It's just a little bit smaller, but it doesn't matter. Take good care of it, it will grow stronger! " Chu Xia did not know how to tell Ye Wei, the child's face shape and bones were a little different from a normal child.

It was too thin, the corners of its eyes were hanging upward, just like the appearance of an Alien Elf. To put it nicely, it looked like a character from a Manga, with a sharp jaw and hanging eyes.

She handed the child to Ye Wei and let ye Wei breastfeed the child while she continued to clean up ye Wei.

Man Man, who was outside the door, said angrily, "look, she's so guilty that she doesn't dare to come out! Don't you believe that she's a fake man man? " Man Man said.

Zhuo Nan's face darkened to the extreme, and Meng ran kicked open the locked door.

Chu Xia looked at the man who rushed in and shouted angrily, "haven't you ever seen a woman give birth? Why are you rushing here to visit? "

Fortunately, she had just cleaned up ye Wei's body, and all that was left was to deal with the blood and dirty things.

Zhuo Nan was embarrassed by the little woman's scolding. He did not know why she had locked him outside the door, but it was impossible for him to apologize and say that he was wrong!

He lowered his voice and questioned Ye Wei, "you should have given me the blood test report a long time ago. Is the report out yet? Tell me who is man man! "

Ye Wei's hand touched her pocket. "The report is out... "

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