May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1039 - Chapter 1039 fake love is real 19

Chapter 1039: Chapter 1039 fake love is real 19

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

In the desert, Jerry brought Yun Teng close to the oasis. From where they were, they could clearly see the oasis

"In this forest, there's Zhuo Nan's military camp, " Jerry said.

"There's an oasis here? No wonder we still can't find Zhuo Nan's hiding place, " Yun Teng said.

"This is his nest. Once we take this place down, he won't have a place to hide anymore. However, he's scattered all over the world. If you catch him, you have to quickly take down his distribution all over the world. Otherwise, the world will be in chaos! " Jerry reminded Yun Teng.

"Yes. When I find him, I will definitely clear out his distribution. Thank you very much this time, " Yun Teng said.

Now, he completely trusted Jerry.

"No need to thank me. I just want to save the girl I like! " Jerry said affectionately.

Yun Teng patted jerry on the shoulder. "A man who can die for her. I have faith in you. When we save her, I will speak up for you. "

Jerry smiled bitterly. "There's no need. I just want to save her. That's all. "

Yun Teng looked at Jerry in surprise. He did not understand what Jerry meant. He just wanted to save Chuxia. DID JERRY NOT WANT Chuxia?

However, when Yun Teng really understood the meaning behind Jerry's words, he was really convinced by this man.

"quickly request for the mobilization of the main force to parachute! Just parachute according to this coordinates, " Jerry said.

"Yes, I'll go and apply now. It shouldn't take long for our main force to arrive! " Yun Teng said.

At this time in the military camp, Zhuo Nan was sitting in the command center. However, his men had sent out a few waves, but they still couldn't find any traces of the special forces.

"leader, could Jerry have lied to us? " A soldier said.

"Don't talk nonsense. The desert is so big. How can it be so easy to find people "If you can't find him, it's because you don't have the ability. What right do you have to say that Jerry lied to us "At that time, everyone could see the bullets that were taken out of his body. They were specially used by the Special Forces! " Jerry's friend immediately said.

They naturally believed in their friend and would not let anyone hurt Jerry.

Zhuo Nan's eyes darkened. "continue to send more people to look for him. As long as someone comes from the desert, they won't be unable to find him! "

His eyes were dark, and unease swept through his heart.

"Yes, we will send more people to continue looking. Please rest assured, leader! " Jerry's friend said.

Zhuo Nan waved his hand, indicating that the meeting was over. He strode back to his small building.

Chuxia was in the room admiring the gemstones with bell. Bell had helped her a lot this time. As a reward, she gave bell a lot of gemstones. Bell was so happy that she could not close her mouth. She decisively hugged the right thigh!

Chuxia saw Zhuo Nan walk in and let bell go out.

She got up and walked towards Zhuo Nan, who had a dark expression. "What's wrong? Why are you so unhappy today? "

Zhuo Nan sat on the Sofa without saying a word. His gaze landed on Chuxia's face.

Chuxia's heart felt goosebumps when the man looked at her. "What are you doing? What's wrong? Say something! "

Her heart was beating fast. She was certain that something that could make Zhuo Nan unhappy would definitely make her happy.

Zhuo Nan grabbed Chuxia's arm and pulled her to sit on his lap. "Did you let Jerry go on purpose? "

Chuxia did not move in the man's arms. "I did let him go on purpose. He's so annoying and still pestering me. Do I want to let him visit or let him stay for the Qingming Festival? "

She forced a natural smile on her face. She knew that Zhuo Nan was suspicious!

"Hehe, SMART! There's no way out by following him! " Zhuo Nan said.

"Of course, he's just a soldier, and you're the leader. Whether I can become a princess in the future depends on your words After all, when I become a princess, I won't be bullied by the maids. Otherwise, even the maids can take my life at any time!"Chuxia pursed her lips deliberately.

"Are you still angry? Haven't those people been handed over to you for punishment? If you want to starve them to death, then starve them! " Zhuo Nan comforted the woman.

"Of course I want to starve them properly. I also want to turn them into puppets. By the way, how are Ye Fei's puppets doing? Let's go and take a look! " Chuxia said.

The special forces were coming. She wanted to see what Ye Fei had done first so that she could help Qin Sheng's people at the crucial moment!

Her words reminded Zhuo Nan, and Zhuo Nan also wanted to go and see how ye Fei was doing.

"Let's go. " He held Chuxia's hand and walked out of the room, heading straight for ye Wei's laboratory.

The laboratory had never been so lively before, and it made Chuxia's hair stand on end.

If Zhuo Nan hadn't been holding her hand all this time, she would have been very confused. There were also a bunch of puppets. If it weren't for their empty eyes, she really wouldn't have known that they were puppets.

"Ye Fei is too scary. She really looks like a witch! " She couldn't help but exclaim.

"She was a witch to begin with, but many things have been lost. That's why everyone thought that those were all legends. In fact, there really are! " Zhuo Nan said.

"Yeah, she wouldn't believe it if she didn't see it with her own eyes. These things are all real! " Chuxia said.

"It seems that Ye Wei has prepared well. Even if someone attacks us, we won't BE AFRAID WITH THESE PUPPETS! " Zhuo Nan said.

However, what he wasn't afraid of was what Chuxia was afraid of!

"How do you control these puppets? Zhuo Nan, you have to be careful. If these puppets don't listen and attack their master, how do you deal with these things that aren't afraid of weapons? " Chuxia's eyes shifted, as if every word was for Zhuo Nan's good.

"I'm not afraid. Everything has a weakness. The same goes for puppets. As long as you know the puppet's weakness, you can control the puppets! " Zhuo Nan said.

"really? Tell me quickly! " Chuxia asked.

"Why do you know this? With me protecting you, they won't DARE TO ATTACK YOU! " Zhuo Nan said.

Chuxia was frustrated that she still couldn't get Zhuo Nan to tell her. How was she going to control the puppets?

She looked at these lifeless things. If these things were to deal with the special forces, how would the special forces defeat them?

The key was that these things were not afraid of weapons. But people were afraid of weapons, AND PEOPLE WOULD BE INJURED!

Just as Chu Xia was thinking, a low voice suddenly came from the corridor, scaring Chu Xia.

"What is that sound? It's so scary! " Chu Xia said.

Zhuo Nan did not know what the sound was. He led Chu Xia to look for the sound.

When they reached the third floor, they suddenly saw that the wall at the end of the corridor on the third floor was open. The muffled sound was coming from here.

The muffled footsteps sounded as if the person who came was very heavy.

Chu Xia curiously headed inside, not knowing what Ye Wei was doing.

Mou Ran, a man's figure walked out, scaring Chu Xia so much that she cried out, "Gong Mochen! "

She only felt the hair on her body stand up. She clearly knew that he was Nangong Mochen, but she still called out Gong Mochen out of habit.

The man seemed to have heard something and walked towards Chu Xia.

Chu Xia screamed and dodged backwards... ...

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