May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1032 - Chapter 1032 pretending to be in love

Chapter 1032: Chapter 1032 pretending to be in love

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

The maids were so scared that they stood in the corner, shivering. They never thought that this woman would be able to turn the tables.

They stepped back step by step. They knew that it was useless to run, but they still instinctively wanted to run away.

Zhuo Nan slapped the armrest of the chair. He was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. "Who dares to do this to you? CAPTURE THEM ALL! "

Who Dared to touch his woman? He saw that those people did not want to live anymore!

Chu Xia pointed at the maids standing in the corner. "It's them! "

The maids were so scared that they knelt on the ground

"We didn't mean to starve you. We... we... " one of the maids was at a loss for words. She wanted to find an excuse for herself, but she couldn't find one.

"We were just joking! " Another maid finally came up with an excuse.

"Yes, yes, we were just joking! Miss Man man, you won't hold it against US, right? "

The few of them looked at Zhuo Nan, trembling.

Chuxia snorted. "joking? You're joking like that? Alright, I'm joking too. Guards, take them out and shoot them! "

A few bodyguards walked over in an instant, wanting to catch a few maids.

"Miss Man man, please spare us! We won't DARE TO DO IT AGAIN! "

"We won't dare to do it again. We're JUST LOOKING DOWN ON US! "

The maids kowtowed desperately. They did not dare to joke about shooting them. Once this joke was made, they would lose their lives!

Chuxia looked at Zhuo Nan. "What do you think we should do? They can't afford to play anymore! "

Zhuo Nan looked at the little woman in his arms lovingly. "Do what you want to do. You have the final say here. If you want to play with them, they must play with you to the end! "

CHUXIA's gaze shifted. "They are all your women! "

Zhuo Nan had already used all the women here. She sincerely sighed at the man's indifference. Even if she slept with him, he would only use her as a tool to vent!

"I'm just using her to vent. She's not my woman. YOU'RE MY WOMAN! Baby, I don't have any other women besides you! " Zhuo Nan said.

CHUXIA's big eyes twisted around the few women who were crying and kowtowing. She did not know the extent of their psychological trauma.

"Tsk Tsk, I still want to continue playing this game. Then, you all have to reluctantly cooperate with me. Men, bring them out. "

A maid crawled to Chu Xia's feet and kissed the Hem of Chu Xia's long dress. "Miss Man man, I was wrong. Please forgive me! In the future, I'm willing to be your slave. Even if you don't let me sleep and let me work every day, I'm willing! "

"Yes, we're also willing! Be Your slave and be loyal to miss man man! "

"If we die, we won't be able to be loyal to miss man man! "

A few maids rushed to express their loyalty.

Man Man's eyes twisted around a few pale-faced women, and she chuckled, "serve me? If it wasn't for the leader thinking of me, no one would even know that I died in that room!

You guys didn't expect me to come out so soon, did you This story is to tell you that your dog eyes should be dug out Unfortunately, I can't continue playing my game. Men, lock them in the room. Don't give them food without my orders."

"Yes! " A few bodyguards walked over, grabbed a few maids and brought them to the empty room. They threw them into the room and locked the door.

Zhuo Nan looked at the woman in his arms. "Do you want to starve them to death too? "

"CAN'T I? Do you feel sorry for them? " Chuxia's finger pointed at the man's chest.

"I won't feel sorry for these women. You can play however you want! " Zhuo Nan said quickly. It was not easy for him to reconcile with the little woman. He would listen to the little woman.

Chuxia nodded her head in satisfaction and got off the man's body. "I'm tired from playing. I'm going to sleep. "

Zhuo Nan's hand held the little woman's arm and did not let go. "You're leaving just like that? "

"What else? What do you want to do? Did you forget that my period is still here? " Chuxia asked the man.

"Isn't there another way? " Zhuo Nan applied for benefits for himself.

Chuxia glared at the man. "The woman you raised almost starved me to death. You must also be punished! The punishment for you is to sleep until my period ends! "

Her tone was teasing. Her small face was almost pressed against the man's face. She allowed the hot and humid air to hit the man's face and seduce his mind.

The angry look of the little woman made Zhuo Nan's heart flutter. Even if he was punished, it did not matter. As long as he was happy with the little woman, it was fine.

"Okay, can I accept the punishment? How many more days? ''Hee asked.

"three days. " Chuxia stretched out three fingers.

Zhuo Nan pulled her small hand and kissed the back of her hand. "I'll wait for you for three days. After three days, you have to serve me well for a night! "

He could not wait for three days. It seemed that this was the most difficult time for him.

Chuxia smiled lightly and withdrew her hand. She returned to her room. Without looking at Zhuo Nan behind her, her brows sank. No matter how much she lied, her period would only last for a week. She did not have much time left.

Those special forces must come and save her within three days. Otherwise, she would not be able to escape!

She prayed silently in her heart.


In the desert, Jerry's car was running wildly on the road. He was completely looking at the stars as he walked. According to his experience, if those special forces were to chase after him, according to their speed, they would probably have walked somewhere.

However, this kind of calculation was completely based on experience and was not accurate.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out. His car was attacked. He hurriedly closed the car. The sound of the car and the headlights would let others see him at a glance.

Decisively, after he turned off the car, the bullets changed from aiming at him to shooting randomly.

He jumped out of the car in the night and looked at the places where the flames were burning. In the middle of the night, the moment the bullets slid out of the muzzle, they would burst into flames.

He relied on the position of the stars and his understanding of the terrain to slowly figure out where the special forces soldiers were shooting from.

"Why is there no one? " Yun Teng's men looked at the desert. In the dark desert, they couldn't see anything!

Yun Teng suddenly thought of something. "Stop Shooting! We are acting as a lighthouse for him! "

Before he could finish his sentence, he grabbed the back of Yun Teng's head. "Your reaction was pretty fast, but it was too late! "

In an instant, Yun Teng's men pointed their guns at Jerry.

"You dare to hurt our general, we will take your life! " A few of his men said.

"I am not interested in your general's life, I just want to save man man's life! " Jerry said.

Yun Teng's brows tightened. "You mean man man? "

"Yes, man man in the military camp. She is my friend. She told me that you are here to save her! " Jerry said.

"How can I trust you? " Yun Teng asked.

"exactly. Who knows if you are sent by Zhuo Nan? " Yun Teng's subordinate asked.

"Man man was brought here by me from the palace. I want to save her. She is a kind woman. I don't want her to be hurt. That's it. You can believe it or not. If you believe it, I can take you to Zhuo Nan's military camp. The military camp is in the oasis,"Jerry said.

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