May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1000 - Chapter 1000: unbridled love 10

Chapter 1000: Chapter 1000: unbridled love 10

Author: The first love of a rainy dayMachine Translation

"Yes, how do you like it? All kinds of salad with wild vegetables, as well as wild fruits, fried bird eggs, quail soup, and rice and bread made from cassava, " Zhuo Nan said.

These things were completely made from the materials in the forest.

Chu Xia's eyes sparkled. "I haven't eaten these things before! They look quite delicious! "

"I'll make roast birds for you at noon and date rice. You'll like it! There are all kinds of CACTI at night. You can stew and roast them if you like. " Zhuo Nan introduced the delicacies here.

"Zhuo Nan, this place is really good. There are so many delicious things here! " Chu Xia picked up a fried bird egg with her chopsticks and ate it.

It was sprinkled with soft fried pepper and salt. This taste was really delicious. The most important thing was that the taste of this kind of bird egg was different from that of an egg. It was a wonderful feeling.

"It's good that you like it. There are also seabuckthorn fruits. If you like them, I'll ask them to pick some for you. " Zhuo Nan said.

"Okay! I heard that the thing is very nutritious. I haven't eaten anything fresh yet. ASK THEM TO PICK SOME FOR ME! " Chu Xia said.

Zhuo Nan immediately ordered his men to pick seabuckthorn fruits for Chuxia.

There were only such things in the desert and semi-desert areas. However, the heavens would not treat this place too badly. Although there were no plants, the fruits were very delicious.

Chuxia had a delicious meal. The stewed quail was the best. She ate the entire quail.

"Zhuo Nan, I'm full. I'm so full. Let's go to your camp for a walk! Are you going to tell me why none of them could catch you? " She asked the man directly. She was here to investigate this and asked bluntly.

"Let's go. I'll bring you to see my future country! " Zhuo Nan said.

He liked this kind of man man very much. In the past, man man was too careful with him. It seemed that she had to think about every word she said for a long time.

But now, man man was very casual. He was deeply attracted by man man's new personality.

Chu Xia followed the man and walked out of Zhuo Nan's small building. During the day, she could see this place more clearly. There was a large area of barracks that she could not see the end of.

She could not imagine how many soldiers were stationed here!

"Oh my God, you have so many troops? "

"This is nothing, it's just a part of me. Let's go! " Zhuo Nan held Chu Xia's hand and led her to his central military tent.

Chu Xia walked into a room that looked like a hall. There was a large table with a sand table on it.

The sand table was a map of the world. There were many places with small flags that indicated the names of the countries.

"A map of the world? " She asked.

"Yes, do you know why some countries have no colors but only stripes on their national flags? " Zhuo Nan asked.

"Why? Why is it a national flag without color? " Chuxia did not understand.

"The national flag without color is the place I occupied. These places are all occupied by my secret army. With just a word from me, I can destroy the entire country! " Zhuo Nan said.

"How many troops have you stationed? Every country has its own army. Can your people defeat the armies of these countries? "

"I don't have many troops. A country only has around 10,000 people scattered around. Very few, " Zhuo Nan said.

"So few? How are you going to fight with the professional army? " Chuxia asked.

These people were probably not enough to be the targets for the professional army of these countries to practice their guns.

"There's no need to fight at all. As long as I give the order, they won't be able to resist if I put something in these countries, " Zhuo Nan said.

Chuxia's eyes focused on Zhuo Nan's cold gaze. How could she be sure that Zhuo Nan was not joking? Put something in?

The only thing she could think of was the biochemical war!

Damn Zhuo Nan wouldn't really play the biochemical war, right?

"What kind of powerful thing can destroy a country with just a little? " She asked tentatively.

"there are many such things, but most people don't know about them. I'll bring you to see our laboratory and you'll know Man Man, you're becoming more and more satisfactory to me. I can promise you that when I become the king of the world in the future, you'll have a position by my side!"Zhuo Nan said.

Chu Xia tugged at the corner of her stiff lips. "Okay, I knew it. You truly love me! "

She felt uncomfortable with the man holding her hand. She forced herself to obey Zhuo Nan so that he would not notice anything. Zhuo Nan was too scary. She was afraid that if Zhuo Nan found out that she was not Manman, she would not even have the right to die.

She was brought to a two-story building behind the military camp by Zhuo Nan. As soon as she entered, she smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.

She covered her nose with her hand. "It really doesn't smell good. Is this a hospital? "

"It's a hospital and also a laboratory. Aren't you curious why I can't be caught? I'll bring you there now to satisfy your curiosity. " Zhuo Nan kept holding Chu Xia's hand.

Chuxia moved her hand. "It's in the room. You don't have to hold my hand. It's so hot. "

This was a desert. When the sun rose, it would really be very hot. There was no air conditioning here. The trees completely blocked out the sunlight, so the room was very hot when there was sunlight.

"If I don't hold your hand, you'll lose yourself in a while. Don't be afraid. The person who has been holding your hand is me! Remember that. " Zhuo Nan said.

"I got it. " Chuxia was confused by the man's words. Why would she lose her hand in the room?

The two of them walked into a spacious room. Chuxia's eyes were instantly stunned. Her mouth was so wide that it could fit an egg.

There were more than a dozen Zhuo Nan sitting in the room. If chuxia did not know that she had just woken up, she would really think that she was dreaming!

"clone? You cloned yourself? " She only managed to say a few words after a long time.

"It's not considered a clone yet. I thought that the growth of a clone was the same as that of a legitimate human, so I did not choose to use a clone. They are all semi-clones. "They used my cells to grow into my face and then changed their faces, " Zhuo Nan explained.

Otherwise, how could Gong Mochen, who was so smart, be fooled by his substitute?

Unless it was the same him!

It took Chu Xia half a day to realize that she had forgotten to breathe. She took a deep breath.

"Oh, oh, these human faces are yours! So no one can see the flaws. "

"They are very similar to my figure, so after changing their faces, no one can see that they are different from me. Moreover, their bone marrow has also been injected into my bone marrow, and my blood has been injected into their blood. It can be said that these people have been modified with my flesh and blood.

"They all carry my genes. Even if they are captured, it doesn't matter if they are tested for DNA. They will be very similar to me, " Zhuo Nan explained.

"You are so awesome. So, even if they are captured, Gong Mochen won't be able to find out if the person he captured is really you "But how can you guarantee that they won't betray you "You know how ruthless Gong Mochen is. If he wants to force a confession, no one can lie in front of him, " Chu Xia asked.

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