I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 697

697 Chapter 725: Undead Trade (Part One)

Actually, snow was also very curious. Logically speaking, these goods should be of value. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have mentioned the side effects so openly, since they mentioned that there was a virus, there would definitely be other benefits that would allow people to take risks!


“The improvement rate is very fast…”Sean Thought for a moment and said honestly, “And as long as you don’t get infected with the virus at the moment, the side effects will be much smaller than those energy potions…”

Lei Xue asked, “What are the specific side effects?”

Sean said, “If you take too many energy potions, your blood vessels will become more and more unbearable. You’ll often have to buy drugs for suppression, and it’s extremely painful. Those who choose this path are either abnormal or suicidal because they can’t stand the pain. If you use the virus potion, as long as you don’t die from the virus at the beginning, there won’t be any other life-threatening side effects…”. “…”

Hearing that, Lei Xue raised her eyebrows and continued to ask, “A side effect that doesn’t threaten life, does that mean that there will be other side effects?”

“Yes…”Shawn nodded and said, “There will be a local mutation, and the form will slowly become like a monster…”as he said that, he looked at Johnny, to be honest, if he hadn’t seen their ship coming from afar, he would have suspected that Johnny had used these potions, and why could he freely change his form?

Local mutation? Lei Xue lowered her head and fell into deep thought. Could it be genetic evolution?

She wasn’t very interested in the knowledge of the biology department, but because she had explored Luo Fu’s genetic information, she had more or less seen this kind of knowledge, the other party described the situation of the virus energy dose as a bit like the concept of genetic enhancement.

Because in the genetic surgery, it was said that the most frequent failure rate in the external gene invasion surgery was the virus invasion… …

Could it be that this energy dose was another type of genetic enhancement?

If that was the case, then the person who created these things might not be a single person, it should be some organization… …

Lei Xue looked at the colorful virus drugs and thought to herself, after all, a bottle of drugs could change a person’s genes, even though I don’t know if the technology is mature.., but the technology contained within was not something that a single person could create.

Is this shithole a lab for a secret organization?

Lei Xue looked around and his heart sank. Is there any other high-tech force besides Luofu. That’s not a good thing… . .


On the other side, Marina drove the Ghost ship all the way to the center of the city, feeling the eyes of the dark around her beautiful face revealed a trace of sneer.

Bengali goode frowned slightly. “Fortunately, this ship came in. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome. What are the weapons in the hands of those guys who attacked us? Why are they so strange?”

He found it hard to imagine that he almost flipped his car when he fought with a gold-tier human just now. That big knife full of flesh and blood could actually increase a person’s strength so dramatically!

Marina chuckled. “It’s just an alchemy weapon that some old guys created just to collect fresh life energy. These guys are just so-so…”

“Old Guys?”Bengal Goode looked at marina curiously.

Marina glanced at him when she heard that, she suddenly thought of something and said, “Oh, right, you were left behind by master right after you died. It seems that you haven’t been there yet…”as she said that, she lowered her eyes slightly. “What a lucky guy…”

Bengali gude asked, “What are you talking about?”

“Nothing, get ready to get off the boat. We’re here…”

Bengali gude heard this and looked up. It was actually a palace. What was surprising was that the entire palace was made of crystal, even though he had seen a lot in the past few hundred years, he could not help but gasp. “This is the legendary Crystal Palace?”

Marina: “Yes…”

Bengali gudd: “You really lived a luxurious life back then…”

Marina: “You Flatter me…”

Then, she took the lead to jump off the ship and slowly walked inside…

Bengali Gudd, who was behind her, led the group of human sailors and looked around curiously, clicking his tongue in wonder… …

Even the sailors forgot their fear and looked around in shock.

The entire palace was built with this kind of dream crystal and all kinds of gemstones. As the main hall of the Emerald Hall, the floor was completely paved with high-quality jade. It was really luxurious to the extreme!

Everyone was shocked and could not help but mutter, “So the history is real. The stories of the bards are not illusory. There really is a palace built with crystals!”!

Marina walked at the front, looking at the familiar surroundings. Her Eyes revealed a trace of reminiscence. This place was once the glory that she built, and everything here once represented the history of the Western Archipelago! !

But now…

Looking at the lifeless tone, Marina’s expression slowly turned cold… …

Everything that used to be seemed to be gone…

The group walked all the way to the inner part of the palace. At this time, in the main hall, a huge crystal was suspended in mid-air. Marina looked at the crystal, and then suddenly reached out to grab one of the people behind her, she directly broke the other person’s limbs and threw them towards the crystal!

The sailor immediately let out a shrill scream, and the other sailors, including first mate Polly, immediately turned pale! !

Bengal Goode frowned as he looked at the alchemy rune array that lit up in front of the crystal and asked curiously, “What’s This?”

Marina replied, “It’s a barrier that can be used to trade with the undead!”

Bengal Goode was stunned, and then he looked at the complicated alchemy array with great curiosity, suddenly, he thought of something and asked, “I saw many of these floating crystals outside just now, and there seems to be such an alchemy array beside it. Is there any difference between the crystals in the palace and those outside?”

Marina was silent for a while, then she replied, “There’s no difference…”

Bengal Goode was stunned for a moment. “Then… why did we have to run so far?”

Marina: “Don’t you think this place is very beautiful?”

Bengal Goode:”…”

“You just want to show me the palace you once owned, right?”

Marina: “You Can See That?”

Bengal goad: “I Say You… isn’t it not good to waste time on this?”

“I’m kidding…”Marina said faintly, “Of course it’s different here, it’s safer here…”

Bengal goad: “Why don’t I want to believe you?”

“I’m serious…”. Marina smiled and said, “This palace is not only beautiful, it’s almost immune to all magic, including the illusion of the monster. It’s the safest place to trade in the market.” “…”. Then, she looked at the ghost ship outside and said, “If we trade in the crystals outside, the ship might be taken away by others when we come out…”. “…”

“It can’t be…”Bengal Goode frowned. “Doesn’t this ship only recognize the person who summoned it?”

Marina looked at him faintly. “Just because it recognizes the person, it will be deceived…”

Bengal Goode:”…”

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding scene suddenly began to distort. In the next moment, Bengal Goode found that the surroundings had completely changed, turning gray. Then, he saw countless existences wearing black bamboo hats and bird-beaked masks… …

As he and marina appeared, those guys looked over faintly. For some reason, Bengal Goode only felt an unprecedented chill surge in his heart, even when he was stared at by that powerful master, he did not feel this terrifying. It was as if his entire body had lost consciousness.

After a long time, he slowly came back to his senses. He swallowed his saliva and asked carefully, “This… who are these guys?”

Marina: “The people of the other shore…”

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