I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1738 - Chapter 1738: Chapter 1,806: those two weren’t just some random fish

Chapter 1738: Chapter 1,806: those two weren’t just some random fish

Translator: 549690339

“How long… is this guy going to vomit for?”


Carmen, who was struggling to walk out of the red lotus karmic fire that was spewing out of his grandfather’s body, patted the marks on his body and sniffed them from time to time. He didn’t know if it was just an illusion, but he felt that the remaining flames on his body had a bad breath… …

Everyone looked at their grandfather, who had no intention of stopping in mid-air, and then looked at Bi Lan… …

“Why are you all looking at me?”Bi Lan was speechless. “That’s your teammate, okay?”

“Uh… “everyone from Spark Academy was also speechless. What the other party said… . It seemed to make sense. The key was… … They really didn’t understand this guy… …

“Ha… Your Academy has produced an interesting guy… “ba lie clapped his hands and looked at the sky. No one knew what he was thinking.

Carmen looked at the other party coldly and said calmly, “I think Captain Ba lie, since you have the time to pay attention to our teammates, why don’t you pay more attention to yourself?”

As he spoke, he pointed at the two people on the ground.

One of them was Bator, whose body was so twisted that it was impossible to tell if he was dead or alive. The other one was the one who had just lost the bet, the team doctor from the Divine Arcana Academy, Emily!

At this moment, Emily was looking at the ground in silence. Her expression was numb, and no one knew what she was thinking about.

Bator looked at her and asked directly, “Can Bator still be saved?”

Emily raised her head and looked at the captain numbly, she shook her head and said, “His muscles, bones, and muscles have been severely damaged, and his body has been completely deformed. If he wants to repair this body, he needs to be at least a level-15 professional surgeon, and he also needs a very professional equipment. This place doesn’t have it, so he can only use stimulants to forcefully prolong his life… “…”. “. ”

Barlie immediately frowned. The other party was in such a miserable state, and he wanted to use stimulants? This woman really dared to say that using stimulants in such a state would be worse than death?

But he also knew that if he didn’t do it, Barlie might really die here!

“Go ahead…”in the end, Barlie nodded.

After Emily’s Numb face turned to look at Barlie, a hint of excitement appeared in her eyes… .

As for the others, they looked away. They were obviously not interested in this scene where their bodies were twisted into a pile of meat…

“What should we do next? “Bartok looked at Carmen. “I feel that those guys shouldn’t have gone far. If we go out of the base, there’s a high chance that we’ll be ambushed…”

Carmen heard the face also became heavy, looked in the direction of the coming…

Outside the abandoned base, as Barry said, the spirits of the dead that had been transferred were indeed waiting not far from the base…


In the ranks of the dead, the skilled assassin said, “Are we giving up the base just like that?”? “We spent a lot of effort to find it, and we also spent a lot of effort to activate the lighting system inside. We’re only one step away…”. ” ”

“The last step is just your imagination…”sauta stretched lazily, “In fact, you don’t know how many more steps we need to take to find the Tinder, do you?”

“But even if you say so… you shouldn’t give it away so easily, right?”. The tallest undead in the team rubbed his chin. “After all… with four coordinates, our place is the most likely to produce the tinder fragment…”

“So What?” Sauta smiled. “Didn’t you see what happened just now?”? “That Phoenix can directly reverse little APS alchemy array, and it can even duplicate it. In addition, that Phoenix’s spiritual energy is even stronger than Little Ai’s. Isn’t it courting death if we fight it head-on in that underground base?”

The female necromancer raised her eyebrows when she heard that the Phoenix was stronger than her, but in the end, she did not say anything. It was useless to not admit something. That Phoenix’s spiritual power was indeed stronger than hers.

“If we activate the Black Knight Device, we should be able to win… “in the team, the long-haired necromancer who was in charge of opening the spatial device said gloomily.

“Isn’t everyone gone?”saouta laughed and said, “We all feel that there’s no need for us to open the device. From the beginning, there was no intention to activate the device. It was so sudden just now, how could we have the time?”

Shouldn’t you be responsible for being careless? “The long-haired Specter said.

“UH… cough cough… hahaha, there’s no need to be so serious about that… “Saouta immediately rubbed his head and laughed, then he pointed to the abandoned base and said, “There’s only one space portal here, and the other side can’t escape. If there really is debris down there, wouldn’t it be the same for us to wait for it?”? After all… <per_0> . The living… <per_0> . Easier to get the Shard, isn’t it?”

“You are the captain, you call the shots… “the long-haired ghost is still cold way.

“Tsk… . . What an unlikable character…”sauta pursed his lips, however, he immediately looked towards the sky. “I wonder how the other teams are doing? I wonder if they have encountered interesting fellows like us. Oh, right… ” “Right. Saouta looked towards Mi Jia, who was at the end of the team. “Mi Jia, I heard that the demon star in Tirefarson is very powerful, right? “You’ve stayed there for ten years. How do you feel, that guy?”

Mi Jia lifted her head and replied indifferently, “That’s it. He has the talent to pass through the shadow region. His direct strength is about the same as Carmen’s…”

“Oh?” Saouta instantly lost interest. “Then Bing Mi and the others seem to be going very smoothly… ”

“It might not be very smooth… “mi JIA shook her head. “In the current team of Tirefarson, the strongest is not that demon star, but another newcomer… ” “Is he very powerful? “Sa Wuta’s interest was immediately piqued.

“Very powerful… “mi jia nodded.

“How Powerful?”The Big Guy at the side also came over and asked.

“If it’s a head-on fight… “mi Jia hesitated for a moment, and finally said, “The captain should not be able to win…”

“Oh? Really? “Sa Wuta looked at the other party excitedly. “How did you

“Last month… “mi Jia took a deep breath and said, “That guy got into a fight with the crown prince in the bronze royal family. Three descendants of the royal family plus the Crown Prince had no resistance in front of her at all! ”

“Damn… “Saouta instantly patted mi JIA’s head. “There’s such a powerful guy, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I’m not the captain, Pm not interested in hard bones… “mi JIA said faintly. “I prefer to come here to settle old scores with my old friends…”

“TSK TSK…”sauta immediately spread out his hands. “It’s not easy to bring along a team member with smuggled goods… “pausing for a moment, he suddenly looked at the long-haired undead. “Right, which district did Foyego

“Ah Pui! Pm your boss, you traitor, can you at least respect your captain?”

The other party directly ignored his words and said indifferently, “Boss went to the West Gate…”

“West Gate?” Sauta tilted his head and asked, “Which two teams are at the West Gate?”

“There are three teams at the West Gate… “the long-haired undead corrected him, “In addition to the ELF Academy of Atlan and the main family’s bronze academy, there’s also the School of Dawn… ”

“Dawn?” Sauta rolled his eyes. “The school that got in through connections?

Don’t you need to emphasize this kind of trash?”

the team, the assassin suddenly spoke. “The school that only has one man and one woman?”

“You’re familiar with it?”Sauta looked at the assassin.

“I’m not even familiar with it… “the assassin shook his head. “But… Those two aren ‘t trash…. “

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