I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1714 - Chapter 1714: Chapter 1783: Grandpa’s Intuition…

Chapter 1714: Chapter 1783: Grandpa’s Intuition…

Translator: 549690339

In an obviously abandoned underground base, the silence that had been going on for countless years was broken by a flurry of activity… …


A group of people looked at the silly bird flapping its wings with a strange expression…

Next to the silly bird, a person covered in Shadow Mist was hugging it tightly, making the silly bird wail non-stop!

“Don’t move around… “in the team, a red-haired elf could not help but sigh. “This is his normal reaction, just like a drowning person. The more you want to get away from him, the tighter his grip is. If you let him hug you for a while, he will recover… ”

“Pah! “The fiery-red bird immediately spat and cried out, “That’s easy for you to say. Why don’t you let him hug you for a while?”

“Let Go, you damn dog. Don’t get touched by me. Just a touch will do. You still want to hug me? You still want to bite me? Boss, save me! ! ”

In the team, a tall and strong man covered his head and shook his head in amusement. This guy, how could he be so exaggerated over a small matter?

“Something that can’t be put on the table… “a white-haired woman in the team said coldly.

It was none other than the people from Spark Academy!

“I’m seriously warning you. Letting Me Hug You is already my bottom line. If you dare to touch my butt again… No! If you dare to bite my butt again, I’m going to fall out with you! !”

Everyone.” … ”

“Alright, brother, calm down! “Carmen walked up helplessly and grabbed Bi Lan, who was hugging Grandpa Lu tightly, and directly pushed him away.

Grandpa Lu let out a miserable cry like a pig being slaughtered, and then he looked at bi Ian angrily, “My fur! ! !”

Everyone. ” … ”

“Hu…”at this moment, Bi Lan’s eyes were red, and she desperately wanted to pounce over again. However, Carmen held her tightly with one hand, “Calm down, brother, your body is almost healed! ”

This time, Carmen used his spiritual power to intimidate bi Ian, causing the slightly deranged bi LAN to be stunned for a moment. A glimmer of clarity returned to her eyes!

“Brother, calm down. Take a deep breath and invigorate your blood to see if there are any sequelae?”

Carmen’s gentle and mellow voice sounded once again.

Bi Lan was stunned. She subconsciously did as the other party said. After a few breaths of adjustment, the blood in her entire body suddenly became active. A familiar heat energy circulated throughout her body, continuously expelling the cold in her body!

“Damn it, take this Grandpa’s kick! ”

A certain chicken that had its feathers plucked was flustered and exasperated. It jumped up and gave a flying kick of its own!

“Don’t cause trouble… “Carmen grabbed the Grandpa who was kicking over and rolled his eyes at him. “This brother didn’t do it on purpose…”

“This Grandpa doesn’t care whether he did it on purpose or not. This Grandpa’s beautiful fur is gone, and the fur here is still gone. How is he going to pay for it?”

Grandpa Lu angrily stuck out his butt, revealing the bald ingot…

“PFFT… “everyone couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Even Carmen almost burst out laughing, but under Grandpa Lu’s angry eyes, she could only hold it in. She looked like a professional captain and said earnestly, “It will grow back very soon…”

“Of course it will grow back! “Grandpa Lu said angrily, “But how can it be the same? Grandpa Lu’s hair has been carefully taken care of. I don’t even know how many nutritional products to protect the hair. It’s not easy for me to grow like this. ” Carmen. ” … ”

“Water… water…”

At this time, it was obvious that Bi Lan had not fully recovered. She instinctively called out the things that she needed.

“Water Your Grandpa, watch this Grandpa Hurt You with a basin of foot washing water! ”

“Okay… “Carmen rolled her eyes at him. “When I go back, I’ll deduct points to make up for your loss!”

As soon as she said this, Grandpa Lu immediately became obedient, his voice immediately softened. “Boss is the kindest… “as he said that, he glared at the others viciously. “Unlike you guys, you only know how to gloat at others’misfortune. Just now, I was bullied to such an extent, and you didn’t even help me! ”

“Oh right, boss, um… can we decide on the amount of compensation first? Oh… Um, I believe that boss will definitely not treat me unfairly, but there has to be a rule for everything. It’s best to say it in advance so as not to hurt the harmony… ”

Everyone. ” … ”

“Okay… “Carmen knocked his grandfather’s bird head in amusement. “How about 10,000 points? I Can’t take out any more…”

“Okay! “His grandfather suddenly patted his chest with a kind look. “Although Pll lose a little, boss, with your attitude, Pll suffer if I lose… ”

“You… “Carmen shook his head helplessly. “Sure, you can tell me later how much you lose. I will compensate you… ”

“Boss is still kind! “Grandpa Lu immediately began to suck up to him again.

“Captain… “in the team, the white-haired girl Amanda couldn’t help but say, “You are spoiling him too much. How long has he been in the Academy? How can he have 10,000 points to buy supplements? This damn bird is obviously extorting you! ”

“Sigh, senior sister, this is looking down on me! “Grandpa was instantly displeased.

“Hehe…”Amanda couldn’t be bothered with the other party, as if talking to him was an insult!

This guy, how long had he known Carmen? He was getting more and more shameless, but for some reason, the captain was still spoiling him, taking care of him all the way. He had simply lost his mind!

“Alright, quiet down… “Carmen said seriously, ‘C I still have some serious business to ask this brother… ”

Everyone immediately looked over, only Amanda’s expression was getting more and more displeased. The captain was laughing like this again, obviously favoring this dead bird!

“Hey, brother… “after ordering the physician in the team to feed the other party water, Carmen squatted down and asked gently, “Do you still remember what happened?”

The other party was wearing the emblem of the Gale Academy. He also remembered that the other party seemed to be from the Gale Academy’s team. But the crux of the matter was that the Gale Academy was at the East Gate, which was more than ten thousand li away from them?

The huge underground city was almost half the size of a grade 7 star. Everyone had only entered the city for less than half a day. No matter how fast they sped up their progress, the people of the Gale Academy should not have come to their place…

What had happened?

Pilan opened his eyes vaguely. After drinking some water and adjusting his breathing, his mental state had become much more stable. When the other party asked this question, he subconsciously recalled the torrent in the shadow domain!

But for some unknown reason, when he thought of that torrent, his mind immediately buzzed, as if it was about to explode!

“Brother, slow down… “Carmen saw the veins on the other party’s forehead pop up and hurriedly said, “Don’t force yourself if you can’t remember. Calm down and take a deep breath…”

The amiable voice once again made Bi Lan calm down.

“Captain… “beside him, the red-haired Jane said in a low voice, “The people from the Divine Arcana Academy have probably already tracked us here. We can’t waste too much time here…”

“Yeah…”Carmen nodded and stood up. “Bo Gu, help this brother. Let’s continue to go in! ”

“Yes, Captain! “A man who was about the same height as Carmen replied.

“Why bring him along when he’s already alive? “Grandpa Lu said harshly. It was obvious that he was still brooding over this fur-plucking villain… …

“Alright, be more generous, Grandpa. You Don’t have the bearing of a phoenix like this… ”

“Tsk…”Grandpa Lu curled his lips and turned his head to look at the other side. However, suddenly, Grandpa Lu was stunned. He immediately looked in a direction in a daze.

“What’s Wrong? “carmen looked at Grandpa Lu, whose expression was clearly not right.

“There… “grandpa Lu narrowed his eyes. “There seems to be something… ”

“Oh? “Carmen frowned when he heard that. He looked at a short man with golden hair and a somewhat transparent body.

It was the team’s spiritual master, Soraka…

Soraka’s transparent body flickered for a moment, then he shook his head at Carmen. “I didn’t find anything unusual… ”

Carmen immediately glared at his grandfather.

“1 really saw something… “his grandfather lowered his head and said with a guilty conscience.

“Alright… “Carmen clapped his hands. “Let’s Go… ”

Just like that, the group of people left the base in a mighty manner.

Not long after the group of people left, a shadow wrapped in black fog slowly emerged and looked in the direction of Grandpa Lu. If the people of the Spark Academy saw it, they would find that this black shadow that suddenly appeared…! It looked exactly like pilan!

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