I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1572

1572 Chapter 1,641: That’s why you guys look like players… …

Wang Xiaojia… Wood Elf was really 21 years old and one of the experimental subjects in the base who had undergone the second round of genetic surgery. The current situation was still uncertain. Excellent fusion rate, growth rate: number one. …

At this moment, in the dormitory, Alice looked at Wang Xiaojia’s information form and carefully compared it with the others…


“What is this?”

Feng Doudou came back at an unknown time. His flushed face was directly stretched over, curiously looking at the screen… …

Alice frowned and pushed the other party’s head away from her in disgust. “What’s the matter with you? Your body is as hot as a furnace?”

Undead liked to be cold and gloomy. They would have a sense of repulsion toward such a creature with strong qi and blood. Although with the cover of the genetic body, Qi and blood could no longer deter the soul, the instinctive repulsion would not be less… …

“I just trained, it hasn’t cooled down yet…”Feng Dou laughed. Stretching his body, the bones all over his body started to crackle. As an agile life form, Feng Dou’s body training was extremely smooth. It looked beautiful, but at the same time, it was filled with a wild explosive power. …

Alice’s eyes narrowed. When she looked at Feng Dou’s body, there was a flash of heat in her eyes. However, she was instantly covered by that cold and darkness, as if nothing had happened.

“Is this a physical examination form?”

Feng Doudou looked at the screen curiously. “Body size, weight, energy density, bone and bone energy distribution, genetic compatibility rate, and even basic attributes… F * ck! Wang Goudan’s attributes are so high! !”

In the information form, Wang Goudan’s summary of strength and endurance burst energy cards directly exceeded two thousand, and his agility control system was above seventy-five…

“Duck…”Feng Doudou’s eyes widened. “Did this strength increase after the modification surgery? It’s twice as much as Pu Yunchuan’s!”

She remembered that in the base’s test before she came, Pu Yunchuan’s strength attribute was the best among their group. His energy was around 1,100, while hers was around 400… …

However, she was an agility warrior, so it was normal that her strength burst was not as good as the Titan players. Although PU Yunchuan’s strength burst was high, his agility control system was only around 35. It was very rare for him to be able to control his full strength burst.

However, she was different. Her agility control system was above 85. Most of the time, she could control her full strength burst a little… …

After Wang Goudan’s surgery, the stats on the light wheel panel were probably the best among the players… …

“This is a bit exaggerated…”Feng Doudou took a deep breath and said, “This kind of strength card can guarantee dexterity above 75? Is this data really true?”

Alice curled her lips when she heard this. Her fingers moved, and she operated on the screen. Immediately after, a video of the experiment appeared on the screen.

On the screen, Wang Goudan’s black dragon scales spread out all over his body. In an instant, he sprinted with all his might, and his speed instantly soared to the speed of light. The surrounding space was distorted because of this, but in an instant, in less than 0.04 seconds.., goudan suddenly braked in midair. He didn’t use any external forces, and the impact caused the entire space to explode. However, the control that he displayed in an instant made Feng Doudou suck in a breath of cold air once again!

In terms of agility and control, the highest records in the base were Li Goudan and himself. However, because the two of them didn’t have a high number of power cards, their comprehensive control abilities were on par with the cold stars of the Green Titan… …

However, to be able to control the power of 2,000 cards with such precision, Feng Doudou immediately felt a little envious…

This was like driving a car. Since he was driving a small car, it was naturally much easier for him to drift around the corners. The other party was a bus, and they were on the same level as him. Clearly, something wasn’t right… …

“Is the surgery that good? I want to do one…”Feng Doudou couldn’t help but say.

“There’s no need for that…”Alice looked at the information sheet and said indifferently, “Your evaluation score is not below Wang Xiaojia’s. Her Dragon Race’s basic talent is strong, but it also has flaws…”

“What flaws?”Feng Doudou asked in a daze.

The strength card number was several times higher than theirs. Even the most outstanding Titan couldn’t compare to her, and her agility was so high. She couldn’t see the flaws at all…

“Her learning of battle tactics is very incompatible…”. Alice said faintly, “In your batch of players, the learning speed of skills is not slow. Even the less talented emperor of the liver, after spending a little more time, the learning speed is far faster than many of the students here. However, Xiaojia is different. After she switched to the Black Dragon bloodline, it was as if she had lost her learning ability. Other than the skills of her race talent, the skills of the outside world are basically unusable. She can only rely on her own high-intensity basic attributes to fight “…”. “…”

“Eh?”Feng Dou Dou was stunned. “There’s such a thing? Eh, that’s not right. Wasn’t the speed at which the dog balls learned the techniques earlier quite fast?”

She had a very deep impression of the two dog balls. After all, their online names were tough and their personalities were more likable. Although they weren’t very good friends, they still got along very well. She clearly remembered that.., the speed at which the two dogs learned techniques was only inferior to Leng Xing and Chen Yu Tong in the base. How did it suddenly become that they couldn’t learn techniques?

“I said…”Alice said in a low voice, “After switching the black dragon genes, she couldn’t learn battle techniques…”

“There’s such a Thing?”Feng Dou was stunned, but then he said, “Oh right, can she keep switching?”


“Isn’t it fusion?”Feng Doudou was a bit curious. When the natives in the base underwent biological surgery and evolved, it seemed that their genes would fuse. For example, if the Tauren wanted to evolve the rhinoceros gene… After the surgery, most of the body’s characteristics were the rhinoceros. The previous genes would exist in small amounts, forming a kind of scuttling feeling…

“No…”Alice shook her head. “It’s completely independent and can switch at any time. After switching, many things will change. Not only will its attributes change, its personality will also change… haven’t you noticed that dog egg, who has become a black dragon, is a lot more irritable?”

“I think so… it turns out that you can switch back…”Feng Doudou became more and more curious, then, he suddenly thought of something and asked, “Since you can switch back at any time, then you can learn techniques in elf form. Fighting in dragon form is simply a Bug!”

“It can’t be…”Alice shook her head. “As I said earlier, after switching, it’s like changing a system. There’s no way for the two to interact at all. The techniques learned in elf form can not be used in dragon form at all!”

“I go… . This is too much?”Feng Dou Dou was startled: “This is a bit too much, why feel a bit like…”

“Does it feel like a game changer?”

“Hey… right, right, right!”Feng Dou Dou repeatedly nodded.

“That’s why… . “Alice smiled faintly. “Why do I keep calling you players? Don’t you think it’s similar? “You guys use whatever genes you have, and dog egg can directly switch between two without interfering with each other. It gives people the feeling… “Isn’t it just like using a game account?”

Feng Doudou:”…”

“Have you ever thought about it?”Alice suddenly stared at Feng Doudou. “You guys… are actually very abnormal?”

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