I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1071

1071 Chapter 1112: the collapsed Ryan!

“What did I see?”


At this moment, Kel ‘Thuzad looked at Guo Xiaoyun, who was panting on the ground in the virtual screen in a daze.

That little guy, that little guy could actually change the runes set by his master! !

At this moment, not only Kel ‘thuzad, Sandro and Maya, who saw this scene together, were also speechless. After a long time, Maya broke the silence, “It’s really…”

“What a terrifying junior…”Sandro continued.

Maya narrowed her eyes but did not refute his words. She did not feel that it was an exaggeration for a character like them to say the word ‘terrifying’.

A Level 6 developer killed a level 13 ranger. This kind of thing was not even written in some of the best-selling novels in the Federation. However, it happened in reality!

Of course, the other party had borrowed the other party’s strength. They had clearly seen the entire process. Seeing that the other party could not escape their pursuit, the little fellow had directly lured the other party to a heavily infected location and used spirit invasion to modify the infected sarcoma.., by making it go berserk, he had really killed the high-level ranger who was chasing after him!

To be honest, modifying the runic arrays of other people’s alchemy products without authorization was an extremely risky move. Even alchemists of the same level would not dare to do so.., only a mage who was a level higher than the opponent could directly destroy the opponent’s alchemy objects in such a crushing manner.

As a top-notch star-rank mage, she naturally knew how complicated the runes of the void mixture that Sandro had evolved were. A level-6 junior actually dared to manipulate such complicated runes.., and it actually succeeded!

Both Sandro and himself felt that this result was a little dreamy.

Sandro looked at Guo Xiaoyun on the screen with a complicated expression… …

The other party was very bold and careful. As the owner of the runes, he was completely aware of the content that the other party had changed. After observing it for a very short period of time, he did not know if it was luck or if she really saw something.., she had chosen an extremely suitable node to change a particle-sized structural point.

If she made a mistake, her mental energy would be instantly devoured. However, she had chosen the right direction among the billions of energy nodes and succeeded in using the force to counter-kill someone of a higher level!

To be honest, when the other party was trying to do that, he had already noticed it. He had been treating it as a joke the entire time. In the end, when he saw it, he realized that he had become a joke.

He had studied things for dozens of eras, and the runes were so complicated that he felt his scalp go numb. However, it was able to let a junior see through the rules, even though he only saw an extremely small rule, but it still made him feel extremely incredulous.

This could no longer be described as ‘the younger generation is awesome’…

Then, Andrew’s finger gently slid, and a tiny energy output was attached to the dense neural network at the location. Countless nerves intersected, and a stream of energy was quickly transmitted to Guo Xiaoyun’s location.

The rotting flesh that had already absorbed Shakira’s energy and started to go berserk suddenly became obedient. Then, it slowly squirmed towards Guo Xiaoyun, wrapped her up, and quickly pulled her into the depths of the ground.

At this time, facing that disgusting rotting flesh, Guo Xiaoyun could only close her eyes tiredly. She no longer had the strength to resist.

Modifying such a huge runic system, even if it was just a tiny energy molecule, had completely exhausted her spiritual power. The current her.., if a Rat comes and shits in her face, she won’t have the strength to chase it away.

I can only pray that my guess is correct, that whoever controls this vast matrix will not let her die so easily… . .


“How did this happen?”

On the other side, Feel the blood sacrifice burst of Rennes a face suddenly kneel on the ground, looking at the body of the blood mark, his face ugly to see the extreme!

Seer is gloating on the side: “Oh my dear Big Brother, this is your very important to you the Lord? Tut Tut, it is really at the cost of good to you!”

“Shut up!”Rennes roared angrily. Then, he glared fiercely at death’s embrace and said with a gloomy expression, “Do you know about this?”

Death’s embrace shivered after being stared at by the other party’s Crazy Gaze. He hurriedly shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I really don’t know! !”

She wasn’t lying. Although she belonged to the pure demon faction in the faction and was very dissatisfied with Rennes, an outsider, being held in high regard, she really didn’t know that her boss would be so ruthless to her subordinates.

Moreover, it was to Ryan. Because from all the signs, it seemed that Ryan was going to be placed in an important position!

Seer looked at Ryan, who was on the verge of collapse, and thought for a moment. In the end, he did not continue to ridicule him. Although he really wanted to do so, the other party still had value at this time!

“Your Excellency, do you have a way to eliminate the blood sacrifice on this guy?”

Hearing this, Ryan, who was furious, was stunned for a moment and looked over.

After all, no one wanted to become the blood demon’s food. That was a cruel way to die without a chance of rebirth!

When the embrace of death heard that the blood sacrifice was going to be removed, he couldn’t help but say, “Maybe… it’s not that bad. It’s just to lock on to Ryan’s position?”

“Using this method?”Rennes sneered. “Are you trying to say that SAB will be polite enough to take me back when he comes over?”

The embrace of death was speechless. To be honest, even she couldn’t be thick-skinned enough to say this. The blood demon had a very high desire for the blood sacrifice. It was almost an addiction. SAB was also famous for being bloodthirsty. Even if she said that he would not make a move against Rennes, she would not believe it… …

The principal looked at the mark, he shook his head. “I’m not good at demonology. Moreover, this is a blood sacrifice made by a high-level blood demon. Even if it’s a summoner who specializes in demonology, not many people have the ability to disarm this thing. This is the blood demon race’s natal technique!”

“Is that so…”seer’s expression darkened slightly, while Rennes’face turned pale.

“Tell me, Big Brother, what’s the situation with that Saab?”Xi Ye asked with a smile.

“Saab…”Ryan hesitated for a moment, finally, he said: “It’s one of Lord Bolton’s five ancient devils. I heard that they are all old devils that have lived for more than ten eras, peak star level warriors, and also one of Lord Bolton’s most powerful subordinates!”

“Star level powerhouse…”Xi ye took a deep breath. He did not expect that the organization called Bolton to be so powerful. It was one thing for them to have star level powerhouses, but from his tone, it seemed like they had more than one under them. This guy had only risen to power for less than half an era, right? Was there such a powerful organization?

“Principal, are you confident in dealing with them?”Xi Ye raised her head and asked.

The principal shook his head when he heard this. “I’m an academic mage. Although I’ve come into contact with battles before, compared to these top-notch devils that specialize in battles, the chances of me being killed are higher…”


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