His Genius Wife is a Superstar

Chapter 1604: New Family Heirloom

Chapter 1604: New Family Heirloom

The butler and other household staff braved the cold weather just to welcome their bosses home.

Iris smiled and thanked them. She also took the time to chat with the butler and asked for updates while they were gone from home.

Jin Liwei nodded at the staff.

Little Mochi was super excited to see that they were back home again. Little Matcha was also happy but his reaction was more subdued.

Their guard dogs, Pudding and Chowder, followed closely behind.

The dogs’ handlers also appeared. They couldn’t stay at the Jin family house as it wasn’t as large as Dragon Palace Home #10, so they could only stay at a nearby hotel. It hadn’t been the most convenient, so everyone was happy to be back at Dragon Palace.

The cats’ nannies carried Ice Cream and Popcorn in large pet carriers. Ice Cream remained sleeping while Popcorn couldn’t wait to run around. Continue your adventure with

"Where’s Dom?" Iris asked. "Why didn’t he come out?"

She didn’t notice the butler taking a quick glance at her husband. Jin Liwei remained impassive.

"Mr. Dominic is…inside," the butler replied.

"Huh? Why didn’t he come outside with you?"

Although Iris wasn’t expecting her best friend-slash-assistant to come out in the cold to greet them, she still wondered where he could be. Even their in-house family doctor came out to join the butler and the others to greet and welcome them back home.

Iris continued chatting with the butler as they walked inside the mansion. Jin Liwei also spoke now and then.

"Mama! Mama! Yah yah!" (Mommy! Mommy! Hold me!) Little Mochi reached for her from his nanny’s arms.

Little Mochi did the same. "Ma! Uh!" (Mom! Hug!)

Iris stopped mid-conversation to get her sons. Jin Liwei got there faster. He scooped up Little Mochi, leaving Little Matcha for his wife.

Little Mochi was displeased.

"Dada, yah yah mama!" (Daddy, I want Mommy!)

The baby’s complaints, however, were completely ineffective on his daddy. Little Mochi could only pout but soon forgot about it. He started rubbing his face on his daddy’s neck again. This was his favourite thing to do recently. It was quite fun. His daddy wouldn’t scold him for being too rough.

Little Matcha was quite content in his mommy’s arms. He hugged her neck and rested his head on his mommy’s shoulder. Mommy was so soft and smelled so good. She was the best mommy in the world!

Jin Liwei took the lead in walking while carrying Little Mochi. Iris automatically followed suit with Little Matcha. Pudding and Chowder followed behind them. The sleeping Ice Cream was still in her carrier while Popcorn had already gone off somewhere.


Iris almost dropped Little Matcha. "Dom, what are you doing?!"

"Oopsie! Sorry, Boss!" Dom appeared from behind a wall entering a hallway. "Ehehe. Are you okay, Little Matcha?"

"Uh." (I’m fine.) Little Matcha was unbothered. He trusted his mommy. She would never drop him.

"Yah yah yah! Yah yah yah yah!" (So fun! Do it again!) Little Mochi immediately grew excited upon seeing his Uncle Dom.

Iris checked to make sure that her son was really okay. "Dom, you really scared me…."

Her voice trailed off as her eyes caught sight of something.

Hanging on the hallway wall was a huge painting.

It showed her with her twin sons, the cats and the dogs, lounging on a day bed while gentle sunlight streamed down from a window.

Seeing the painting made her tear up immediately.

"Ma? Uh?" (Mom, are you okay?) Little Matcha touched her face with his little hand, looking at her in concern.

Little Mochi, on the other hand, grew even more excited upon seeing the huge painting. He instantly recognized his mommy, the cats, and the dogs. However, he didn’t recognize that the babies were actually him and his twin brother. He pointed at the painting and babbled to his daddy.

Of course, Jin Liwei couldn’t understand what his baby son was talking about. He pretended to understand and nodded while explaining the painting to his baby.

"Are you surprised, Boss?" Dom asked with expectant eyes while handing Iris a tissue. "Sir Boss asked me to help receive the painting and hang it to surprise you. That’s why I had to leave the Jin family house and return home earlier than you."

Iris took the tissue and used it to wipe her tears. "Yes, I’m very surprised. Thank you, Dom."


She looked at her husband. "And thank you, darling."

Jin Liwei gave her a smile. "As long as you like it, love."

"When did this arrive?" Iris asked while admiring the huge painting.

"It has already been delivered to our Paris residence a long time ago along with the other paintings and art pieces that we won at the silent auction," Jin Liwei replied.

Her eyes lit up. "We won others?"


"Which ones?"

There was a painting showcasing a mythical half-humanoid half-octopus creature. The creature cradled an infant version of itself.

It was called "Monster Mother".

Iris remembered it because it was quite mesmerizing. It was weird, scary, yet beautiful at the same time.

There was also a three-foot marble sculpture of a pregnant woman covered in a veil. It was very lifelike. All the details were incredible. The veil was carved in a way that made it look transparent. The pregnant woman also emitted both the softness and strength of an expecting mother.

Jin Liwei also won other paintings and art pieces from the special wing for his wife. All in all, he paid a great price but seeing his wife’s happiness made him feel that everything was all worth it.

"Where are the others?" Iris asked.

"I only shipped ’Once a Mother, Forever a Mother’ here. You told me it’s your favourite. I left the others in Paris. If you want them, I’ll have them shipped right away."

She shook her head and once again admired the huge painting of her and her children. "This is enough. Just use the others to decorate our Paris residence. And maybe move some to the French chateau when the renovations are done."


She couldn’t stop looking at the painting. It was so beautiful.

"I need to call Ashandra later to thank her again. Her art is truly incredible."

’You’re more incredible,’ Jin Liwei thought to himself.

The family admired the huge, priceless painting. They had already decided that it would become one of their most important and valuable family heirlooms from hereon.

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