Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife!

Chapter 1344 - Chapter 1344: The one who harmed you isn’t ruan Mengmeng, but Yueyue

Chapter 1344: The one who harmed you isn’t ruan Mengmeng, but Yueyue

Translator: 549690339

Qin Fang looked down at ruan Xueqin. She really hated the stupid women in the ruan family.

Now, even if she had to shed all pretenses of cordiality with the ruan family, she had to leave.

So, in order to make ruan Xueqin, who had been singing a sad drama and talking about family peace, completely give up.

Qin Fang even revealed the secret that she had buried deep in her heart for many years without any scruples.

“To tell you the truth, ruan Xueqin said that the child you were pregnant with back then wasn’t killed by ruan Mengmeng. Ruan Mengmeng was still so young at that time. How would she know that there was something wrong with the soup?”

what? what did you say?! Ruan Xueqin’s eyes widened and she looked at Qin Fang in disbelief.

Even Madame ruan and ruan zhaotian, who were at the side, were shocked.

“I said, ruan Mengmeng didn’t cause your child’s death. You’ve always hated the wrong person. You’re really stupid to mistook your enemy for your benefactor. I drugged that soup.”

When Qin Fang talked about the past, she didn’t feel guilty at all. On the contrary, she even admired her manicure that she had just done.

It was so beautiful. It was bright red, just like her now.

Ruan Xueqin opened her mouth silently, widened her eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, ” “Yingluo, you drugged the soup. No, that’s impossible, Yingluo. Why did you do that? you have no reason to harm my Yingluo.”

Even if Qin Fang told the truth, ruan Xueqin would not believe it.

Many years ago, after she divorced her first husband, MA tianchuan, they remarnea.

The other party was also divorced and was the eldest son of a rich family.

After ruan Xueqin married into the family, she quickly became pregnant.

However, when she returned to the ruan family to visit her relatives, she accidentally drank the soup ruan Mengmeng served and lost her baby.

Not only that, but she was also infertile and lost the ability to have children.

Because of this, she divorced her second husband and never married again. She had been staying in the ruan family.

“Why? haha, of course it’s because I hadn’t established myself in the ruan family yet and needed help. You’re so stupid to be on my side in everything. Now that this has happened, not only will it make you hate ruan Mengmeng even more, but it will also make you stay in the ruan family to help me. If you give birth to a child and gain a foothold in that rich family, then wouldn’t I be all alone and helpless in the ruan family in the future?”

When Qin Fang said these words, it was only natural. She did not feel guilty at all.

She was now Zhou Zhengji’s woman and had given birth to a son and a daughter for old general Zhou. In her eyes, the ruan family was like ants and were not worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as her.

It was because of this that ruan zhaotian’s affair had been confirmed today. She wasn’t afraid of venting all the anger she had suffered in the ruan family for so many years, nor was she afraid of falling out with the ruan family.

“You’re so stubborn, just for this?” Ruan Xueqin had lived for so many years, but this was the first time she had heard the reason for causing a miscarriage, and it was so easy.

“You, you caused me to have a miscarriage just to get my help? “Qin Fang, do you even have a heart? I, ruan Xueqin, have been on your side since you didn’t marry into the ruan family. I’ve even helped you send Chen Qingzhi away and let you climb into my brother’s bed. How can you do this to me!” Ruan Xueqin had never regretted it so much.

She pounced on Qin Fang with red eyes, wishing she could die with this woman.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by the people Zhou Zhengji sent to Qin Fang.

It was extremely difficult for the ruan family to touch Qin Fang.

Qin Fang sat on the sofa, unhurriedly and leisurely, saying-

“What did I do to you? I just gave you a bowl of soup. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being so stupid that you can’t even keep a child, unlike my Zhenzhen who has both a son and a daughter, and even has two children!”

[next chapter, before 21]

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