Hi, My Sweet Lil Moe Wife!

Chapter 1216

1216 Mengmeng, I love you

“Mengmeng hehe”

The man called out in a low and hoarse voice from the depths of his throat.

He fell down in front of the body covered with a white cloth. He wanted to reach out to grab the girl’s hand, but he didn’t even have the courage to touch it.

His Mengmeng was still so young. His Mengmeng was still in her Prime.

She still had a bright future and a beautiful life ahead of her. She had yet to get married and have children. She had yet to experience a happy and blissful life. She still didn’t know her.

He loved her.

The more determined he was to cut off his connection with the young girl, the more bitter the corner of his mouth was now.

The young girl’s every frown and smile, the way she raised her almond-shaped eyes to glare at him, the way she hugged his neck and begged for mercy.

In his arms, she was like a satiated little kitten, gently rubbing against him and hugging him tightly.

There were so many mengmengs, all sorts of sweet and flirtatious expressions, all of which were replaying uncontrollably in li junyu’s mind.

It was only at this moment that li junyu realized that he had made a joke out of his own life.

In order to not let his mother down, he chose to distance himself from her.

In order not to let his uncle hurt her, he chose to distance himself from her.

In order to account for his second and third brothers, he chose to distance himself from her.

The girl who had been teasing him until now was finally lying here, separated from him forever.

The distance he wanted would never be broken by his impulsiveness again, because his Mengmeng was gone, gone, ”

The man’s heart ached, and his chest heaved up and down as he panted heavily.

His cold and deep eyes were bloodshot, like a bloodthirsty Lion.

Li junyu had never regretted his decision as much as he did now.

His so-called estrangement, his so-called protection, and everything else were all in vain.

Even if there was only a 1% chance, Mengmeng would not be hurt.

For this damn 1%, he didn’t even get to see Mengmeng for the last time.

F * ck, you can’t get close!

His inability to get close had actually become eternal.

He had lost the woman he loved forever.

His cute Kasaya

Li junyu had never shed a tear before, but at this moment, he buried his head in the young girl’s corpse and sobbed with sorrow.

His Mengmeng

He was startled.

“Peacock, is this Yingluo’s brother?”

At this moment, a young girl’s voice came from behind the man, sounding slightly surprised.

The body of the man who was holding the ‘corpse’ in his arms suddenly stiffened.

This voice was so familiar, so teasing.

The man suddenly turned around. When his narrow, long, and black eyes, which were filled with a Scarlet murderous aura, saw the situation behind him, he suddenly shrank.

Li junyu’s bottomless eyes landed on the man and woman.

He recognized the man. It was his damned brother, li Junting.

And the girl’s “” is “” Mengmeng?

He saw that ruan Mengmeng had already changed into a clean set of clothes. Her injured hands were wrapped in thick bandages, like two little dumplings.

The girl was drinking yogurt.

Her hand was injured, and the person who had served her the yogurt as a ‘servant’ was second young master Li.

Li Junting did not seem to expect to see his brother here. Peacock immediately retracted her hand and hid the yogurt.

Oh my God, I can’t let his brother see him ‘taking care’ of Mengmeng so intimately.

“Brother, what are you doing here? I called you but you didn’t pick up, I thought you were scared!”

Before li Junting could finish his sentence, the man who was half-kneeling in front of the bed had already stood up.

His face turned pale for a moment, but it was a relief that he had survived a disaster.

Li junyu strode forward and hugged the young girl who was still in a daze.

“Mengmeng, I love you.” The man complained in a low voice.

Tightly, tightly, never to let go.

[ update complete. See you tomorrow night at 8 p.m. ]

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