Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1474 - This is the difference  

Chapter 1474: This is the difference

The row of rhombus-shaped ducks was finished in a short while. However, the politicians of various countries soon realized that even if they chased these head chefs out of the central circle, they would not be able to eat an extra piece.

Especially the Thailand Prince, who could only helplessly watch Wu Hai swallow the three pieces of duck meat quickly and elegantly in one breath.

“I really want to strangle him. What famous artist? it’s all fake.” The Prince of Thailand was smiling, but he was cursing in his heart.

“This is too much.” The India politicians also had the same thought in their minds.

But no matter what he thought, he put down his chopsticks with a smile on his face.

After all, the cooking exchange of Chinese cuisine had already passed. What was left was the cooking exchange of other countries.

“It seems that everyone is very satisfied with the cooking exchange in China this time. Then, let’s continue.” He Zhenghong spoke at the right time.

“That’s right. Next, let’s invite our young Japanese head chef, sishi-san, to introduce his cooking to you.” Mr. Nakagu from the Japanese side continued.

After Mr. Nakagu finished speaking, he slightly turned his body sideways and revealed dashi xiujie’s figure.

Dashi xiujie had a small black mustache on his upper lip. He looked rigid and serious. He was about 30 years old. He was indeed very young as Mr. Nakagu had said.

If not for Yuan Zhou, dashi xiujie could be said to be the youngest head chef in this exchange meeting.

However, with the help of Yuan Zhou, Mr. Nakagu’s introduction of dashi xiujie had changed a little.

Mr. Dashi xiujie bowed to everyone one by one. When he bowed to Yuan Zhou, he became more serious and rigorous in his heart.

After tasting the previous seven dishes, dashi xiujie had completely lost the thought of beating Yuan Zhou.

What he wanted to do now was to perfectly fulfill his duty, then go home to cultivate in seclusion and reflect.

Yes, dashi xiujie felt ashamed of his own arrogance.

However, as a master chef and a famous one at that, especially on such an occasion, dashi xiujie suppressed his desire to apologize to Yuan Zhou very well due to his professional manners and then stood up.

“Good night, everyone. This time, I’ve prepared dishes from the menu of the Mingzhi 20th Tianchang Festival, as well as some other traditional Japanese dishes.” Dashi xiujie said humbly.

Because of Yuan Zhou, dashi xiujie became much more humble. Yuan Zhou was really a man of great virtue.

“That sounds good. Then, head chef da shi, please introduce us.” He Zhenghong nodded and said.

A few other political figures also spoke up in support.

” 20 years of Mingzhi. That’s really a long time. It seems that Mr. Oishi has put in a lot of thought.” The politicians of country F immediately praised.

“It’s been a long time. I wonder how long big stone has recovered. I’m really looking forward to it.” The Prince of Thailand said slowly.

“Yes. Mr. Oishi, please explain the first dish.” The India politician also said.

It was obvious that the two of them still held a grudge against da shi for eating so much.

“Big stone, you can start.” Zhongju first nodded at big stone.

“Yes.” Big stone nodded in agreement and then began to introduce,””The first main course is truffle beef.”

While saying that, dashi xiujie opened the lid of the first dish.

The tableware used to hold the beef was very Japanese style. Unlike Yuan Zhou ‘s, which was held in a big plate, the tableware was used in small round plates, each of which contained a small piece of beef.

The color of the beef was very beautiful. It was a long strip, with the red of cooked meat on both sides and a Rouge-like red in the middle. The beef was sprinkled with a layer of fine white truffle foam.

“Traditionally, black truffles are used to go with beef, but this time, I’m using white truffles. White truffles have a special sweet taste, and the garlic-like fragrance in it is very good at neutralizing the slight fishy smell of the beef.” Dashi xiujie said.

“Please have a taste,” After saying that, dashi xiujie took a step back to make room and then said.

Dashi xiujie didn’t even look at others after he took a step back. He just lowered his head and appeared to be modest and serious. However, he raised his head and looked at Yuan Zhou from time to time.

In an exchange of culinary skills, these head chefs would naturally eat the dishes cooked by head chefs from other countries. Naturally, Yuan Zhou would eat them as well.

Yuan Zhou had always adhered to the principle of not wasting anything. Fortunately, dashi xiujie’s beef was only a small piece.

He picked it up with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth.”The beef was roasted at a low temperature, and it’s ripened just right. The fishy taste of the juice when eaten cold has just been neutralized by the garlic taste of the White truffle. Not bad, it’s really done with care.”

After eating the beef, Yuan Zhou didn’t reveal any expression on his face, which made him feel a little frustrated while staring at dashi xiujie.

But soon, dashi xiujie pulled himself together and continued to introduce other food.

“The second dish is also related to beef. It’s Vegetable Beef.” Dashi xiujie said.

“The beef used in this dish is raw beef. The beef used is the Tenderloin part. After cutting it into thin shreds, mix it with shredded orange, wrap it with the vegetables, and then eat it.” Dashi xiujie roughly explained the cooking method and then stepped back to wait for everyone to taste it.

Of course, dashi xiujie, who had taken a step back, was still staring at Yuan Zhou and waiting for his expression as usual.

Naturally, Yuan Zhou was still as expressionless as before. He just ate up the whole Vegetable Beef roll seriously.

After two consecutive cold dishes, dashi xiujie carried out the hot rabbit broth.

Every time dashi xiujie stepped back after the introduction, he would look at Yuan Zhou’s expression seriously. Although he couldn’t see anything wrong with Yuan Zhou’s expression every time, he would still do that.

That’s right. Dashi xiujie didn’t give him a chance to taste it. He had originally wanted to compete with Yuan Zhou. Naturally, he was very confident in his own cooking skills and felt that he didn’t need to taste it.

But now, his purpose was to step back and see Yuan Zhou’s expression. From that, he could see Yuan Zhou’s opinion of him, which was a lucky hit.

The traditional Japanese state banquet was mainly composed of Western food and wine parties. However, this time, dashi xiujie was cooking the banquet dishes used by the imperial family during the Meiji period. It was a big innovation.

He knew his own business. After eating Yuan Zhou’s dishes, dashi xiujie finally understood why Yuan Zhou didn’t want to meet him.

Therefore, dashi xiujie was very obedient during the cooking exchange this time.

After the taste of dashi xiujie’s dishes on the Japanese side, it was time for the India dishes.

Due to their religious beliefs, many people in India were vegetarians for life. However, even if they were to eat meat, they would still eat chicken and fresh fish.

After all, in India religion, cattle were considered gods, while pigs were unclean. Therefore, the dishes prepared by the Indian Head chef were representative dishes of various regions.

For example, the people of andraban liked chili. The India head chef used chili and chicken to make an Indian-style chicken main dish.

However, Yuan Zhou indicated that it was the first time he had eaten such a chicken dish. The chicken meat was cut into minced chicken and then mixed with chili, making the taste full of exotic flavor.

The biggest difference between other chefs and Yuan Zhou was that they really only had one pair of chopsticks per person, unlike Yuan Zhou, who always ate with empty plates.

At the same time, the politicians of various countries also understood a very intuitive fact. This time, the Chinese head chef was much better than their own head chef.

Many politicians began to wonder if they could poach this young head chef to their own countries.


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