Global Evolution: I Have An Attribute Board

Chapter 450 - Chapter 450: Beta Planet (1)

Chapter 450: Beta Planet (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the control room of the Blood Mountain spaceship.

“Deep Blue, take over the control of the Blood Mountain spaceship!” Chu Zhou let Deep Blue take over the control of the spacecraft.

“Connected to the spaceship’s control system… Completed the control of the spaceship.” Deep Blue’s electronic voice reverberated in the control room. “Do you need to activate the external simulation?”

Chu Zhou had obtained the Blood Mountain spaceship for a long time and had long understood the creation of the Blood Mountain Galaxy.

Naturally, he knew what the exterior simulation meant.

The Blood Mountain spaceship did not have glass windows. Its entire body was made of thick D-rank metal, and the mental will of a Star Realm Martial Artist could not penetrate the metal wall made of D-rank metal.

Therefore, if he wanted to see the situation outside the spaceship, he could only activate the exterior simulation mode and let the spaceship system project the external situation he had detected into the control room.

“Activate 100% external simulation!”

Chu Zhou said.


The control room’s control panel, seats, and floor all disappeared.

Chu Zhou, Dragon, Sun God Sol, Changa Saha, and the others immediately saw the boundless space and countless dazzling Star Realms.

They turned around and saw a blue planet.

It was Earth.

Moreover, the Earth was getting smaller and smaller.

“We’re quickly leaving Earth…” Changa Saha sighed.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve flown away from Earth… But this time, it’s especially different,” Sun God Sol said with emotion.

Even though he had always wanted to explore the depths of the universe,

when he was really about to leave Earth… his heart still hurt. He felt as if he was far away from his hometown.

“That’s right. In the past, even if we left Earth temporarily, we would return quickly… But this time, we’re embarking on a new journey.”

Dragon mentioned.

“Hahaha, there’s no need to be so sad.” Chu Zhou laughed. “It’s not like we won’t return after leaving… If the place where we landed is the Milky Way Empire… Then with the Blood Mountain spaceship, we can return to Earth from the Milky Way Empire in a day. It’s very convenient.”

“That’s true!”

Dragon and the others smiled when they heard Chu Zhou’s words.

The worry of leaving their hometown had also disappeared without a trace.

Exactly, with the Blood Mountain spaceship around, it was indeed very convenient for them to return to Earth.

“Deep Blue, adjust the exterior simulation to io%!”

The 100% external simulation made people feel as if they were in space. It did not feel good.


The surrounding Starry Sky instantly became very faint, like a layer of phantoms. However, one could still see the Earth and the sun behind them, but they became very faint.

The original control room’s floor, chairs, control panel, and lights all appeared again.

“This 100% exterior simulation is too realistic. If I don’t activate my mental power to check, touch, and Perception, 1 won’t be able to sense the existence of the control room… This experience is too awesome.”

“Sun God” Sol couldn’t help but praise.

“Of course, ioo% external simulation is awesome! However, only spaceships above the D-rank have this function. If it’s an F-rank spaceship, the exterior simulation effect will only be 30% at most. An E-rank spaceship can only achieve 50%… Of course, the price of a D-rank spaceship is also far inferior to an F-rank spaceship and an E-grade spaceship.”

Dragon said with a smile.

“It’s the same everywhere… If you want to enjoy a good experience, you have to spend more money!” Changa Saha also smiled.

“Deep Blue, head to the Milky Way Empire, Planet Beta!” Chu Zhou said.

In the system of the Blood Mountain spaceship, there were the coordinates of about 1,200 inhabited planets in the Blood Mountain Galaxy.

However, there were 1,100 inhabited planets located outside the AAilky Way Empire’s territory.

Only 100 inhabited planets were located within the Milky Way Empire’s territory.

The life planets outside the Milky Way Empire were too far away…

Flying a universe ship required energy consumption.

In the universe, energy crystals (high concentration energy crystals) were usually used as the energy source for spaceships.

When Chu Zhou obtained this Blood Mountain spaceship, there were still three Di-rank energy crystals left. They could only maintain the Blood Mountain spaceship’s full speed for three days.

The Milky Way Empire included five large galaxies near the Milky Way. Its diameter was about 500,000 light-years.

The Blood Mountain spaceship would not be able to fly out of the Milky Way Empire in three days, even if it could travel through the universe.

Therefore, Chu Zhou immediately eliminated the 1,100 inhabited planets as his destination.

After discussing with “Dragon” and the others, he decided to choose Beta Planet, which was relatively close to Earth, but in the territory of the Milky Way Empire, which was relatively remote, as their first stop.

This was also considered from the perspective of safety.

After all, this was their first time going to the depths of the universe. It was best for them to go to a place where there were not many experts as a place to develop.

After they became stronger, they could head to more prosperous planets with more experts.

“Beta’s coordinates have been locked!”

“10 seconds before reaching the speed of light!”

A deep blue electronic voice sounded in the control room.

A timer appeared on the screen in front of Chu Zhou and the others.





The speed of the spaceship became faster and faster. The Starry Sky that appeared on the screen had also completely turned blurry and could not be seen clearly.

The Blood Mountain spaceship suddenly shook and disappeared into thin air in the vast starry sky..

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