Gate of Revelation

Chapter 794

Chapter 794

“Sir Tian…”

Even though it had been a long time, the prestige that Tian Lie had accumulated over the years remained deep within the hearts of every member of Thorned Flower Guild.

In fact… Tian Lie was an even more terrifying existence than their Guild Leader, Shen.

Although everyone understood that Shen’s strength was immeasurable, he would – most of the time – treat the other guild members in a cultured manner and with a genial smile on his face.

But Tian Lie was different. His formidable strength aside, the scariest part about him was his savage character.

It wasn’t just towards his enemy, but also towards his team members.

The Player wielding the great sword understood all too well that he had accepted the order to oppose Tian Lie. However, seeing Tian Lie charge towards him, the killing intent assailing him caused him to fall into a momentary state of shock.

Still, the shock only lasted for a moment and the great sword hacked down furiously towards Tian Lie.

“Little bunny be nice~”

Surprisingly, Tian Lie still had the time to hum a song.

He stretched his left hand forward and the giant sword hacked into his palm, all the way down to his elbow. His entire forearm had been cleaved in half.

“Open the door~”

Tian Lie’s face showed not a hint of pain. Instead, it was filled with excitement. The cleaved part of his left arm wriggled. It then enveloped the great sword and began melding with it.

The Player’s face sank. Only then did he remember Tian Lie’s terrifying physique.

But by then, it was already too late.

The great sword was violently tugged out from the Player’s hand and it was quickly absorbed into Tian Lie’s body, replenishing the metal cells that were damaged from the earlier attacks.

“Hurry up and open!”

The black sword in Tian Lie’s hand stabbed forward, striking the Player’s chest with a ringing sound. The Player’s high-grade protective suit had stopped the attack, but a sharp sensation of pain assailed the Player’s chest and he was thrown backwards.

The tens of halos that had been chasing Tian Lie finally arrived.


The moment the halos made contact with Tian Lie, they abruptly exploded, creating a big crater behind him. However, Tian Lie had – at the very same instant – kicked the ground with both legs and used the impact of the explosion to launch himself towards Nicole.

“Master Tian Lie is coming!”

Suddenly, Tian Lie’s chin pulled down and his mouth seemingly opened up by a whole 180 degrees. Immediately, a great roar rang out from his mouth.

The soundwaves were practically visible to the naked eye and they flew straight forward to slam against a Player in metal armour. And while Nicole was less than three metres away, she was not affected in the slightest.

In the face of the soundwaves from Tian Lie’s roar, the Player’s metal armour was instantly shattered apart and his body hurtled backwards, blood spraying out from him.

Earlier, Nicole, who was besieged by several Players, had been having a very hard time warding them off. But with Tian Lie’s sudden interference, killing off two of the Players, the pressure on Nicole immediately lessened significantly. Her Ion Pulse Sword swung out to sever a Player’s arm, which was holding a war blade. The laser blaster in her left hand kept punching holes through the Player’s body.

“Lun Tai, what do you think?”

Qiao Qiao turned to look at Lun Tai, who was beside her.

On a hill far away, hidden by the forest’s shadows, the members of Meteor Rock Guild were observing the battle erupting in the camp.

Due to the distance, they were only able to gain a rough view of the two parties engaged in battle. They could not clearly see who were fighting.

What they could tell was, after Thorned Flower Guild managed to take control of the camp, two disruptors suddenly appeared.

Additionally… those two seemed very strong. They managed to throw the members of Thorned Flower Guild into a state of chaos.

Strangely enough, those two fellows did not launch a surprise attack. Instead, they had tried to negotiate with Thorned Flower Guild before starting an all-out battle.

“Naturally, we’ll be observing the fight.” Lun Tai snickered. “Having someone help us exhaust Thorned Flower Guild’s strength is the best thing for us. Although our strength is no longer the same as before, taking Thorned Flower Guild head on is still a very stupid thing to do. Those two fellows are not as strong as the guys from Thorned Flower Guild. However, before they die, they will be able to greatly reduce their combat power.”

“Stealing other people’s victory. No matter how many times you do it, it always feels good.” Bei Tai snickered as well.

“This is all thanks to Big Miss Qiao’s BUG that allows us to obtain the best reward for the least effort almost every time.”

“There’s me too, Brother Bei Tai! My Extrasensory Perception skill and the Bug Armour’s life sign detector are also very important!” Xia Xiaolei was quick to interject.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Bei Tai patted Xia Xiaolei’s shoulder. “Your detection ability. Comprehensively speaking, it should be the strongest amongst all Players and Awakened ones. Tsk… back when we formed this guild, who could have guessed that this day would come?”

After temporarily relieving Nicole of the pressure from the siege, Tian Lie charged towards another group of enemies in a flash. Behind him, another group of halos was chasing after him.

The offensive power of the Magic Mech was simply too strong. Moreover, it also possessed the seeking ability. Despite possessing an extraordinary regenerative ability, Tian Lie dared not take several more of those attacks.

His liquid metal body was only durable, not immortal.

Thankfully, the halos were not that fast. At the very least, they were not faster than him.

Tian Lie kept flitting through the crowd of enemies, leaving tens of corpses in his wake. As for some of the stronger senior Players, almost all of them sported injuries on their bodies.

On the other hand, Tian Lie’s body had shrunk by nearly half.

The weapons that the Players were wielding were all metal. But even after absorbing them into his body, those weapons could not compensate for the damage he had taken.


There were bigger weapons there.

As the number of men in the battlefield became smaller and smaller, the three Thunderstorm Tanks were finally able to open fire.

The three Thunderstorm Tanks had, just now, received Gaza’s orders to split up and put some distance from each other.

The turret muzzles aimed at Tian Lie and three beams of light erupted from the muzzles at the same time. Tian Lie managed to evade one of them while the other two struck him.

The beams of light tore half of Tian Lie’s body. The left half of his body, even his entire left arm, was evaporated.

“Tian Lie!”

Nicole gnashed her teeth and shouted. Eight laser cannons floated up around her whole body to simultaneously open fire at one of the Thunderstorm Tanks.

The Thunderstorm Tank had long since pushed its shield to the maximum limit. Even so, it could not completely stop Nicole’s laser cannons. The shield was pierced and half of the tank was melted down. The crew of the tank hastily popped open the lid and escaped from the tank.

The three crew members had only managed to put a distance of tens of metres between them and the Thunderstorm Tank before it blew up all a sudden.

Firing that attack against the Thunderstorm Tank, however, left Nicole open. A Manticore, summoned by one of the Players, fired forward several spikes that made it through the gash-covered Floating mech armour to strike Nicole’s abdomen area.

Another Player, wielding a rocket hammer, swung it forward to smash Nicole’s left shoulder, sending her whole body flying.

On Tian Lie’s side, the halos fired by the Magic Mech bombarded him again and again, sending his body flying high up into the air.

He fell towards one of the Thunderstorm Tanks.

The Thunderstorm Tank responded by moving away. However, before it could reach its full speed, Tian Lie fell to the ground somewhere not far away from it.

The bombardment left Tian Lie with only his head and his right shoulder, the arm still attached. Despite his predicament, there was no panic on his face. On the contrary, he revealed a smug smile. Propping himself up with his right hand, he threw his body towards the Thunderstorm Tank that was tens of metres away while evading several beams of light aimed at him.

Tian Lie’s remaining hand pressed against the surface of the Thunderstorm Tank, immediately melding with it. Next, the tank, originally pitch-black in colour, gleamed with a silvery white radiance before flowing into Tian Lie’s body.

Due to the moving streams of metal, the crew inside the tank was turned into minced meat.

Finally, the Thunderstorm Tank became Tian Lie’s prey.

Standing up again, Tian Lie’s body had grown whole once more. Rather, his body was several notches bigger than before.

The other Players from Thorned Flower Guild began running.

Originally, they had thought to themselves that even though Tian Lie was very strong, they had the numerical advantage. They would have to pay a high price, but at least they would be able to kill him.

At that very moment, however, Tian Lie, whom they had damaged to the point of nearly dying, was able to make a full recovery.

This fellow… was a true monster!

Fighting against a monster like this was the equivalent of asking for death.

The rout was contagious. The moment the first Player turned around to run, a chain reaction immediately begun.

However, one person remained standing there. It was Gaza, who was piloting his Magic Mech.

Looking at the members of Thorned Flower Guild who were running away, Tian Lie raised his head skywards and laughed wildly.

“Gaza! Look at those runts under your command! Look at how they are running!”

“They will be punished. Like I said, our Thorned Flower Guild has rules.” Gaza did not sound flustered at all.

“Stop bluffing! Come out from your Magic Mech and obediently hand over the meteorite. Then, kneel and lick my feet and I will consider letting you…”

Tian Lie had been striding forward, but after taking but a few steps, his body staggered and he fell to his knees.

“What is it? You can consider what?” There was a tone of delight in Gaza’s tone. “Consider letting me go?”

The Magic Mech stepped forward – its footsteps sounding heavy – to stand before Tian Lie.

“Let me go?!”

The mech’s foot stomped heavily down on Tian Lie’s body and twisted left and right. “Come on! Hurry up and absorb me! Only half of this Magic Mech is organic, the rest is metal! Aren’t you the best at absorbing metal to replenish your body? Why! Are! You! Not! Moving! Huh?!”

The Magic Mech weighed up to tens of tons. Most of that weight was currently pressing down on Tian Lie’s body. Every time it stomped down, it would shove Tian Lie down by several notches. Soon enough, half of Tian Lie’s body was already below the ground level.

“Tian Lie!”

After getting up, Nicole pulled out the spikes on her abdomen, brought out two Healing Beast Blood and shoved them into her mouth. Then, raising her uninjured hand, she aimed at the Magic Mech and fired out a beam of light.

Gaza, though, did not even avoid it. A shield stopped the beam of light before it could strike the mech.

“It’s just one Floater. How much energy reserve could it have? After the fierce battle earlier, do you think you can still break my defence? Your beams, how many more of those can you fire?” Gaza sneered.

Nicole stood up. Clenching her teeth, she stepped forward.

The Ion Pulse Sword on her right arm burst out again, but it flickered.

“Tian Lie! Get up! When did you become such a wastrel? Don’t you have an undying body?”

Nicole shouted at Tian Lie, who was under Gaza’s foot, as she moved forward.

“In this world, how could there be an undying body?” Gaza laughed wildly and once again launched a furious stomp on Tian Lie, pressing his whole body into the ground.

Beneath the Magic Mech’s foot, Tian Lie’s body kept twitching. It felt as though there were countless ants biting at every part of his body.

Amidst the paralysis, itchiness and pain, his body was unable to exert any strength.

Although he could no longer talk, Tian Lie’s mind was still clear.

That Thunderstorm Tank earlier, there was something wrong with it.

One by one, the members of Thorned Flower Guild who ran away earlier returned and they surrounded Tian Lie and Nicole again.

The last Thunderstorm Tank, however, drove farther away. Its turret muzzle, though, was firmly trained upon Nicole.

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