Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married

Chapter 3787

Chapter 3787: Be happy on your wedding day.

Translator: 549690339

You Yi still had to drive the two kids back to school, so he could not drink this alcohol.

“I really can’t drink today. Why don’t I replace wine with tea? when you’re free, let’s get together alone,” he said.

If it had been anyone else, the groom would have forced them to drink, but with you Yi and the two children, he nodded his head without hesitation.

“Fine, I’ll spare you today. If we meet again another day, you’ll have to drink three cups as punishment.”

“No problem …” You Yi nodded.

The bride looked at you Yi. She was really annoyed. You Yi was a handsome man, but why was he so stingy?

Good relationship? She even brought the two children here to freeload food and drink. She even thought of having children in the future. How shameless of her to ask them to give her red packets.

She had wanted to maintain her facade of politeness, but the groom had told you Yi that he did not plan to end the meeting. There were still two tables left with guests from her family. She decided to give up on the facade and tugged at the groom.”Since we’re not drinking, let’s not drink. Let’s go, there are still a few more tables behind.”

The groom’s skin was bronze. After drinking, his face was flushed and he had good facial features. He was actually a very manly person. It was just that when he walked, one would notice that his left leg was a little lame. Otherwise, he would not have waited until now to get married.

The groom was a forthright person and did not notice the bride’s little thoughts. He pulled you Yi and refused to leave.

“What’s the rush?” he said.”You Yi and I haven’t seen each other in years. It’s rare to see you again, and I’m happy to see you. Wait for a while. There’s no rush, anyway.”

The bride tugged at her arm.”What’s there to talk about? what’s there to talk about? my family is waiting. Can’t you see?”

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. The bridesmaids who were receiving red packets behind the bride quickly said,””It’s a big day. Old friends must be excited to see each other. Why don’t we toast the remaining tables first before we talk?”

The groom didn’t want to quarrel with the bride at this time. Who would want to make a fuss over a marriage of a lifetime?

However, the groom couldn’t ignore the bride’s words. This was his comrade-in-arms who had gone through life and death with him. How could anyone else compare to him?

Moreover, his comrade was right in front of him. He was so busy and specially came to attend his wedding, but his wife was still giving him a hard time. This really made the groom lose face.

“Didn’t you see?” he said with a sullen face.”Your family is important, but my friends aren ‘t?”

The bride’s eyes widened,’what did you say? Tell me that again …”

The maid of honor quickly pulled her back.”Alright, alright. Cousin, why are you so loud? this isn’t your wedding, right?”

The bride was so angry that even the heavy makeup on her face couldn’t hide her ferocity. If it wasn’t for the bridesmaids holding her back, she would probably have fought with the groom.

You Yi sensed that the bride seemed to hate him, but he really did not know why.

Normally, you Yi would not have tolerated it, but it was his bro’s wedding today. He did not want to cause a scene, so he patted his bro’s shoulder.”Alright, I can’t drink with you today anyway, so you can go and do what you need to do. If you have time this weekend, let’s meet up.”

Qingsi and Yue tingfeng looked at each other. The two children felt that their father (uncle you) had a good temper today.

The groom looked guilty.”I’m sorry, brother Yan. I’ll apologize to you this weekend.”

“What’s there to apologize for?” you Yi chuckled.”Hurry up and go. It’s your wedding day. Be happy.”

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