Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married

Chapter 3724

Chapter 3724: Reborn

Translator: 549690339

Lu xiuche replied casually,”the teacher gave me a lot of homework. There were a few questions that I didn’t know. I was delayed by Yue tingfeng’s for a long time. I won’t know how to do it tomorrow.”

Lu Xiangdong said,”your teacher is really something. Why did he leave so much homework? we don’t have much time to rest after school. Why did he leave so much homework? didn’t the education Bureau say that they should reduce their burden?” Where did the scissors go?”

The corner of Lu xiuche’s mouth twitched. This father of his … How should he put it? he probably had the intention to change for the better recently.

He did not argue with Lu Xiangdong.”Why don’t you give our principal a call later and ask the teacher not to give us so much homework?”

If the family could live in harmony every day, who would be willing to really quarrel?

“I’ll give your principal a call tomorrow,”Lu Xiangdong said.

Old Madam Lu had a smile on her face. It was really a joy to be able to look at the father and son and calmly exchange a few words.

She waved at Lu xiuche.”Have some fruit. It’s too dry in this season, and you’ll run out of water easily. Eat more fruit.”

Lu xiuche sat down.”Yes, sure. Thank you, grandma.”

Old Madam Lu patted Lu xiuche’s head.””Our little che has really grown up. He’s become more sensible …”

She still remembered the last time she saw Lu xiuche. It had been last year. At that time, in her hometown, he had beaten up his cousins until they were crying.

Moreover, he refused to admit his mistake and did not repent even after being beaten. That temper was really a headache.

But now, she had changed completely. She loved to study, had a good temper, and was more sensible …

Old Madam Lu finally felt that she didn’t have to envy other people’s grandsons anymore.

Lu xiuche ate some fruit downstairs and chatted with the adults for a while before going upstairs. He really had homework to do.

“Little che is so obedient now,” old Madam Lu said emotionally.”Their form teacher even called home today and praised him.”

Lu Xiangdong was surprised.”When did that happen? why didn’t I know about it?”

“You didn’t go to work at home. Their form teacher, teacher song, said that xiaoche is working hard in his studies. He is serious in class and does his homework carefully. His learning progress is very obvious. Many teachers have responded that they like xiaoche very much. Almost all the teachers in their school are using xiaoche to educate their students.”

“This kid … Has really been reborn,” Lu Xiangdong said with a smile.

“Isn’t that so?”old Madam Lu was all smiles.

“Then why didn’t you tell him just now?”

Old Madam Lu glanced at her husband.””Your dad didn’t allow it. Your dad said that if we told xiaoche, what if he gets too proud? It’s good that he can maintain this. He might be able to get into a good university. ”

Old master Lu said,”the child is still young. His heart is still unstable. It might not be a good thing to praise him too much.”

“What Dad said makes sense.” Lu Xiangdong thought of his other son. He had not heard from Yu yuanfan for a long time. He wondered how he was doing.

Elder Lu glanced at Lu Xiangdong.”Are you thinking about Yu yuanfan? how is he now?”

“Father, I … I didn’t …” Lu Xiangdong denied hurriedly. How could he dare to say that he wanted to know about Yu yuanfan’s situation now?

“Even if you do, it’s fine. It’s normal for you to think. This is his situation after he entered the school. Take a look for yourself.”

Old master Lu took out the first folder he had prepared earlier and threw it at Lu Xiangdong.


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