Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married

Chapter 3570

Chapter 3570: If I’m in a bad mood, I’ll drag you out and beat you up.

Translator: 549690339

“You don’t care about your son during the new year. Instead, you brought a B * tch back to your hometown to force your parents. Is this what you call giving face?”

Elder Lu’s face was red with anger. He had just lost in a game of cards. It was normal to lose. Could it be that he still wanted to win?

The card table and the wine table were the two best places to get close. They had given his son such a good opportunity, but this idiot had screwed up such a simple thing.

Elder Lu felt that you Yi was giving his son a chance. After all, you Yi did not want to keep raising his son. He felt that both sides should take a step back and resolve the matter amicably. That was why he pulled you Yi to play cards and agreed to go out for dinner.

But …

Elder Lu’s head was spinning from anger. He really didn’t want to say anything more. The opportunity was right in front of him. He had originally wanted to get closer to the Xia family, but who would have thought …

What a stupid son he had given birth to. Even a pig knew how to please the person who fed it, but Lu Xiangdong, this idiot, dared to deliberately act drunk at the wine table and say such brainless words.

With just those words, the situation that had already been set up was instantly ruined.

Lu xiuche changed his position, took off his shoes, and lay on the sofa with a plate of pine nuts in his arms as he watched his father get beaten.

That was then and this was now. His father probably didn’t expect that he would have this day.

Elder Lu was tired of whipping. He threw away the belt.”Lu Xiangdong, the biggest stain on my life is that I gave birth to an idiot like you.”

Lu Xiangdong was covered in wounds. He was in so much pain that he didn’t want to move at all. He groaned weakly in his throat and his face was slapped a few times. His eyes were covered in blood and everything was blurry. He was breathing heavily, but he could still think. He was wondering if the driver was dying.

Lu xiuche handed the half-eaten pine nuts to the maid and said,””Grandpa, take a rest first. If you’re in a bad mood in the future, you can drag him out and beat him up.”

When Lu Xiangdong heard this, he really wanted to get up and give Lu xiuche a good beating. Was this still his son?

But he didn’t dare to. Now, his father clearly treated his son much better than he did. If he dared to hit him, the old man would probably snap another belt.

Elder Lu sighed and patted Lu xiuche.”Little che, your father has been like this his entire life. He’s stupid, muddled, never able to distinguish between what’s important and what’s not. He’s forever brainless. This family’s future depends on you.”

Lu Xiangdong could get up, but he didn’t want to move. He had to pretend that he was seriously injured so that the old man wouldn’t continue to beat him up.

In fact, he really wanted to refute the old man’s words. How was he stupid? if he was really stupid, could he still make money in business?

Lu xiuche lowered his head and glanced at Lu Xiangdong.””Yes, I’ve known about this for a long time. I’ve already seen clearly what kind of person my dad is. It’s useless to count on him.”

The corner of Lu Xiangdong’s mouth twitched. ‘Bastard, is there anyone who talks about their own father like that?’

Elder Lu nodded in satisfaction.”You’re good friends with that Yue tingfeng. In the future, you must continue to get along with him and be his best friend.”

Lu xiuche knew what his grandfather meant, but he did not like it. Yue tingfeng’s entire family was sincere to him, and everyone treated him like family. He could not have the thought of using them.”Grandpa, Yue tingfeng is my best friend. Of course, I’ll get along well with him.”


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