Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 772 - Chapter 772: Inspecting the Fief

Chapter 772: Inspecting the Fief

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Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

Chu Qingzhi patted Wu Yaqing’s back and said with a smile, “You can come back to see me whenever you miss me.”

“I definitely will. The time I’ve spent getting to know you has been the happiest period of my life. You’re my best sister.”

Wu Yaqing was preparing to return to Anhuai Country to wait for Lu Yichen, eagerly anticipating her return home every day.

Chu Qingzhi walked over to the wardrobe, took out a box, and said, “This is what you left here.” Inside was a million silver notes.

Wu Yaqing didn’t take it, “Give it to you, Qingzhi. It was meant for you from the start. Even though you don’t need money now, I still want to give it to you.”

Chu Qingzhi considered it for a moment and decided to return it to Wu Yaqing when she gets married. So, she put the box back, “Let’s keep it here for now. You can take it back when you need it.”

“Money isn’t important,” Wu Yaqing emphasized earnestly. “Qingzhi, can you take care of my bookstore for me?”

The Ya Qing Bookstore had been open for half a month. Its novel operation and the unique atmosphere drew many daily visitors. Even those who didn’t read books enjoyed spending time there, savoring the food and the comfortable ambiance.

Chu Qingzhi’s eyes curved into a smile, “Don’t worry, it’ll be just as it is now when you return.”

Wu Yaqing hugged Chu Qingzhi again, her eyes reddening, “Qingzhi, thank you.”

Chu Qingzhi responded, “Have a safe journey. Write to me when you get home.”

Wu Yaqing’s eyes filled with tears as she nodded.

The next day, Wu Yaqing was taken away by Wu Wenyu, crying all the way. Chu Qingzhi’s mood was also affected, feeling a sense of separation sadness, which took her a while to overcome.

As a Marchioness, Chu Qingzhi issued her first decree to the people under her jurisdiction.

The decree encouraged villagers to clear more land for planting winter wheat, which could be used to pay taxes the following year. She offered free wheat seeds and tax exemption on the newly cleared land for three years.

This decree spurred the villagers’ enthusiasm for land reclamation. By November, most had finished their agricultural tasks. With winter wheat just planted and other crops waiting for the next year, reclamation for wheat planting became a novel way to earn money, and the villagers were highly motivated.

Based on the amount of cleared land, villagers could claim the corresponding quantity of winter wheat seeds. The land area had to be reported to the village head before collection.

The winter wheat seeds provided by Chu Qingzhi were nourished with spiritual energy, promising at least double the yield next year, fuller and healthier grains.

Now a Marchioness, the produce and income of the villagers were Chu Qingzhi’s concern. The more they harvested, the happier she was, leading her to generously support these initiatives.

Chu Qingzhi, with a map in hand, prepared to inspect her fief.

Mounting her horse, she set off.

Arriving at Xu Family Village, she suddenly heard an argument.

Dismounting, Chu Qingzhi walked into the village and asked the gathered crowd, “What are you arguing about?”

Seeing Chu Qingzhi, everyone immediately became respectful, lowering their heads, not daring to look directly at her. Chu Qingzhi was now their emperor, holding the power of life and death over them. No one dared to offend her. “Greetings, Marchioness!”

“Please, rise,” Chu Qingzhi addressed the nearest young man. “What’s happening?”

The young man quickly explained, “The old village chief passed away, and he had no sons, so we need to elect a new chief. Everyone has different opinions, leading to this dispute.”

Chu Qingzhi’s gaze swept over the two youths at the center of the crowd, “Who do you want to elect?”

Silence fell over the crowd.

The young man nervously said, “Please, Marchioness, make a decision.”

Chu Qingzhi looked at the two youths and asked softly, “Do you think you’re capable?”

The two, previously arguing fiercely, now looked like timid quails, not daring to speak.

Chu Qingzhi encouraged them, “Explain why you want to be the village chief, and I’ll decide who’s more suitable.”

After a long silence, one of the youths gathered his courage, “I believe I’m capable. Firstly, I’m literate, and I’ve worked with the old chief for years, so I know everything. If I become the chief, I’ll surely solve the villagers’ problems…”

Chu Qingzhi applauded, “Well said. Does anyone else want to speak?”

No one else came forward, and after waiting a while, Chu Qingzhi said, “This is your only chance. If you don’t speak now, I’ll appoint him as the chief.”

No one else stepped up.

Chu Qingzhi declared, “Then, from now on, you’ll be the chief of Xu Family Village. If there’s anything you can’t resolve, come to Chu Village to find me.”

The youth was overjoyed, “Yes, thank you, Marchioness.”

Chu Qingzhi asked him to accompany her around the village to inspect the planting situation.

The youth eagerly agreed.

After touring Xu Family Village, where the fields were barren but planted with wheat and vegetables and many people were clearing land, Chu Qingzhi was pleased with the proactive spirit.

“For those smaller plots, you can plant sugarcane, fruit trees, and Sichuan pepper. You can sell them when they mature, which will be an additional income…”

As she walked, Chu Qingzhi shared potentially profitable planting methods with the youth.

After implementing her advice, the youth encouraged the villagers to take action, showing excellent initiative.

Chu Qingzhi inspected the entire fief, finding conditions similar to Xu Family Village, which was very satisfying.

Upon returning home, Chu Qingzhi was greeted by seven plump wolf pups. She picked up the one leading the pack and then headed to the brick kiln, followed by the other six pups in a line behind her, creating a charming scene that made the villagers secretly admire her ability to attract animals’ affection.

A two-meter tall wall now surrounded the walnut grove, brick kiln, cattle shed, horse pen, and pigsty, forming a pentagon with a forest in the center.

Next to the walnut grove, houses were being built according to Chu Qingzhi’s plan, resembling a small community. Although the aesthetic was not yet apparent, it would be once completed.

Wan Haonan and the others had settled into a routine, helping with animal care and construction, eager to move into their own homes soon. Their enthusiasm for their new lives was palpable, and they eagerly anticipated the future.

Having registered their households in Chu Village, they had become villagers under Chu Qingzhi’s jurisdiction, now officially part of her fief. This made them direct subjects of Chu Qingzhi, further integrating them into the fabric of the village.

As Chu Qingzhi entered, villagers greeted her respectfully, their tones filled with genuine respect and affection for her. Chu Qingzhi’s influence and the villagers’ reverence were evident in every interaction, showcasing the deep bond formed between them.

“Greetings, Miss Chu.”

“Miss Chu.”

Everyone paid their respects, their attitudes and tones conveying deep respect, stemming from a genuine fondness and admiration for Chu Qingzhi.

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