Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 743 - Chapter 743: Overcoming Obstacles

Chapter 743: Overcoming Obstacles

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Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

At ChuShi’an’s house.

Chu Lan’er dashed home, her excitement beyond words, calling out, “Dad, Dad, Dad…”

Chu Shi’an, hearing Chu Lanyi’s hurried shouts, hurried out of the kitchen, “What’s wrong, Lan’er?”

Chu Lan’er, thrilled, said, “Sister Qingzhi agreed to let me study, Dad, I can go to school now, I can study, Dad, I’m so happy…”

Chu Shi’an paused for a moment, then joyfully responded, “Qingzhi really agreed to let you study?”

Chu Lan’er excitedly explained, “Sister Qingzhi said it herself, just now on the way back to the village with her.”

Chu Shi’an walked excitedly back and forth in the yard a few times, then said, “You watch the rice in the pot. I’ll go and thank her in person.

Chu Lan’er stopped Chu Shi’an, “Dad, it’s insincere to go thank someone empty-handed. Later, when you’re free, go to the city and buy some fine rice. I’ll make some rice balls to give them as a token of our gratitude.”

Chu Shi’an smacked his forehead, “Dad’s been confused. I’ll follow your advice

and buy some later.”


The father and daughter, having lived together for so long, had never been this happy before.

Tongzi County.

In the dining hall, Bao Linjiang and Rong Shiyu both pulled out their food boxes from behind at the same time, saying, “This is what I…”

Both paused, then laughed together.

Bao Linjiang placed his food box on the table and pushed it towards Rong Shiyu, slightly awkward, “This is the breakfast I made. Try it.”

Yuan Hongjun traveled all year round and was very good at cooking. Bao Linjiang had learned to make breakfast from him.

Rong Shiyu thought it was a coincidence as she opened her food box and brought out a bowl of noodles, “I made this especially for you.”

As a wealthy heiress, culinary skills were part of her training.

A true heiress is not someone who is incapable but someone who is skilled in all areas.

Bao Linjiang smiled. “Looks like we really have a tacit understanding.”

Rong Shiyu placed the bowl of noodles in front of Bao Linjiang, generously offering, “Try it. This is the first time I’ve cooked for someone other than my parents.”

Bao Linjiang rushed to say, “This is also the first time I’ve cooked for someone other than my master. You try it too.”

They both sat down to eat the noodles the other had made for them.

Bao Linjiang complimented, “Delicious, Shiyu, I didn’t expect you to be not only beautiful but also a great cook.”

Hearing such direct praise for the first time, Rong Shiyu blushed and smiled shyly, “The noodles you cooked are very tasty too.”

A bowl of noodles once again brought them closer together.

At Chu Qingzhi’s house.

A rough, duck-like voice spread through the yard as Li Qingyin loudly announced, “Third Sister, I’ve brought a few ducks for you.”

Li Qingyu stepped out of the house, “Why not sell the ducks for money? Wiry keep bringing them to my house?”

“You’re my sister, if not to your house, where else should I bring them?” Li Qingyin thrust the ducks into Li Qingyu’s hands. “These are the drakes from this batch. I’ve sold the others; these are specially kept for your house. Third Sister, please don’t refuse my good intentions.”

With that said, Li Qingyu accepted, “Don’t bring any more next time, sell them all for money.”

Li Qingyin looked at Li Qingyu, “Are you growing distant from me, Third


Li Qingyu quickly responded, “What are you talking about?

Li Qingyin said, “These few ducks are nothing compared to the help you’ve given me. By refusing them, aren’t you trying to set a boundary between us?’ “There’s no intention to set any boundaries,” Li Qingyu conceded. “Alright, I won’t say that again in the future. Whatever you bring is fine.”

Li Qingyin smiled, “That’s more like it.”

After delivering the ducks, Li Qingyin headed home, where many chores awaited.

Li Qingyu, holding the ducks, saw Chu Qingzhi coming out of the house and quickly asked, “Qingzhi, how do you want to eat these ducks? I will cook for you.”

Chu Qingzhi recalled various ways to cook duck, “Soy sauce duck.”

Li Qingyu, curious, asked, “What’s soy sauce duck?”

It was too much to explain in a few words, so Chu Qingzhi simply said, “Mother, lock up the ducks for now, I’ll come back and cook later.”

Li Qingyu nodded. “Okay.”

Chu Qingzhi had to go out to buy calves and, having arranged things with Li Qingyu, left with Ge Lihua on horseback.

At Granny Sun’s place.

Seeing Chu Qingning approaching, Granny Sun quickly went to open the courtyard gate, inviting her in, “Qingning, what brings you here?

Chu Qingning lifted the medicine bottle in her hand, “I’ve come to deliver medicine for your daughter-in-law, to help her heal.

“Thank you, Qingning.” Granny Sun led Chu Qingning towards the daughter- in-law’s room, smiling as they walked, “Qingning, you should see your little nephew later, he’s especially adorable.”

Chu Qingning smiled and nodded. “Okay.”

Entering the room, Chu Qingning handed over the medicine, “This is for applying on the wound, and it can also be used for the stretch marks on your belly. Use it once a day.”

The sister-in-law gratefully took the medicine bottle, smiling, “Thank you for making the trip, Qingning. Please, take a seat.”

Chu Qingning sat on a stool in front of the bed, reaching out to tease the child, “He really is cute.” Looking at the little life, she felt a strange sense of affirmation, which gave her the determination to keep going.

The sister-in-law gently shook her son’s hand, “Son, call her Aunt Qingning.

Chu Qingning laughed, “He’ll be calling people by next year.”

Just then, urgent footsteps were heard outside, and Chu San ran to the door, “Qingning, someone is looking for you, saying it’s urgent.

“Sister-in-law, I’ll visit you another day.” After speaking, Chu Qingning quickly walked out. Before Chu San could say more, a man rushed over, “Miss Qingning, please, save my wife, please…”

Chu Qingning immediately asked, “What’s the matter?

The man knelt before Chu Qingning, crying, “My wife started labor last night, and she still hasn’t given birth by this morning. The midwife said it’s likely both could die.”

This serious?!

“Come with me.” Chu Qingning immediately went home to grab her medical kit, then took a carriage to the man’s house.

It wasn’t far, just in Xu Village, the same village as Li Qingyin.

With Chu Qingzhi not around, Chu Qingning was very nervous, but there was no time for nerves now. The woman in labor had already fainted, bloodied below, a sight that was horrifying.

Chu Qingning took a life-saving pill from her medical kit to feed the woman, then put a slice of ginseng in her mouth to sustain the adult’s life before attempting to save the child.

This was what Chu Qingzhi had told her: in a situation where only one could be saved, don’t listen to anyone else and prioritize the adult’s life.

Then, Chu Qingning quickly put on gloves, sanitized her hands with strong alcohol, and examined the woman.

The birth canal was narrow, and the child was stuck.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the child’s head back, then used forceps to clamp the child’s head and pulled…

The process went smoothly, though the woman was in pain. There was no choice; the child’s life was at stake, and without quick action, the child would have been lost.

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