Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 726 - Chapter 726: Miserable Consequences

Chapter 726: Miserable Consequences

Please reading on ΒʘXNΟVEL.ϹΟM

Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

Auntie Tian stood with hands on her hips, speaking fiercely, “We’re here to take Tian Xiaoqiu. Don’t interfere, or don’t blame us for being rude.”

One of the burly men threatened Li Qingyin with a knife, “Stay still, or 111 kill you.”

Li Qingyin didn’t dare move, only warning, “You’d better stop now. If Qingzhi finds out about this, she won’t let you off.”

Aunt Tian scoffed disdainfully, “A mere girl, I’m not afraid of her. Go on, take

Tian Xiaoqiu. You really think I can’t handle you?”

One of the men without a knife approached to grab Tian Xiaoqiu.

“You can’t take her away,” Li Qingyin blocked the man, “You better think about

the consequences!”

Xu Songnian stepped in front of Li Qingyin, “Xiaoqiu is under my cousin s care.

Did you get her consent to take Xiaoqiu?”

“Get lost, Tian Xiaoqiu was bought by my family. It’s none of your business.

Today, nobody can change this,” the man pushed Xu Songnian and Li Qingyin aside, reaching for Tian Xiaoqiu.

Xu Songnian stumbled, and Li Qingyin fell, scraping her palms.


“Godmother!” Xu Songnian and XuWenlin rushed to her aid. Tian Xiaoqiu had run away but returned upon seeing Li Qingyin fall, helping her up.

Tears streamed down Tian Xiaoqiu’s face, “Godmother, are you hurt? I’m sorry…”

Li Qingyin had taken Tian Xiaoqiu as her goddaughter to lessen the girl’s feeling of being an outsider.

Li Qingyin was moved that Tian Xiaoqiu had come back to help her, “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

As Li Qingyin wiped Tian Xiaoqiu’s tears, “Don’t cry, it’s okay…”

Before she could finish, the men dragged Tian Xiaoqiu away, “Godmother…

Her cries were heart-wrenching, making Li Qingyin shudder. She pulled Tian

Xiaoqiu back, “How much do you want? Sell Xiaoqiu to me.”

The man’s greed was piqued, “If you want this girl, give me a hundred taels of silver.”

Li Qingyin instructed Xu Songnian to write a deed of sale, “From now on, you’re not allowed to take Xiaoqiu again.”

Li Qingyin had intended to provide for Tian Xiaoqiu, not as a jest but as a genuine gesture of care. However, later on, Xu Wenlin said that Tian Xiaoqiu would stay with her, so Li Qingyu gave Li Qingyin a hundred taels of silver and asked her to take care of Tian Xiaoqiu.

The money was in her purse for Xu Songnian to bring home. At this moment, Li Qingyin brought the money with her to return it to Li Qingyu. Tian Xiaoqiu was her goddaughter, so there was no need for living expenses.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a “robbery”!

As Xu Songnian went to fetch paper and pen, Xiao Ye, the wolf, appeared.

Standing on a high rock, it howled before pouncing on the man with the knife, biting off his hand.

Xiao Ye, usually hiding to avoid startling the mules, now revealed its ferocity, terrifying Auntie Tian and the other two men, causing them to flee in panic.

Just as they were about to escape, two wolves rushed over again. They were Xiao Ye’s eldest and second brothers, and they were even more ferocious. They bit the man until he was covered in injuries and fainted from the pain.

Chu Qingzhi had instructed them not to take their lives. They just had to bite them until they were half dead.

Li Qingyin, usually seeing Xiao Ye as gentle and docile, was startled by its animalistic side but grateful for its protection. She decided to reward it with a chicken later.

Auntie Tian’s body fell to the side softly. She had already fainted from fear.

Passersby witnessed the scene and ran to inform Chu Qingzhi, but only Shen Ruyue was home and couldn’t leave, so she sent Chu Laipi and Chu Bapi to handle the situation.

Usually, when she encountered hooligans and unreasonable people, she would let them handle these people.

Upon witnessing the gruesome scene, Chu Laipi and Chu Bapi weren’t sure how to handle the situation and decided to send everyone involved to the county office, pinning a charge of robbery on Auntie Tian and her accomplices.

The officials at the county office were shocked by the bloodied state of the three men, describing the scene as too horrific to behold.

The county magistrate ordered a doctor to be summoned, stating that while robbery was a serious crime, it didn’t warrant a death sentence, and the priority was to save the men’s lives.

After regaining consciousness, Auntie Tian seemed to have gone mad from the trauma of witnessing the entire ordeal, directly scared into a state of insanity.

Hearing the news, Li Qingyu hurried back from the county town to check on her family, “Qingyin, are you all right?”

Li Qingyin reassured her, “I’m fine. The ones in trouble are those people. Sister, you should have seen how badly they were bitten.”

Li Qingyu was relieved, “That Tian family’s wife is inhuman, trying to kidnap someone and ending up like this. They got what they deserved.”

“Thankfully, Da Bai wasn’t there; otherwise, they would have ended up with more than just bites, probably missing arms or legs too.”

Li Qingyin could not help but laugh. “That seems to be the case.

After chatting for a bit, Li Qingyin handed the money back to Li Qingyu, “Take this money back. Xiaoqiu is like a daughter to me; it’s only right that I take care of her.”

Li Qingyu insisted that Li Qingyin keep the money, “Raising a child isn’t easy. Keep the money for Xiaoqiu, buy her some new clothes or something. That child is truly pitiful.”

Li Qingyin thought it over and accepted the money, “Don’t worry, sister. I’ll take good care of Xiaoqiu.”


Tongzi County.

The free clinic area next to the county office was bustling with people…

Long queues formed at each of the four consultation tables. Fan Yuru, Rong Shiyu, and others assisting with the clinic were all very busy, but the scene was well organized.

A luxurious carriage arrived and stopped near the clinic area, and a girl stepped out.

Dressed in flowing white, she was graceful and elegant, with large, black eyes that were clear and lively, exuding a sense of vivacity and mischief.

She walked straight up to Bao Linjiang, pinching his cheek affectionately, “You’ve grown so big, still so cute.”

Bao Linjiang frowned, pushing her hand away, “There are so many people watching. Can you be more mindful?”

“What?” Bao Yunhong placed her hands behind her back, winking playfully at Bao Linjiang, “Grown up now, I can’t touch you?”

Bao Linjiang shielded his face, afraid that Bao Yunhong would touch him again. “You said it yourself, we’re grown up. Men and women should keep their distance. No touching.”

Bao Yunhong teased, “Have you forgotten how you used to run after me, crying when you couldn’t catch up? Now that you’re all grown up, you despise me?” Bao Linjiang couldn’t face his childish past, “Can we not mention childhood? That’s a dark history. Besides, I didn’t know any better back then.

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